Chapter 8

Name:Who touch my tails?!! Author:
1.8 - The end of one world, the launch of another

By the time Cong Hui entered the tent, the smell of bloodhad almost dissipated, but after so many years of fighting on the battlefield,he could naturally smell it. His face became ugly in an instant, let alone seeingthe blood stained cloth at the head of the bed.

Xue Ling greeted him, "I thought about several moreoptions last night. Come and help me see which one is more suitable."

Cong Hui's face was blank, "Imperial Doctor Lin told methat you stayed up late again last night."

Xue Ling laughed, "Hehe, did he go to complain? Wasn't itjust coughing up some blood this morning, he should be used to it by now."

"Strategies and what not are not critical, what mattersis your body." Cong Hui emphasized.

He remembered this person looked like when he first saw him,his face was rosy, his pair of fox's eyes were alluring, red robe on his body,and when he laughed, he was brilliant and alluring. During his time on thebattlefield, he had lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye. Hisbeautiful face was now left with eye-catching and some traces of the past. Hislips were always pale. When he stood up, he seemed an empty rack, one can seehis bones even through his clothing, making people afraid that if a sudden gustof wind came, he would be blown away.

"It's just dying in any case, it's good to help you outmore before that happens." Xue Ling waved his hand indifferently, "Comeand see, I don't have much time left, so I think it's better for us to set up aplan."

Something indecipherable flashed through Cong Hui's eyes, hestood there for a long time, and finally could only sigh helplessly, "En..."

Right now, he can only speed up the battle, striving to winthis battle before his body is completely worn down.

Xue Ling also wants to solve it quickly. After all, thesystem tells him that in two days, the body will be done for, and he will leavethe world automatically. Xue Ling still hadn't thought of a way to make thegeneral die without marrying and having children, so he no longer thought aboutit.

He's already gotten the luck of one person anyway, it doesn'tmatter if he doesn't take the rest, right?

The system was shocked by his passive attitude andexpressed, is this even really his host?!

Xue Ling rolled his eyes, asking him to make a man's lifeunsatisfactory with no reason, someone with whom he had no grievances in thepast and were not enemies in the present, according to his three views, he trulycould not make a move. He could only hope that his current efforts were reallyuseful, and the general really has some feelings towards him.

Xue Ling's strategy was to lure the enemy in deep, and thencarry out wholesale annihilation, which was difficult to implement. Afterfinalizing the plan, with orders from Cong Hui, the troops were immediatelymobilized. After that, everything was left in the hands of the general, and XueLing was relieved at last.

If their plan really succeeds, he should be able to witness theirvictory before he dies.

The battlefield is changing rapidly. Xue Ling's plan coversalmost all the risks, so the team led by Cong Hui swept all the way to theother side's base camp and captured the opposing commander directly.

On the battlefield, there was endless cheering, but therewas something wrong with Cong Hui.

A fast horse came from behind, and the soldier was in ahurry, his face covered with tears.

He is a small soldier in charge of the safety of Xue Ling.In the past, he had always watched the military advisor assist the general andwin battles, his worship of the military advisor was already imprinted in hisbones. Now, with a face full of tears, he pulled on the rains, the man droppedhimself directly from the horse and stumbled towards Cong Hui: "General! Themilitary adviser! Has passed away!!!!"

His voice was not very loud amidst the surrounding cheers,but it was like a thunderstorm in Cong Hui's ears. The joy of victory waspulled away from him at this time, he turned his body and headed for the basecamp.

But no matter how fast he urges his horse, it still can'tcatch up with the speed of a person's life passing away. When Cong Hui arrivesat Xue Ling's camp, only Imperial Doctor Lin's rueful face could be seen.

"Don't grieve too much." Is what the doctor said.Besides this, there was nothing else he could say.

"Go ahead."

"Isn't it just that you're worried?"

"I just want to take a vacation."

"Oh. Do as you like."

"What is the next world that he is going to?"

"How would I know, why, you want to pick a role?"

"Always being targeted by you, naturally it's unpleasant."

"Why are you blaming me again, you can't controlyourself and you're still blaming me, ha-ha."

"Stop talking nonsense, send me over."


When Xue Ling opened his eyes again, it was to a screen ofwhite. His body's state was not as bad as last time, just lying on a sofa.Standing up, he looked around, it should be a lounge or something similar.

He was wearing a tuxedo, which should be the the trappingsfor a performance. Xue Ling turned a full circle, then spoke to the little foxthat was running all over the lounge, "Give me the plot."

The little fox shook his tail and said, "Host shouldlie down first."

This is a modern world, the story could be regarded as 'goldenphoenix flying out of the mountain nest' type story with a phoenix man risingup in the world. Xue Ling is a famous pianist named Wen Xiuyuan. His sister,Wen Xiuting, married the year before last and gave birth to a child. Herhusband is the phoenix man, and also the hero of the story.

Wen Xiuyuan is participating in a music competition that willdecide his fate. If he can stand out in this competition, he can enter theworld's best Conservatory of Music and study under the music master he hasalways admired.

Music is his lifelong ideal, because he loves music, he wasnot interested in the management of his family's industry. In order to supporthis decision, his parents agreed to the have the male protagonist marry into thefamily, and gave the management of the company to the male protagonist. In asense, Wen Xiuyuan is a pure artist, because in his world, other than musicthere is nothing else.

But his simple world will be broken apart today, and he willnever have the chance to step into the highest palace of music in his life.

Before the performance begins, he will receive a phone callfrom his sister about their parents, who have died in a car accident.

Wen Xiuyuan lost his soul after receiving such news, andmade a lot of mistakes in the competition. After leaving the competition venue,he hurried back to his home country to deal with his family's affairs. But assoon as he left, he stepped into a world of darkness.

三观 sān guān - Three views

Buddhist language. One of the basic doctrines of Tiantai Sect. It refers to the three essentials of understanding emptiness 空, falsehood 假 and middle 中 in the origin of things.

闷骚 mēn sāo - "extreme desire in the heart, but restrained on the surface"

this is a really fun one that can (and will be) translated n different ways in the story. I chose 'repressed' in this particular context, but other suggestions are 'bottled up', 'tsundere', 'frosty on the outside but burning on the inside'... you get the idea.

** - author put in stars, xiin will also put in stars~ have a star: *

new arc! MC gets to be a little more badass, less... 'i'm frail and gonna die x_x'