Chapter 152: Affection or Major Deductions!

Chapter 152: Affection or Major Deductions!

Each of us is born into this world, and death is the inevitable end. Does this mean that loving life and enjoying our time here is meaningless?

I disagree with the example given by the opposing debater. We dont have the right to choose to come into this world, but todays debate topic grants us the right to choose. If the outcome of something is destined to be bad, why waste our limited lives on something fruitless?

Id like to remind the opposition that the if in the topic is a non-definitive term. Since the word if is used, it means the outcome isnt necessarily bad.

Following the logic of the proposition, a good outcome must be a rare event. Dont we need to estimate the probability of success when we do something? If the likelihood of success is very low, does the proposition still stubbornly proceed?

If you dont even dare to try, then a good outcome will never exist, and youll never see the beauty along the way.

After the opening statements and questioning, both sides had built up enough frustration to start clashing in the free debate section.nove(l)bi(n.)com

This was the decisive point of the debate.

It was like a quarrel between market women, unrestrained by earlier rules, and the debaters were speaking incessantly.

The audience in the auditorium was emotionally engaged, sitting up straighter without even realizing it.

In fact, Jiang Qin had been waiting for this moment.

He saw the proposition debater as an angel in white clothing, with small wings and a halo over their head.

The opposition debater, on the other hand, seemed like a little demon in black clothing, with horns on their head.

Just like in cartoons, they continuously presented opposing views, directly challenging the intentions of the one who set the topic.

The outcome is most important!

The process is also beautiful!

Choosing is more important than effort. We shouldnt do things with a low chance of success when there are higher probability options available.

Failure is the mother of success. Cowards are those who dont dare to try. There are many things in this world that dont guarantee success, but each failure contributes to growth.

Sitting below, Jiang Qin touched his nose, thinking the propositions third speaker was even resorting to insults, calling people cowards.

That must result in a major deduction!

I think todays topic can be exemplified with love. Many campus relationships end after graduation. I once met an alumnus who deeply regretted his unhesitant commitment back then.

The example from the opposition is good. Most of us understand that graduation season is often break-up season, but most of us here probably have partners, right? This shows the process is still worth it!

If the success rate of campus romances is so low, why not spend the time studying?

If you truly fall in love with someone, how can you give up the warmth of the moment for an uncertain future? Could you bear to do that?

Jiang Qins eyes widened, wondering what was going on with the proposition side. Insulting was one thing, but now they were spouting inappropriate innuendos.

What was this about affection? That definitely warranted major deductions!

Persisting without considering success rates is irresponsible!

Only considering success rates leads to perpetual mediocrity!

If the proposition loses today, will you still enjoy the process?

And if the opposition loses, does that mean you wouldnt even dare to show up today?

Neither side gave in, and the time for the free debate was rapidly running out.

In such evenly matched circumstances, many debaters would resort to challenging questions to break their opponents defense, like the oppositions third speaker, a girl who fixed her gaze on the propositions third speaker.

Do you have someone you like?

I accept your apology, but as I said before, your novel doesnt meet our websites requirements. Im a businessman, not a literature enthusiast. I need works that drive traffic.

Jiang Qin outright refused her request.

Then is Miaomiaos novel suitable? Is her story more valuable than mine? Yao Yanling asked through gritted teeth.

Its not for me to judge. Its the answer given by the whole school. Just look at the popularity of You Are the Colors of Human Life. The entire school, teachers and students alike, love it.

Yao Yanling took a deep breath: I dont need a fee, just give me a chance to prove myself!

Jiang Qin sighed, Senior, didnt you watch the debate just now? The opposition won. If the outcome is destined to be bad, its better not to start at all to avoid getting hurt and sinking into despair.

So what? I have confidence. My work will definitely be better than Shi Miao Miaos. If you dont accept it, Ill publish it myself. Youll see, everyone will rave about my Lonely City!

That would be great. I look forward to that moment. After all, if you become popular, Ill make money. Go for it, Senior, and prove it to me.

As Jiang Qin spoke, a black Bentley pulled up at the entrance of the auditorium. Uncle Gong lowered the window and called out to the young master and miss.

Thus, under the astonished gazes of the onlookers, Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu got into the car and slowly drove away into the snowy night, leaving only their dashing figures to those watching the snow.

Damn, who was that leaving in the Bentley just now?

Thats Jiang Qin, the first-ever Star Student of Linchuan University!

Star Student? Whats that? Ive never heard of it.

I dont know, but it sounds impressive.

And that girl, shes so beautiful. I didnt see her clearly inside. Shes absolutely stunning.

Thats the boss lady, Feng Nanshu.

Whose boss lady?

How would I know? I only heard six words.

Meanwhile, in the back seat of the Bentley, Jiang Qin leaned against the car door, his gaze constantly drifting to the snow-covered outside, silent for a long time.

Feng Nanshu also silently clasped her hands together, her gaze cold, indistinguishable from the typical rich and privileged young lady.

She didnt know what tonights debate meant to Jiang Qin, only feeling that he seemed a bit unhappy, so she was unhappy too.

After a long time, the slow-moving Bentley finally returned to Linchuan University. The campus, blanketed in the first snow of 2008, was bustling with people. Some were catching snowflakes, others playfully throwing snowballs.

Especially those from the south, like Zhou Chao, were thrilled at the sight of snow, wildly enjoying themselves in the snowy grounds in front of the dormitory building.

Brother Jiang, over here!

Excited over a little snow?

Zhou Chao formed a snowball, I rarely see it, you know. By the way, where did you go?

Jiang Qin found a spot sheltered from the snow and squatted down, brushing snowflakes off his shoulder, I went to watch a debate.

You have such refined tastes?

The topic is something Ive been pondering over. I couldnt decide on my own, so I wanted to crowdsource an answer, Jiang Qin said, his eyes deep.

Zhou Chao, not quite understanding, didnt ask further, So, do you have an answer now?

Yeah, I got an answer.

Lets hear it?

Debates are all fucking bullshit, not to be trusted!