Chapter 16: Pei Xia protects the flower

In a short time, Pei Xia finished picking flowers, just as the other paladins also boiled the water.

Pei Xia used the clear stream water to wash the tender yellow lovely petals and then threw the petals into the bath, subconsciously rinsing them down directly with boiling water. It was like he was making tea with boiling water bubbles …… wait, this is a bath!

But …… It should be about the same, right?

Never having made a flower petal bath before, seeing the shrinking petals in the hot water bubble, Pei Xia had a moment of doubt in himself, but soon, he regained his confidence by smelling the fragrance of the flowers that overflowed after being washed away by the hot water.

That’s right, what’s to think about bubbles? The fragrance is enough!

The tender yellow petals soaked in the tub soon became translucent in colour, the entire bath water inside the tub became a light bright yellow, Pei Xia took the cool water and mixed it with the hot bath water to make it at the suitable temperature.

At this time, the softly scalded petals turned into mottled colours, a dark shallow colour. Tsk, no, they look a bit ugly. According to Lucifer’s taste, he will probably be disgusted with it.

Pei Xia thought, simply fish out the petals to throw away, although no petals, the water in the bucket will still be fragrant, well, he will tell Lucifer that he added essential oils inside.

After Pei Xia was ready, he went to the side of Lucius Phil’s carriage, he raised his hand and knocked on the door frame, “Lord Saint Son, have you rested?”

“Not yet, what’s wrong?” Lucifer’s voice was very gentle.

“You have been bored in the car all morning, why don’t you come out and take a bath, I have already prepared the bathwater for you.”

Lucifer was a bit flattered, “It’s really hard for you guys.”

He said, then lifted the curtain, the bright sunlight suddenly sprinkled to the interior of the carriage, Lucifer slowly walked out against the light, elegant body posture without a trace can be accused of place.

Pei Xia stretched out his hand to help him out of the carriage, and then led him out toward the bath surrounded by the curtain.

“I am sorry, Your Holiness, there was no rose oil and petals, I took the liberty to use other flowers instead.”

“It’s okay Pei Xia.” Lucifer was very good at talking about such small things.

“Lord Saint Son, you can put your clothes on the stool, the towels and soap are inside, I am just around here, please feel free to call me if you need anything.”

“Many thanks.” Lucifer folded his hands and stood in front of the white curtain with a touched look, he said, “You can tell me about this kind of thing later.”

“If I tell you in advance, you will surely refuse, right?” Pei Xia laughed.

“It seems that you really know me,” Lucifer said meaningfully, then he lifted the curtain and walked in, Pei Xia could only see his shadow reflected In the white cloth.

He was undressing, slowly and very elegantly …… like a jacket, then lingerie, and finally, the lean figure stepped forward, slowly disappearing into the shadow of the cylindrical bathtub.

Clatter …… The soft sound of swaying the water was thought-provoking, and Pei Xia couldn’t help but recall the time when he fell into Lucifer’s bath.

That time, it should have been when he was closest to him, the elastic warm muscles soaked in hot water and the faint aroma of roses, under the dim candlelight, weaved a beautiful yet charming and vivid painting.

Pei Xia felt a hint of shame – for himself, he actually began to reverie about Lucifer in this type of thing.

Wake up, not only is Lucifer straight, but he’s also a homophobic straight man!

Look at Andre, because he was too passionate about Lucifer, he was mercilessly left behind, Pei Xia, do you also want to be left alone to face the devil?

Pei Xia couldn’t help but hammer his head hard.

He glanced at the shadow of Lucius Phil on the curtain, he was washing slowly, cupping a handful of water to his shoulders, his long hair resting on the outside of the bucket.

The heat seemed to spread out and enveloped Pei Xia all the way, making Pei Xia feel a little breathless.

Pei Xia took a deep breath and silently walked away to the cool stream.

Calm down Pei Xia, do not think blindly!

He squatted by the stream, took a handful of cool stream water and washed his face. After calming down, he suddenly saw two wasps buzzing and flying in front of him

Pei Xia was startled and took two steps backwards, the huge horrifying wasps circled him twice and then slowly flew away.

Pei Xia breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Pei Xia was not afraid of bugs, if he was stung, he would definitely feel uncomfortable for half a month.

After calming down, Pei Xia used his sleeve to wipe his face clean and then proceeded to return to Lucifer’s curtain to stand by.

A few moments later, he vaguely heard some strange sounds.

Pei Xia looked out and was shocked, where did so many bees come from?

“Everyone get up, be careful, there is a swarm of bees!” Pei Xia immediately shouted.

“How did such a large swarm of bees come over?” The paladins were startled and hurriedly began to pack up their things to prepare for evasion.

At this time, a clatter sounded inside the enclosure curtain, and Pei Xia turned around to see that it was Lucifer who had gotten up from the barrel.

He busily said, “Your Holiness, quickly put on your clothes, there is a swarm coming over. It’s unsafe!”

“I know.” Lucifer responded quickly and without confusion, he stepped out of the barrel, wiping his body carefully, and asked while dressing, “Pei Xia, I have a question to ask you.”

“Please ask?” Pei Xia, who also held a torch in his hand, looked nervously at the swarm of bees in the distance, praying that they were just passing by.

But unfortunately …… even if they were passing through, they were coming straight towards Pei Xia’s direction.

“The flower you put in the water, what kind of flower is it?” Lucifer asked.


“Pei Xia, there are no chrysanthemums near the city of Abrulla.” Lucy Fell vaguely helpless.

Pei Xia: “……” He darted to the corner to pick up a flower that still kept its shape and then darted back to hold it up to Lucifer.

Lucifer’s smile was slightly forced, “Pei Xia, this is called the queen bee flower, do you know where the name comes from?”

Pei Xia: “……I do not know.” But I have already guessed.

Lucifer sighed lightly.

Buzz buzz buzz – the swarm of bees turned up in an instant, and the target was both Pei Xia and Lucifer.

“Lord Holy Son, let’s go!” Pei Xia took the initiative to wave the torch to drive away from the swarm, but he was stung by his finger and the torch fell to the wetlands and went out.

His expression changed, he hurriedly pulled up the cloth of the curtain, and when he looked back, Lucifer hadn’t left yet.

He didn’t have time to think about it, he ran over and waved the cloth to cover Lucifer and himself. Pei Xia’s hands wrapped the cloth and hugged Lucifer’s body tightly from the outside. Lucifer’s body was forced to bury in Pei Xia’s arms.

Where to hide?

Pei Xia quickly thought, the stream? No, the water is too shallow and people can not hold their breath for long. In the carriage? No, the bees will come in through the car windows and air holes.

No way, they could only run!

Pei Xia gritted his teeth and ran to the distance in a posture that was inconvenient but able to cover Lucifer’s hands and face. Because his head and face were covered with cloth, he could only look at the ground from the gap under his feet. He wasn’t sure where he led them to.

But tainted with the smell of queen bee flowers only he and Lucifer with, no matter which direction they will run, they will not bother other colleagues.

He did not know how long they ran, Pei Xia ran to a hillside, with a cramp under his feet, he rolled down with Lucifer in his arms.

After rolling to a safe place, Pei Xia slowly got up, shaking his dizzy head. He found that the buzzing of the bees had disappeared, Pei Xia carefully lifted a corner of the cloth, and only after realizing that there were no bees nearby did he let go of Lucifer and completely lifted the cloth covering the two of them.

“Lord Saint Son, are you alright?” Pei Xia asked guiltily.

“I’m fine.”

Nestled in his arms, with his hair and clothes damp, Lucifer’s cheeks were flushed, he was gently panting as he steadied his body.

There was not enough time for him to dry his body to put his grooming in order, so that the current Lucifer looked extraordinarily wretched, looking like a  delicate flower, whose beauty was destroyed.

Pei Xia was stunned for a moment, and while spurning his own filthy thoughts, he knelt down on one knee and pleaded with him: “Sir, this time, I…”

“Well, Pei Xia.” Lucifer slightly smiled and bent down to reach out and hold Pei Xia’s shoulders, “I’m not hurt, you don’t have to be sorry.”

He looked down at his loyal paladin, the dark-haired youth frowned slightly, his handsome face showed a guilty look, he was panting slightly, very tired, his calves and shoes were covered with grass and leaves and dust, his pants were worn through the hole, revealing his scraped leg inside.

His hands, arms and ankles had four or five red and swollen bags, which were stung by bees, and he looked very emaciated and humble.

But Lucifer, who was tightly protected by him in his arms, didn’t have a single wound on his body.

Lucifer didn’t understand what Pei Xia was thinking.

He grabbed Pei Xia’s shoulders and made him stand up, “Okay Pei Xia, now there are other things to consider.”

“Right!” Pei Xia returned to his senses and hurriedly said, “Lord Saint Son, you should take a quick shower, in case the swarm comes over again, it would be bad.”

“Good.” Lucifer nodded, then whispered the incantation of water magic, although he was a light magician, low-level magic of other types could be used as well, just not as skilled and powerful as light magic.

A clear stream of water emerged from the top of the head, rushing through the two of them until the smell of queen bee flowers disappeared from the body before stopping.

The water was very cool, even in the warm midday, when it suddenly rushed over like that, it brought down shivers.

Pei Xia felt cold all over, he looked at Lucifer, Lucifer’s face paled, even more, Lucifer staggered weakly and fell back into Pei Xia’s arms.

This time Pei Xia did not care to worry about whether his knees were tired or not, half-embracing Lucifer, he went towards a clean ground to the side.

“Lord Saint Son, how are you doing?”

“Nothing, just using magic that I’m not good at and feeling a little tired.”

Pei Xia found that Lucifer’s hands were frighteningly cold, and he subconsciously rubbed them for him, trying to use them to warm him up a little.

Pei Xia himself was also very tired, looking for a clean stone to sit down, Lucifer leaned on him, Pei Xia put his hand to his back, “Lord Saint Son, please let me dry your clothes.”

“No, Pei Xia.” Lucifer made Pei Xia look at him and said, “Before that, there is another thing that must be done.”


Lucifer sat up straight and carefully cupped his hand, “The wound that was been stung by a bee insect must be treated as soon as possible.”

“It’s okay Lord Saint Son, a little wound ……”

“It matters,” Lucifer said in a deep voice, and he lifted it slightly. He glanced up, and at this glance, Pei Xia subconsciously fell silent.

At this moment, Pei Xia saw an icy expression on Lucifer’s face and he fell into a trance.

But it was only for a moment, when he returned to his senses, he was sure that Lucifer had a worried and caring look on his face.

Ah, what a kind and honest male protagonist, except for homophobia, he had no other shortcomings!

Lucifer pursed his lips slightly, his lips were very pale because of the cold, and he carefully squeezed out the thorns from the wound for Pei Xia.

Pei Xia did not care about this wound as he said, he was stung by bees before, he felt numb at first, and then he felt pain little by little in the deep bone marrow that was itching.

Whether it was touching, the swelling was so painful that it was difficult to sleep and eat.

Now, his wound felt numb, when touching he felt a slight tingling, occasionally a fierce pain along with the nerve brush into the brain.

Pei Xia tensed his muscles, the corners of his lips twitched slightly, and he tried his best not to show his expression of pain.

Finally, the wounds on the upper body were all taken care of a bit by Lucifer.

Then came the back of the calf.

“Lord Saint Son, I can do this one myself.” Seeing Lucifer looking at his leg, Pei Xia hurriedly indicated that he had recovered.

However, it was of no use. Lucifer smiled imploringly and put up a finger against Pei Xia’s mouth.

When he reached out, Pei Xia almost thought he was going to smack himself, fortunately, it was just that.

However, in this action, there was some …… ambiguity in it. Pei Xia frowned slightly and looked at Lucifer, thinking wildly in his heart.

He certainly did not dare to dodge, and could only allow Lucifer to use his other hand to grab his calf and pull it in front of him.

“It must be very painful,” Lucifer asked with compassion.

Pei Xia: He’s testing me!

Pei Xia smiled faintly and tried to highlight the straight man’s true manhood, “It doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt at all, please don’t worry Lord Saint Son, even if my leg is broken, I don’t care!”