Pei Xia’s determination reignited, and he decided he couldn’t let Prince Harry surpass him like this.

He couldn’t change his identity, couldn’t get plastic surgery for his face, and couldn’t instantly become a master at flattery.

Although he believed he had made progress in flattery, he needed to keep learning. So, Pei Xia decided to continue improving his flattery skills while also finding other ways to earn Lucifer’s favor.

So, what could he be better at than Prince Harry and could use to improve Lucifer’s favor?

Pei Xia’s gaze shifted to the bowl in front of him.

Got it!

Since Lucifer’s body was so delicate, he could help him by making him a nourishing soup!

Pei Xia decided to make a bowl of hearty and even more luxurious soup than before, filled with love!

First, he needed ingredients.

Pei Xia looked around the kitchen but only found some common ingredients. Although this was the residence of a prince and a princess, both of them strongly rejected extravagance and waste. Therefore, there were no overly expensive ingredients in the kitchen.

Ingredients like longans and black pepper were not available. There were some red dates and hazelnuts, but there were no donkey hides. The donkeys were considered strategic resources now and were closely guarded, not easily slaughtered for consumption.

Pei Xia had no choice but to go outside to find ingredients. After all, Lucifer had Prince Harry accompanying him, so safety wasn’t a concern.

It was a sunny afternoon, and it wasn’t yet time for the onslaught of magical beasts. Pei Xia walked to the base of the city wall and started searching for his prey.

He didn’t dare to venture deep into the Sapphire Forest, to avoid attracting dangers he couldn’t handle. However, there was no need to be so cautious near the city wall. Many people were here, clearing away the accumulated magical beast corpses.

The ones suitable for consumption were taken away alive, while the unsuitable ones were killed, and their bodies were discarded far away from the city wall to prevent them from rotting and spreading disease.

Some resilient magical beasts, not seriously injured, woke up and fled in panic.

Pei Xia’s target was precisely those edible magical beasts. He was in the midst of choosing when he suddenly encountered someone.

“Huh? Pei Xia?”

Surprisingly, it was Princess Eva who had come. She looked at him curiously and said, “Is your body recovered? How is His Holiness? Why aren’t you by his side?”

Pei Xia suppressed the almost complaining words that His Holiness was doing well and didn’t need him by his side. He cleared his throat and replied, “Please rest assured, Your Highness. I am completely fine now, and His Holiness has awakened. He is currently in conversation with Prince Harry. I came out to prepare a nourishing soup for His Holiness to make him even stronger!”

Princess Eva paused and asked, “Nourishing soup?”

Pei Xia nodded, “Yes, His Holiness is a bit weak, so he needs a good nourishing meal.”

“That’s interesting. I also enjoy cooking. I’ll join you!” Princess Eva offered.

Pei Xia felt a bit awkward but replied, “Your Highness, you are too kind.”

Princess Eva waved her hand and said, “It’s only right. His Holiness and you have already helped us tremendously. I am very grateful. Consider this my way of thanking you.”

“You’re very kind.”

Princess Eva insisted, and Pei Xia had no choice but to work together with her. With her assistance, Pei Xia eventually brought back five types of magical beasts.

Princess Eva was eager to help, but Pei Xia couldn’t let her get her hands dirty. Besides, he had some thoughts of his own.

As Pei Xia handled the magical beasts, he struck up a conversation with her, “Your Highness, I’ve always admired Prince Harry’s eloquence.”

Princess Eva chuckled, “You’re quite interesting, admiring that…”

Pei Xia hesitated and then said, “Your Highness, you are a princess, so you must also possess eloquence like Prince Harry.”

“You overestimate me.”

Pei Xia continued, “Well, I want to praise someone, but I don’t know how to say it to make them happy.”

Princess Eva understood and asked, “Is it His Holiness?”

Pei Xia nodded with a shy smile.

Pei Xia was quite surprised, “You actually guessed it!”

Princess Eva replied, “Well, I’m not dumb.”

Pei Xia coughed and said, “Uh, can you teach me a couple of flattering, I mean, can you teach me a couple of eloquent phrases to praise His Holiness?”

Princess Eva responded, “No, you’re really overestimating me. I have no idea about that.”

Pei Xia looked at her with anticipation, “Could you at least give me some suggestions? You and the prince are siblings, so even if you’re not good at it, your sense of aesthetics must be high.”

Princess Eva asked, “Okay, tell me how you usually compliment him.”

Pei Xia explained earnestly. After hearing it, Princess Eva looked at him with a serious expression.

This man is really difficult to handle! Princess Eva gripped her sword hilt and said, “Perhaps it’s because the items you use as metaphors aren’t to his liking? Try using something else next time.”

Pei Xia’s eyes lit up, “You’re truly a princess, Your Highness!”

Princess Eva laughed heartily, “Hahaha, wait a minute! What are you doing?”

She looked in horror at Pei Xia’s hand and the items he was holding.

Pei Xia glanced down and suddenly remembered that although Princess Eva was friendly and unconventional, she was still a young lady. He quickly turned to shield the items and said, “Please rest assured, Your Highness. This is a crucial ingredient for the nourishing soup, and many men in my hometown consume it. His Holiness also likes it very much!”

Princess Eva’s expression turned peculiar, “Are you sure His Holiness likes this stuff?!”

Pei Xia nodded with a smile, “Of course, he drank it all up last time!”

Princess Eva chuckled, “Truly a favored child of the gods, His Holiness. I won’t underestimate him again!”

“You’re too kind!”

With that, Pei Xia took slices from each of the five magical beasts and placed them in a stew pot. He originally wanted to make enough for a full Ten-Whip Soup, but he was afraid that it might not be suitable for nourishing Lucifer, so he decided to start with a Five-Whip Soup for now!

In addition to the sugar from the five magical beasts, Pei Xia also added honey, beef, eggs, sugar, ginger, and so on.

As Pei Xia simmered the Five-Whip Soup, he enthusiastically introduced it to Princess Eva, “Actually, this nourishing soup is also suitable for women. After it’s ready, I’d like to invite Your Highness to taste it.”

Princess Eva replied, “No, that’s not necessary! I suddenly remembered that I had urgent matters to attend to. Oh dear, I must go now. Goodbye!”

Princess Eva was truly a lively, warm-hearted, and responsible princess! Pei Xia watched her retreating figure and couldn’t help but smile. When the Five-Whip Soup was ready, he carefully divided it into two bowls.

One bowl was for nourishing Lucifer, and the other was for Prince Harry. He didn’t want to give it only to His Holiness and make the prince feel targeted.

Ahem, although he did have some grievances against the prince, he wasn’t that petty.

Pei Xia carried the two bowls of Five-Whip Soup with confidence and arrived at Lucifer’s room. Through the crack in the door, he saw that Prince Harry hadn’t left yet. He was holding a classic Church of Light scripture and discussing it with Lucifer.

Knock, knock.

Pei Xia knocked on the door, “Your Holiness, may I come in?”

“It’s Pei Xia, please come in.”

Lucifer gently raised his head to look at the door. However, when Pei Xia walked in with two bowls of the magical soup, the smile at the corner of his lips froze slightly.

Pei Xia walked to the table and placed one bowl in front of each of them.

Then he took a step back and bowed lightly to the two of them, “Your Holiness, Prince, this is the nourishing soup I prepared. Please enjoy.”

Prince Harry looked surprised at the soup in front of him and said, “I didn’t expect Pei Xia to have such skills. Your Holiness, even your Holy Knights are so talented. I truly admire you.”

Pei Xia: Why can he always seize the opportunity to flatter Lucifer at times like this!

Pei Xia, not one to back down, turned to Lucifer. As he recalled Princess Eva’s suggestion, he earnestly said, “Your Holiness, you are as warm-hearted as a rose, as comforting as black tea, and as a loyal knight in your service, I have been under your care for a long time. Now, please accept my feelings!”

Lucifer trembled slightly as he looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar soup in front of him. He fell silent for a moment before saying, “Pei Xia, you’ve worked hard.”

Pei Xia lowered his head, feeling embarrassed. “No, it’s you who’ve worked hard. This is all I can do for you.”

The kind and pure-hearted Lucifer gazed at his knight. He saw him with his head bowed, his eyes filled with nervousness and unease, as if he cared deeply about Lucifer’s reaction.

It was always like this, making it hard to tell whether he cared about him or not.

Lucifer sighed inwardly, unable to bear to see his poor little knight upset. He lowered his gaze, thought for a moment, then suddenly raised his hand, furrowing his brows slightly, and said in an exaggerated manner, “Ouch.”

“What’s wrong, Your Holiness?!” Pei Xia immediately looked up, concerned.

Lucifer, with a meaningful look, said, “It seems my mouth was accidentally injured before, and it still hurts.”

Pei Xia felt a twinge of guilt. “I see, you’re still recovering.”

With a tinge of regret, Lucifer said, “There’s nothing I can do. The soup is too hot, so I’ll have to wait for it to cool down before drinking.”

“I see. Should I fan it to help it cool down faster for you?”

Lucifer quickly said, “No need!”

Pei Xia was slightly disappointed that he missed another opportunity to flatter him.

At this moment, Lucifer turned to Prince Harry, who was sitting across from him at the table and said warmly, “Prince, please taste this soup. Pei Xia has added many essences to it, and it has great benefits for the body.”

Prince Harry, pleasantly surprised, said, “Well then, I won’t be shy!”

He picked up a spoon, scooped some soup, blew on it, and took a bite. His expression began to change oddly, “Uh, why does it taste both sweet and salty, and a bit fishy?”

Lucifer smiled and said, “The taste is secondary; the key lies in the essence.”


Prince Harry tasted a slippery and crunchy texture that was surprisingly delicious, despite the strange flavor. He scooped up another piece and curiously asked, “What kind of meat is this?”

Pei Xia enthusiastically explained, “This is the essence of the Five-Whip Soup!”

Upon hearing the name “Five-Whip Soup,” Lucifer couldn’t help but feel a slight discomfort.

Prince Harry, unaware of the impending horror, asked with curiosity, “What is Five-Whip Soup? What kind of meat is this?”

“Well, in fact, Five-whip refers to the genitals of five different male animals, which is the meat you just ate!”

Prince Harry: “…”

He froze in place for a moment, then reacted with a horrified expression, and promptly sprayed out the contents of his mouth in shock.

The filth shot out directly, but Lucifer, quick on his feet, managed to dodge it before getting hit. However, the bowl of soup in front of him wasn’t as lucky.

Lucifer exaggeratedly covered his mouth with his hand, appearing regretful but secretly relieved. He said, “Oh, what a shame! Pei Xia’s heartfelt gesture has been wasted.”