To move faster and ease the burden on the horses, they only brought three tents into the forest this time.

Pei Xia and Lucifer shared one tent, while the other six people split between the other two.

Inside the small tent, Lucifer and Pei Xia each occupied one side. Strangely, even though it was the height of summer, Lucifer still complained about being cold on the first night they shared a tent.

He hugged himself, closed his eyes, and pretended to be asleep. He mumbled that it was so cold, and then his body started to shift toward Pei Xia’s side.

Pei Xia was very confused because he didn’t feel cold at all; in fact, he felt a bit warm.

Seeing Lucifer getting closer to him, Pei Xia thought this was a perfect opportunity to show his thoughtfulness! He took off his own coat and draped it over Lucifer. He also borrowed coats from Buck and the others to make sure Lucifer was well-covered.

Satisfied with his handiwork, Pei Xia smiled. He was afraid Lucifer might still feel cold, so he sat cross-legged, sleeping on one side and practicing his swordsmanship on the other, trying to emit the warmth of fire element sword energy.

Although he felt a bit overheated himself, as long as the Holy Son wasn’t cold, it was worth it!

In his heart, Pei Xia gave himself a pat on the back. What boss wouldn’t love such a perfect subordinate?

Unfortunately, after that one night, Lucifer never slept again. Whenever he felt cold, he would scoot over and say so. Pei Xia missed out on another chance to show his care.

Tonight, in the darkness, Pei Xia heard strange rustling noises outside, as if someone was rummaging through things.

If he remembered correctly, the character coming on stage now should be the elven princess who was stranded and injured outside. He couldn’t recall the exact original plot, but without a doubt, it was the male lead Lucifer who would be the first to capture her!

Pei Xia quietly sat up, gently pushed Lucifer, and opened his eyes. In the darkness, Lucifer’s sapphire-blue eyes appeared especially deep due to the low light.

“What’s wrong?” Lucifer asked softly, then sat up and brushed his long hair aside.

Pei Xia whispered, “Your Highness, did you hear that?”

Lucifer made a soft “Hmm” in response and leaned toward Pei Xia.

Pei Xia: ???

Lucifer extended one hand and gently, precisely tapped Pei Xia’s nose. It seemed like he might be having a nightmare because his breathing became rapid and urgent. He said, “I hear it, your breathing.”

Pei Xia: “…”

That hand, as light as a dragonfly touching water, passed over Pei Xia’s lips and chin, landing on his chest. “And your heartbeat,” Lucifer added.

Pei Xia immediately reached out to cover his own heart. What was happening? Had Lucifer noticed his nervous heartbeat?!

With a gentle smile, Lucifer asked, “What are you nervous about?”

Nervous that you’re going to mess up another romantic subplot!

Pei Xia reached out and pressed Lucifer’s shoulder, swiftly turning his body half-circle, facing the tent entrance. Pei Xia said with seriousness, “Your Highness, did you hear that? It sounds like there’s a thief outside!”

Lucifer: “Oh, I heard it.”

Pei Xia encouraged, “Please go catch the thief!”

Lucifer raised his hand to cover his mouth. Even in the dark tent, his eyes remained bright, and his fair face was still visible. He frowned slightly and said, “Is it really a thief?”

Pei Xia: “Yes, yes!”

Suddenly, Lucifer’s body leaned back toward Pei Xia, and he pressed against Pei Xia’s shoulder, trembling. He said, “In this dark night, we’ve attracted a ruthless thief. It’s terrifying.”

Pei Xia: ?????

This isn’t right. Why is the Holy Son acting like this again?

Pei Xia scratched his head in distress. “Thieves aren’t necessarily terrifying.”

Lucifer readily joined in, “They might also be quite pitiful.”

Pei Xia: “…”

Lucifer seemed both scared and apprehensive, as if he had already imagined an exceptionally tragic scene. He turned his head slightly, facing Pei Xia, and as he spoke, his breath brushed against Pei Xia’s neck.

“Lost souls may have suffered greatly, forced into becoming thieves. Pei Xia, let’s pretend we haven’t noticed and allow that poor soul to maintain their dignity.”

Pei Xia finally understood, “In other words, you just don’t want to go out and catch the thief, right?”

Lucifer’s eyes curved, as if basking in a gentle breeze. “On this cruel night, let’s be a little more compassionate.”

“Well, in that case, please forgive my offense.”

Pei Xia took a deep breath and reached out, grabbing Lucifer’s collar.

Lucifer showed a slightly surprised expression, looking at his Holy Knight with some anticipation, wondering what he would do in this situation.

He cooperated, gazing at him with affection.

As he watched, Pei Xia reached out and pulled at his pristine white robe, mainly because Pei Xia had diligently washed it, allowing Lucifer to wear such clean clothes even in the forest.

Lucifer hummed softly, like a delicate white butterfly falling in the wind, gently and smoothly reclining to the side. He propped up his head with a bent elbow, his eyes filled with a captivating smile, as if trying to pull Pei Xia into his embrace as they both fell.

Pei Xia had no reaction and pushed him with his hand, tugging at the robe abruptly.

“Your Highness, move a bit, you’re crushing the clothes!”

Lucifer, who was posing seductively, immediately rolled to the side, lying down with a thud.

“I’ll borrow your clothes.”

Because it was so dark, Pei Xia couldn’t see Lucifer’s expression. He grabbed the white robe and draped it over himself, covering his head, leaving only a pair of determined eyes visible.

Lucifer, bewildered, watched Pei Xia, who looked like a thief, and instinctively reached out to stop him. However, Pei Xia walked straight out of the tent and shouted, “Stop, thief! It’s Lucifer coming to catch you!”

Inside the tent, Lucifer, lying on his back, stared at the low space above him, blinked, and suddenly burst into laughter, his body shaking with mirth.

Listening to the chaotic noises outside, Lucifer slowly sat up.

Finally, Pei Xia, who had apprehended the weakened thief, quickly walked in.

Pei Xia removed the white robe and draped it over Lucifer, then cleared his throat and explained, “Your Highness, I actually think you’re right. Whether this thief is simply a villain or someone in distress, I believe we shouldn’t just stand by. So, I hope to use the name of the Holy Son of the Church of Light to capture her. This way, whether we lead her to mend her ways in the light’s radiance or show her warmth, it can be achieved!”

In critical moments, when the superior doesn’t cooperate, you can go ahead, report later, and then flatter them!

Of course, the superior might get angry, but considering the subsequent developments, Pei Xia decided to take the risk.

The Elf Maiden was different from other characters; her stance was related to Lucifer’s safety. Pei Xia might not care about the relationships between other supporting female characters and Lucifer, but he couldn’t ignore her.

Pei Xia didn’t expect the two of them to spark a love affair anymore. In fact, a dark part of his psyche didn’t want them to fall in love, but at least they should become friends.

Only then would the Elf Maiden have a chance to step in and save Lucifer later on.

Pei Xia lowered his head and said somewhat guiltily, “She really is a pitiful thief. I hope you can help her.”

Lucifer nodded thoughtfully and suddenly asked, “How do you know she’s pitiful?”

Pei Xia immediately said, “She’s injured even worse than that rabbit!”

Lucifer, not wanting to hear the words “rabbit” from the Holy Knight, raised his hand to signal him to stop. “Ah, I understand.”

With the accompaniment of the Holy Knight, Lucifer walked out of the tent and saw a wounded elf kneeling by the campfire in the clearing. The other Holy Knights had already awakened when Pei Xia shouted, and they were now guarding her.

Elves were a race known for their high overall beauty, noble character, and pride. They were the masters of the Sapphire Forest, skilled in tree-climbing, archery, and stealth, among other abilities.

At this moment, the injured thief raised her head in a daze, revealing a stunning face. When she saw Lucifer, her body couldn’t help but shiver. “Impossible, how can there be a man more handsome than me in this world!”

She appeared disoriented, mixed with a touch of fear and unwillingness.

Lucifer was also observing her, wearing a confident smile.

Approaching the thief gently and kindly, he asked, “Who are you, and what are you doing here?”

The thief let out a soft hum and spoke in a hoarse voice, “You’ve caught me, and you’re still asking? Humans, what do you want from me before you’ll let me go?”

Lucifer let out a soft sigh and took a step back, accidentally bumping into Pei Xia’s shoulder. He turned around, appearing weak and helpless, and looked at Pei Xia, saying, “She’s so fierce!”

Pei Xia: “???” Where’s the fierceness? Your Highness, be a bit more resolute!

Lucifer sighed lightly. “You really don’t think she’s fierce?”

Pei Xia was quite helpless. “Not at all. Her current state seems perfectly normal. Your Highness, perhaps you should tell her that we mean no harm.”

Lucifer calmly said, “If that’s the case, then let her go.”

Pei Xia was taken aback. Wait, just like that? Shouldn’t the original Lucifer, who was compassionate and caring, patiently comfort and heal her?

The plot was progressing too quickly, and Pei Xia couldn’t keep up.

The thief, who was actually the Elf Maiden, looked at the two of them with some surprise, tentatively stood up, and then stumbled towards the exit.

Pei Xia was anxious. “Your Highness, she’s an elf, and she should have a better understanding of what’s happening in the Sapphire Forest. With her as a guide, it would be more convenient for us to find the source of the abnormal monster tide, wouldn’t it?”

Lucifer nodded without haste, raised his hand, and had Tom pull the Elf Maiden back.

The Elf Maiden, with her long green hair and pointed ears, looked at everyone in panic. “What do you want? I just came here to find some medicinal herbs, and I didn’t have any other intentions.”

Pei Xia glanced at Lucifer, who didn’t react much. Helpless, Pei Xia poked his arm. “Your Highness, don’t you think she looks pitifully injured?”

Lucifer put on a fake smile. “Yes, she’s a pitiful child. But it seems she doesn’t want to accept our treatment. To protect her pride, I can only endure it.”

Pei Xia: “That actually makes sense!”

Pei Xia, feeling helpless, addressed the elf, “Hello, we are from the Church of Light, and this is the Holy Son, Lucifer, the leader of the Church of Light. We came here because there’s been an unusual outbreak of high-level demons during the recent monster tide at the forest’s edge. We’re here to resolve this issue. If you have any information to share, we can exchange it for medicinal herbs.”

This way, her self-esteem wouldn’t be hurt, and it would introduce future plot developments. It was a win-win strategy!

Upon hearing this, the Elf Maiden hesitated, biting her lower lip. Her conflicted expression showed she was deep in thought.

Everyone waited for her response.

By the light of the fire, Pei Xia could now clearly see her face. She indeed possessed a certain audacity, along with the delicate beauty characteristic of the elf race. She was quite tall, about the same height as Pei Xia. Currently, she was dressed in a cool leather armor and skirt, adorned with decorations made of leaves and flowers, but they were all tattered and messy.

She had many wounds on her body; her arms and thighs were covered in scars, making her look particularly pitiful.

“Can you prove it to me?” the Elf Maiden asked, still biting her lip. “I need to be sure that you are not our enemies.”

Lucifer timely cast a beam of holy light onto her, healing one of the wounds on her arm.

Seeing this, the Elf Maiden breathed a sigh of relief and then began to narrate her story. “I am Sofia, the Princess of the forest elves.”

As it turned out, the Sapphire Forest was not only inhabited by forest elves but also by another evil race known as the dark elves. However, the dark elves typically lived underground and had little interaction with the forest elves.

About a month ago, the King of the Dark Elves, fed up with their situation, reached an agreement with the demons and, with their help, started attacking the surface. Now, the two elf races were engaged in a fierce battle, and Sofia had been pursued by the dark elves, leading her to this location.

The demons, too, had arrived on the continent with the aid of the dark elves. Some demons were not willing to cooperate with the dark elves in their war and had moved to other parts of the forest, causing disturbances that aggravated the monsters, leading to the abnormal monster tide.

Pei Xia understood. It seemed that to resolve this issue, they would need to get involved in the conflict between the elves. Lucifer contemplated for a moment and concluded, “Let’s go and take a look.”

“What do you mean?” Sofia asked.

Lucifer smiled faintly and said, “We are willing to assist your kind, but our primary concern is humanity.”

“Thank you!” Sofia’s emerald eyes immediately brightened.

Pei Xia handed her the medicinal herbs as promised, and Sofia retreated to a corner to apply them to her wounds. However, these were just emergency medicinal herbs, and their effectiveness was limited.

There wasn’t a large supply of medicinal herbs in their group, as Lucifer, with his healing abilities, had less need for them during their travels. It was still the middle of the night, and despite Sofia’s anxiousness, they decided to wait until morning to take action.

During the night, the power of the dark elves and demons was at its peak, making it dangerous to search for hidden monsters. Thus, they opted to let Sofia rest here for the night.

With three tents filled with grown men, there was no space left for Sofia. She bit her lip and mentioned that she could rest in the trees nearby.

However, before climbing the tree, Sofia pulled at the hem of her skirt and said in a hushed voice, “I need to attend to something nearby, but I’m not trying to escape.”

Everyone understood her.

Once Sofia had hidden behind a tree in the distance, Pei Xia was about to help Lucifer back to their tent for rest when they heard her scream.

“What happened?” Pei Xia raised a torch and hurried forward, wanting to see if there was any danger.

Just at that moment, Sofia ran back, stumbling and falling into Pei Xia’s arms, trembling pitifully.

Pei Xia was startled and raised his hands in a non-threatening gesture. “What happened? Did you encounter enemies?”

After a moment, Sofia raised her tear-streaked face and softly said, “I’m sorry, it’s nothing. I just saw the corpse of a wild beast.”

Pei Xia breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Sofia still refused to leave his embrace, her face slightly flushed. “Sir Knight, could you lend me your coat for a moment?”

“What happened?” Pei Xia asked.

“I was too hasty earlier and accidentally tore my dress.”

Pei Xia quickly took off his coat and gave it to her to wrap around her waist. The slender and beautiful elf princess, who was nearly his height, clung to him tightly as she carefully adjusted her clothing.

“You’re getting too close,” Pei Xia tried to step back.

But Sofia, with tears in her eyes, looked up at him and said, “Are you repulsed by me?”

“I didn’t—”

“Because I’m a man?” Sofia continued.

Pei Xia: ?!

He was baffled and glanced down, noticing something bulging beneath Sofia’s coat.

What the heck?!

Why is the elf princess actually a man?!

Well, that explains why his heroic rescue couldn’t surpass Princess Eva’s place in Lucifer’s heart.

“But I have my reasons,” the cross-dressing master Sofia looked at him with a plea in her eyes. “Could you keep this a secret, please?”

Pei Xia: “…”

Finally, not far away, Lucifer couldn’t bear to watch any longer. He clenched his teeth, put on a perfect smile, and walked over to them. He gently pushed Pei Xia back by placing his hand on his shoulder.

Pei Xia involuntarily took a step back, and the next moment, Lucifer’s fragrant presence closed in behind him. Lucifer’s body, carrying a faint floral scent, pressed against Pei Xia’s back. He casually extended a hand, placing it on Pei Xia’s shoulder, and addressed Sofia.

“It’s such a pity; I’ve already overheard everything,” Lucifer said with a smile.

Sofia covered her mouth, looking at him with alarm. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to hide it.”

As she spoke, her teardrops fell like crystal beads.

Lucifer watched her with a smile, his eyes slowly narrowing. In an instant, a strange and tense atmosphere arose between the Holy Son and the Elf Princess.

He thought to himself, ‘Have I met my match?’

Unfortunately, it’s just about looks; you can’t surpass me there! Lucifer lightly curled his lips, confident in his appearance.

Then, he seemed to be in great pain, raising his other hand to cover his mouth corner while turning his face towards Pei Xia’s shoulder.

With a splatter, cold tears wet Pei Xia’s shoulder instantly.

“Poor child, seeing you in such agony, my heart feels as if it’s been wounded too,” Lucifer choked up, speaking as if in lament. “Please, be strong, the Light will protect you.”

Then, he waved his hand, and holy light enveloped Sofia’s entire body, healing her wounds.

No chance to gain sympathy through injuries!

Lucifer weakly swayed, and Pei Xia quickly reached out to catch him. He knelt, leaning against the slightly shorter knight. Lucifer shivered as if feeling extremely cold, his eyes filled with tears and his expression understanding.

“I understand, I truly do,” Lucifer said sincerely, his face pale. “You must have your reasons, and I won’t press you. I’m sorry for taking the liberty of healing you. I just wished for you to feel better.”

Lucifer sighed softly, his gaze sincere, and his face turned pale. “If you’re angry, feel free to vent at me!”

Sofia clenched her fists, took a deep breath, and gave a tearful smile. “You’re a genuinely kind person. Why would I get angry at you? I’m just grateful!”

Lucifer: “No, don’t thank me, thank the Light!”

Sofia: “I still want to thank the Knight.”

Lucifer raised his pale, smiling face and looked extremely gentle as he gazed at Pei Xia. “Yes, if it weren’t for Pei Xia, I wouldn’t be here today.”

Pei Xia: “Huh? Your Holiness, you’re exaggerating.”

“Not at all!” Lucifer held Pei Xia’s hand and placed it over his heart. He looked at Pei Xia with soft, downcast eyes. “It’s because of your support that I find this world interesting.”

Pei Xia didn’t quite catch that and looked somewhat bewildered. “What did you say?”

“Nothing. I just meant that having you here is wonderful,” Lucifer said with an untainted, pure smile. “I’m very happy that everyone can be saved.”

“You’re truly kind, and I deeply admire you,” Pei Xia said, touched by his words.

Lucifer, despite the many differences from the original story, retained his essential kindness, and even now, he is even stronger than in the original.

To be physically weak yet still willing to save others showed what a pure and innocent heart he had.

Lucifer discreetly passed a disdainful look to Sofia, who pursed her lips.

Watching the two of them getting along so well, Pei Xia felt genuinely pleased.

He held Sofia’s hand and then brought Lucifer’s hand over, gently stacking their hands together. Pei Xia said with joy, “This is great! The Holy Son is a kind person who will never discriminate against Princess Sofia. Princess Sofia is also gentle and approachable. I believe you two will get along well and become friends!”

Lucifer and Sofia exchanged a glance and simultaneously forced stiff smiles.

