Pei Xia sat on Lucifer’s lap, the effect of the strong alcohol making him dizzy, causing waves of lightheadedness. Whether it was the alcohol or the medication, he felt a burning sensation throughout his body, coupled with an intense and irresistible desire.

He knew that his desire was rising, and at this moment, he gazed lovingly at Lucifer, pinching his chin and lowering his head as if to kiss him.

However, suddenly, something happened to Lucifer. He raised his hand to block Pei Xia’s kiss.

Lucifer furrowed his brow, appearing somewhat displeased and agitated. He demanded, “Repeat what you just said.”

Pei Xia, in his drunken state, felt like his mind was no longer his own. After a moment of thought, he dutifully repeated, “Fei Fei, you’re so soft and delicate, completely not my type, but it’s okay, I’m willing to change for you!”

After saying this, he blushed and shyly added, “I’m prepared for it!”

Lucifer was so furious that his hand trembled. “Didn’t you say you prefer the pure, innocent, soft, and cute type?”

Pei Xia couldn’t quite grasp the consequences of Lucifer’s reaction due to his inebriated state. He looked at Lucifer innocently and replied, “I was lying.”

“I was lying.”



Lucifer stared at him in silence, and Pei Xia grinned back at him. His eyes, reddened by the alcohol, shimmered with a hazy, innocent purity. Pei Xia couldn’t help but yawn, swaying slightly, and then leaning in to kiss Lucifer again.

Lucifer blocked his lips, too infuriated to find words. He raised his hand to press against his temple and took a deep breath.

Pei Xia realized that he couldn’t break through Lucifer’s defense at the moment, feeling a bit frustrated and impatient. After all, men tend to become very impulsive when the mood strikes.

As a couple, they were planning to do something naturally, so Pei Xia didn’t think too much about it. He simply grabbed Lucifer’s hand, which was blocking his mouth, and kissed it a couple of times.

After the kisses, he furrowed his brow for a moment, then grinned and said, “Delicious!”

Lucifer, fuming with anger: “…”

Pei Xia looked at him innocently, smiled, and then rubbed against his leg.

Lucifer’s lips trembled, and he gritted his teeth, asking, “You actually lied to me. Pei Xia, you, this seemingly honest little liar, how many lies have you told?”

He couldn’t believe that Pei Xia would lie, especially about something like this.

Suddenly, he extended his arm, pulled Pei Xia closer to his chest, and pressed him against his leg. Pei Xia, who had been squirming and not staying still, was now forced to be very close to him, so close that their faces almost touched.

Pei Xia was taken aback for a moment, but after seeing Lucifer’s magnified beauty up close, he couldn’t resist. He puckered his lips and planted a kiss on Lucifer’s cheek.

Lucifer wrapped an arm around his waist and used the other to gently pinch his cheek. His face showed a mix of anger and subtle helplessness, and his narrowed eyes emitted a dangerous aura.

“Tell me, what type do you really like?”

Pei Xia, who was quite slow in grasping Lucifer’s threat, thought for a moment and enthusiastically shared his preferences, “I like, um, Ryan!”

Lucifer looked at Pei Xia, infuriated and amused.

Ryan? He not only didn’t lie as he claimed earlier but also expressed a preference that was quite the opposite of what he initially stated. Lucifer couldn’t believe that even under these circumstances, Pei Xia could still like him!

Thinking about their past experiences, Lucifer couldn’t help but cover his face and take a deep breath. Otherwise, he feared that this tipsy fool would drive him to madness.

Pei Xia continued to chatter, “But in the future, no matter what Fei Fei is like, I’ll love you. Fei Fei is great, even if you can’t turn into someone as strong as Ryan.”

“Who said that?” Lucifer interrupted him, and his stern gaze peeked through the gaps between his fingers, momentarily distorting his holy and beautiful face.

He let go of his hand and lightly tapped Pei Xia’s forehead, causing Pei Xia to tilt backward.

Lucifer smirked as he raised an eyebrow, “Do you think I’m not as good as him?”

Pei Xia looked bewildered, “I didn’t say that.”

Lucifer coldly stared at him, then raised his hand, flexed his bicep, and made a muscle display.

Pei Xia gazed at him for five seconds, and then suddenly had an epiphany. He flashed an indulgent smile and raised his hand, interlocking his fingers with Lucifer’s raised hand.

“Fei Fei wants to dance, right? Fei Fei is so romantic!”

Lucifer: “…”

The graceful and beautiful Holy Son didn’t say anything but silently put down his arm, abandoning his idea of showcasing himself in front of a drunkard.

It was truly strange.

In front of Pei Xia, he had started acting childishly.

He couldn’t help but grind his molars, then grabbed Pei Xia’s waist and pulled him closer, causing Pei Xia to feel a sudden dizziness and shift from sitting on Lucifer’s lap to lying on his thigh.

Pei Xia blinked slowly, taking a while to react. He found himself lying with his lower abdomen pressed against Lucifer’s thigh and curiously tilted his head to look at Lucifer, “Fei Fei?”

Lucifer thought for a moment and still felt irritated. He gave Pei Xia a soft smile, then raised his palm and smacked Pei Xia’s raised buttocks with a resounding slap.

Pei Xia shivered, feeling a bit baffled, “Fei Fei, did you just spank me?”

“Deceiver,” Lucifer said softly, “I told you that liars should be prepared for punishment.”

Pei Xia squirmed on his lap, blushing deeply, mainly from embarrassment, “I’m sorry.”

Once again, there was a resounding slap, and Pei Xia covered his face and buried it in the blanket, gasping for air. He slowly realized that this wasn’t working, so he turned his head and whispered, “But, loving Fei Fei is genuine.”

Lucifer, with his raised hand suspended in the air, looked down at the young man lying on his lap. “Hmm?”

Pei Xia gazed at him affectionately and said, “Loving you is loving you. I don’t know why, but since I’ve fallen for you, I want to make you happy. So even if there are contradictions, it doesn’t matter. I’ll, hiccup, work hard to overcome them! Fei Fei, are you still angry? Why…”

He looked somewhat perplexed, “I lied, but Fei Fei did the same.”

What could Lucifer say? Should he admit that he also lied? That he wasn’t really a pure and innocent little white flower?

So, there was another slap.

Pei Xia buried his head in the blanket, feeling dejected, and he continued to squirm on Lucifer’s lap, feeling miserable. Why, at such a critical moment, were they suddenly fighting? Weren’t they supposed to be loving each other?

Lucifer watched the young man squirming on his lap, mumbling softly, and feeling the warmth against his thigh. He was a bit annoyed and amused.

He really wanted to wake him up now, make him sober, and realize what was going on!

“Pei Xia, you’re really…”

Lucifer’s voice, still beautifully enchanting despite its coldness, reached Pei Xia’s ears, making his emotions surge. Added to that was the tingling sensation from the consecutive spankings due to his drunken state, which dulled the pain.

Pei Xia became too excited and couldn’t hold back, and he…

Pei Xia pressed himself onto Lucifer’s thigh, a robust and resilient young man, someone who didn’t cry even after being spanked more than ten times. But now, his eyes turned red.

Lucifer felt the dampness on his thigh, hesitated for a moment, then heard Pei Xia, with a hint of crying in his voice, say, “Fake, it’s all fake!”

He lifted Pei Xia up and placed him against his chest, but Pei Xia still covered his face as if he was too embarrassed to show it to anyone.

In his drunken babble, he said, “How could this happen? I want to be a strong man. I want to give Fei Fei happiness. A liar, a fake! I’m not a three-second man, I’m not!”

Despairingly, he covered his face and nearly fell over, but Lucifer hugged him tightly, forcing him to lean against his chest. Then, he reached out and pulled down Pei Xia’s hand covering his face, revealing the tear-stained and embarrassed Pei Xia underneath.

Initially angry, Lucifer was now genuinely amused by Pei Xia’s behavior. He asked, “Did you take that medicine?”

Pei Xia nodded slowly.

At this point, Lucifer couldn’t help but understand. It seemed that Pei Xia’s thoughts and his own had always been the opposite.

He lifted Pei Xia’s warm face and the slightly cool touch of the young man’s skin, after having been dry for so long, fascinated him. Unconsciously, he rubbed his hand against Lucifer’s for comfort.

After a couple of rubs, Pei Xia suddenly realized something and asked, “The medicine, how did you know?”

Lucifer didn’t answer the question. Instead, he cradled Pei Xia’s face and called his name, “Pei Xia.”


Lucifer gazed deeply into his eyes and bent down slowly, saying, “At this point, even if you lie, it won’t make a difference.”

Pei Xia looked at him blankly, “Huh?”

“You already belong to me,” Lucifer murmured in a low voice, “forever mine.”

Pei Xia responded, “Oh!”

Lucifer added, “Even if you wake up and regret later, there won’t be a chance to leave.”

Pei Xia opened his arms and willingly embraced Lucifer, moved to tears. “As long as you don’t mind my lack of experience and poor skills, I’ll do my best to make you happy.”

Lucifer coldly remarked, “I wasn’t talking about that.”

Pei Xia asked in surprise, “Huh?”

Lucifer continued, “And, call me Lucifer.”

Pei Xia, a bit hesitant, said, “Lucifer.”

Lucifer chuckled softly, his eyes suddenly becoming more alluring. He had been fooled by this not-so-cunning trickster for so long; could he just let it go with an apology?

“Pei Xia, what do you want to do to me? Come on.”

Pei Xia looked at the blonde beauty in front of him, pursed his lips, and took a deep breath. Feeling the current situation, he believed he could continue!

So what if he had been slapped before, or if he had accidentally…? What did it matter!

The saying goes, the more you look at a beauty under the light, the more beautiful they become. Especially to Pei Xia, this drunkard, Lucifer seemed to be shrouded in a mysterious aura, making him eager to explore and get closer.

Summoning his courage, he initiated a kiss on Lucifer’s lips.

So soft, so comfortable, with a cool sensation and a hint of elusive fragrance. It was enchanting, and when the other responded willingly, it was intoxicating, and Pei Xia couldn’t help himself.

Excitedly, Pei Xia reached out to undo Lucifer’s robe, letting the pristine white garment fall from his perfect body. Lucifer remained cooperative throughout.

However, as Pei Xia tried to continue with his momentum, Lucifer firmly pressed him onto the bed.


Lucifer smiled and leaned in, dangerous sparks dancing in his narrowed eyes. His slender, perfect hand traced a path from Pei Xia’s nape, down his neck, and along his slender back.

“Pei Xia, what do you want to do to me?”

Pei Xia obediently answered, “Be on top of you!”

Lucifer chuckled and said, “Is that so? Unfortunately, your wish won’t come true.”

Pei Xia looked a bit forlorn, “Why? Are you still rejecting me?”

Lucifer lifted his chin and lightly bit his lips, his voice becoming husky, “I told you I would punish the naughty boy who lies, Pei Xia…”

Whispering in his ear, each word was pronounced with a refusal impossible to resist, “”

Trapped beneath the golden-haired beauty, Pei Xia’s body quivered, and he had a moment of hesitation. But soon, his face flushed with excitement, and he seemed eager:

“Is this also possible?”

Lucifer: “…”

He raised his hand expressionlessly and delivered another smack on the knight’s raised buttocks, then pressed down on him, initiating a forceful kiss.