After waking up, Pei Xia, feeling guilty, kicked the small statue of the God of Light that had fallen on the ground under the bed. He had been holding it before falling asleep, but during the night, perhaps due to frequent tossing and turning, the small statue fell to the floor.

Dreaming in front of the God, especially with a demon, made Pei Xia, despite his thick skin, feel a bit guilty.

Subsequently, Pei Xia, somewhat troubled, stealthily grabbed his pants and went to find water to wash. Unfortunately, when he fled, he didn’t bring many things, and currently, he had no replacement clothes.

If it were just ordinary dirt, he could endure it, but this, ah, must be washed.

After washing, Pei Xia directly put on the wet pants. In this dilapidated abandoned church, he began contemplating life.

Kneeling in front of the tall statue with cracks, hands clasped together in front of it, slightly bowing his head, the expression on his face was very devout: “Oh, great God of Light, that demon actually invaded my dreams, shaking my beliefs. I, your devout follower, just lost control for a moment, with absolutely no intention to submit. Please, you must let the light bless me!”

Ah, if I must dream of him, then let me stay awake like last night!

If not awake, at least let me control the content of the dream.

Otherwise, I’m afraid of kidney deficiency.

Forget it, this morning, waking up, feeling weak in both loins, Pei Xia almost tripped.

Pei Xia contemplated, involuntarily recalling the dream from last night. That dream was very realistic, everything in the dream was clear, and Pei Xia could still remember all the details.

Including what they said, including what they did.

Too depraved, but fortunately, it was just a dream.

Pei Xia thought so, regarding it as just a dream, not to be taken too seriously. However, the words Lucifer said in the dream kept him from letting go.

He said to go find him, said he would tell him everything.

Clearly, it was just a dream, but Pei Xia still felt an impulse to go back and take a look.

No, no! Pei Xia shook his head suddenly, raising his eyes, he met the benevolent eyes of the God of Light, and he couldn’t help but recall the scene last night when Lucifer walked out of the statue of the God of Light.

In his heart, does he long for him so much, yearning to find a solution and explanation for all the difficulties?

But now, Pei Xia also knows clearly that if he goes back, it won’t be so easy to escape again.

Absolutely cannot go back!

An hour later, Pei Xia, wearing a headscarf made of tattered cloth, sneaked through the streets and alleys toward the original courtyard.

It is solemnly declared that he has no intention of going back!

He is just, very innocent: First, he can’t rest assured about Buck and the others, wanting to see if Lucifer will vent his anger on them. Second, secretly tailing, searching for evidence and weaknesses of Lucifer harming others. Third, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Yes, that’s right, absolutely no other meaning!

Pei Xia bought some food with the money he had brought out in advance, holding a piece of bread, squatting in a secluded corner, and nibbling while staring at that courtyard.

Because he woke up late today, it was already noon when he came.

The courtyard was not open, and many believers came eagerly, only to leave disappointed.

Pei Xia kept squatting until he saw a Holy Knight coming out, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that their expressions were normal, and they were still safe.

In the following days, Pei Xia continued to secretly tail. He would come over every day to take a look but didn’t dare to stay here all the time. The previously closed courtyard door was reopened, and believers flocked in, even Nord and Norsen came for a visit.

This situation was too chaotic. Pei Xia was afraid of being discovered by familiar faces passing by, so he moved away a bit, prepared to avoid them and wait until Nord and the others left before tailing again.

As Pei Xia walked, he encountered a familiar person.

“Are you Pei Xia?” Ribe, holding a basket of vegetables, was not very sure.

Afraid of causing trouble, Pei Xia pretended she had mistaken the person and lowered his head, intending to leave quickly.

But Ribe had already recognized that he was the Holy Knight she knew: “Wait!”

Don’t be fooled by Ribe’s petite stature; as a member of the rabbit race, her running speed is not slow. She rushed over in a few steps and grabbed Pei Xia’s sleeve: “Wait, Pei Xia, I have a question.”

However, she didn’t have a chance to finish her sentence. It’s not that Pei Xia wasn’t cooperating, but suddenly, a large shadow came from the west, and people began to clamor and scream.

The shadow swiftly descended, a massive and beautiful silver creature rushing with a fierce and chilling wind, its imposing presence overwhelming and frightening.

Pei Xia’s pupils contracted sharply. He reached back and pulled Ribe, pressing her down to the ground. In the next moment, the beautiful creature swept low, the raging wind causing bamboo poles, stalls, and potted plants around to be scattered and toppled, turning the street into chaos.

A dragon, a giant dragon!

It was the silver dragon that Pei Xia and the others had seen on the road!

Pei Xia’s ominous premonition came true!

After sweeping through the area, the dragon roared low from its throat, then headed in one direction. That direction was…

Trembling, Pei Xia got up and ran forward.

“Pei Xia, what are you going to do?” Ribe asked worriedly. “That’s a dragon, very dangerous!”

“Ribe, take care of yourself. I have to go see!”


Pei Xia ran wildly, but he still couldn’t catch up with the speed of the silver dragon. Occasionally, he saw innocent orc beings on the road severely injured by mistake and had to lend a helping hand.

The orc capital, Beist, was in chaos, and people were in panic.

Something big seemed to have happened in the royal palace before, and the royal family kept silent about it. Now, with the sudden attack of the dragon, the orcs were even more panicked.

When the silver dragon appeared, the guards became alert. They rushed to support, but those far away couldn’t run as fast as the dragon. Those close by were intimidated by the dragon’s pressure, making their legs weak, and they dared not pursue it.

Ironically, Pei Xia, in the vicinity, turned out to be the fastest pursuer.

When Pei Xia finally arrived near the destination where the silver dragon had stopped, his heart tightened.

You see, dragons are powerful and terrifying creatures, greedy and lustful, and quite unreasonable.

The silver dragon unfolded its wings, almost the size of a small building, flying in the sky, exhaling a breath, and looking downward.

Below, there was Lucifer’s courtyard.

The brave, selfless, kind, and pure Light God’s son stood at the forefront, raising his slightly pale beautiful face without any retreat, confronting the silver dragon. The wind generated by the dragon’s wings blew his pure white robe like angelic wings.

Behind him, many people hid, protected by the barrier created by his light magic.

Lucifer seemed to glance in this direction.

Pei Xia, leaning against a broken wall, involuntarily took a step forward.

At this moment, the silver dragon emitted a deep yet deafening voice: “You are truly beautiful.”

Pei Xia: Where did this rogue dragon come from?!

The silver dragon had silver scales and silver eyes. In the sunlight, the entire dragon seemed as if carved from pure silver, exquisitely beautiful and domineering.

The majestic silver dragon, overlooking from the sky, confronted the strong but fragile son of the Light God, facing the fearful people hiding among the ruins. This scene was truly filled with artistic flavor.

While flapping its wings, the silver dragon howled and roared: “The dragon race is the greatest in the world and should have the most beautiful people in the world! I have finally found you, my beautiful bride!”

After speaking, the silver dragon swooped down, heavily impacting Lucifer’s barrier.

Dragons can use dragon language magic, and at the same time, their physical bodies are terrifyingly robust. Under the silver dragon’s attack, the fragile barrier quickly shattered.

The silver dragon extended its claws, instantly grabbing Lucifer’s waist and soaring into the sky with him. Against the backdrop of the massive dragon body, Lucifer appeared exceptionally delicate and slender. The terrifying claws pinched his waist as if they could snap him in the next moment.

Lucifer moved his arm, and the dragon’s claws scratched his skin, the fresh red color soaking through the fabric of his clothes.

“Fei Fei!” Pei Xia shouted, his eyes tearing apart.

Lucifer happened to lower his head, his slightly sad gaze meeting Pei Xia’s.

At that moment, Pei Xia felt a deep connection, understanding that Lucifer had actually noticed him long ago.

Unable to control himself, Pei Xia ran a few steps in the direction where the silver dragon and Lucifer disappeared, until their figures vanished together. Only then did Pei Xia come back to his senses.

Wait, what am I doing?

Lucifer is a demon; don’t be deceived by him!

He’s so powerful; how could he be easily captured by a dragon? This must be a show, yes, it must be like that. But, but, his current condition seems fragile, he could be harmed even by Pei Xia. Then the dragon could also harm him.

Maybe the dragon will kill him. In that case, is it a good thing or a bad thing?!

Pei Xia painfully hammered his head.

“Captain, where have you been these days!” The Holy Knights noticed Pei Xia and hurried over.

Buck, with red eyes, said, “During the days you were away, the Lord Son’s mood was very bad. Where did you go?”

Pei Xia couldn’t find the words: “I’m sorry, about this…”

Now that Lucifer has been taken away, should he tell them about Lucifer being a demon?

Before Pei Xia could figure it out, Tom choked a few times and suddenly stuffed a small box into Pei Xia’s hand.


“What is this?” Pei Xia looked puzzled at the neatly wrapped gift box tied with a ribbon in his hand.

Tom said, “This is a birthday gift the Holy Son prepared for you!”

Pei Xia was stunned.

Tom, a big man, choked up and said, “The Holy Son has been preparing this in secret for a long time. He asked us not to reveal it. When the dragon came just now, the Holy Son said he had a premonition that he might not be able to personally give you this gift. So, he asked me to pass it on to the captain. What should we do? The Holy Son has been captured by the dragon!”

A birthday gift, is it my birthday gift?

Pei Xia was both bewildered and at a loss. Wait, is Pei Xia Christian’s birthday coming up soon? No, his birthday is in winter, and last year he didn’t celebrate it. How could Lucifer know about it?

Even if investigated, it should be in winter when preparing a birthday gift.

“When is my birthday?”

Tom looked at him strangely and said, “Captain, isn’t your birthday in three days?”

“In three days?”

In three days, it’s September 9th. Wait! Isn’t this the birthday of Pei Xia in modern times?

How could Lucifer know?!

The more Pei Xia thought about it, the more confused and fearful he became. At this moment, Ribe, who arrived late, also rushed over.

“Oh my goodness, I heard that the Holy Son was captured by a dragon.” Ribe walked over worriedly, looking at everyone, and getting an affirmative answer.

She clutched her clothes and looked towards the direction where the dragon flew, both touched and sad. “The Holy Son, who can go and save the Holy Son? He is such a good person!”

Ribe covered her eyes and sobbed. “Just yesterday, he ordered a birthday cake from our restaurant. I wanted to ask him if he liked nut flavor.”

A birthday cake, was it also ordered for me?

Buck encouraged everyone, “The Holy Son is the one who can defeat great demons. He will be fine!”

Tom, disheartened, said, “But dragons are much scarier than great demons. The magic of mature dragons is terrifying. Their strength is even more formidable than great demons, and they have a physical form. With just their claws, they can tear down walls!”

Pei Xia: “…”

“Captain, what should we do?”

Everyone looked at Pei Xia.

Taking a deep breath, Pei Xia gave the order, “Handle things here, I will go find Lucifer!”

“We’re going with you.”

“Yeah, yeah! How can the task of saving the Holy Son leave me behind?”

“No, it’s too dangerous!” Pei Xia sternly declared. “I am the captain, listen to me. You stay here to clean up the aftermath; I’ll go find the Holy Son!”

Everyone was startled.


“That’s enough!”

Pei Xia brought a horse and galloped towards the direction where the silver dragon disappeared.

He couldn’t bring others along. Lucifer was a demon deceiving the world, and innocent people shouldn’t be risked or even sacrificed for him.

Lucifer was the person Pei Xia cared about, even though this relationship was filled with deception. Pei Xia couldn’t control himself from worrying about him.

To find him, whether alive or dead, at least take a look.

No, Pei Xia shook his head abruptly, telling himself in his heart: Stay calm, be rational. You’re only going to confirm whether this demon is truly dead, whether he’s deceiving others again. This is fulfilling the duties of a holy knight!

Personal feelings are secondary. Yes, absolutely no letting emotions dictate actions.


He still wanted to ask him why he knew his real birthday and why he had done all this.