A lingering and sentimental kiss almost left Pei Xia breathless. He tried to push Lucifer away but trembled all over due to a strange sensation, unable to control himself.

As if a gentle breeze embraced his entire body from his fingertips, then seeped into his soul, fluid like water, smoke-like, mingling to form an invisible bond, connecting Pei Xia and Lucifer together.

At this moment, they possessed each other, touching each other’s souls.

Their spirits soared. Pei Xia felt weightless, his brain relaxed, lazily stretching everything. Then, Pei Xia saw the hidden iceberg beneath the sea surface.

Trying to escape, he was surrounded by gentle waves, gently rippling, moistening every inch.

Pei Xia seemed to have turned into a pliable dough, making fragmented whimpering sounds. At this moment, he almost completely lost control, trembling, falling into Lucifer’s embrace.

After an unknown amount of time, Pei Xia, with a dazed expression, gasped for breath and raised his head. “What just happened?”

Lucifer pressed his lips with his fingertips. “Our souls embraced.”

Pei Xia was shocked. “Is this even possible?”

He almost thought he was going to die, but it turned out to be a delightful experience.

But after a long while, Pei Xia came back to his senses. He was still alive, and a hot sweat covered his back. Feeling somewhat uncomfortable, he stepped out of Lucifer’s embrace and stood upright.

After all, they hadn’t completely reconciled yet, and Pei Xia felt it was necessary to maintain some distance at this time.

“Lucifer,” Pei Xia twirled the ring on his finger, cleared his throat, and shifted the conversation. “You said you would tell me everything.”

As he spoke, Pei Xia dared not look at him, fearing to see a mocking expression on his face.

“How do you explain killing the real Lucifer?” Pei Xia asked in a muffled voice.

Lucifer thought for a moment, and tapped Pei Xia’s forehead with his finger, surprising him. Smiling, Lucifer said, “Although there’s nothing wrong with saying I killed him, strictly speaking, the original Lucifer wasn’t really a living being.”

Pei Xia: “Huh?!”

“Let me start from the beginning,” Lucifer grinned. “Let me take you to a place.”

“What—” Pei Xia hadn’t finished his question when he felt Lucifer’s hand pressing on his forehead. Immediately, that strange sensation of the soul being pulled away reappeared. But this time, he only felt incredibly comfortable, weightlessly drifting, without the tingling sensation reaching the point of unconsciousness.

Soon, Pei Xia realized that his soul had truly left his body!

Pei Xia’s soul floated in the air, seeing his physical body collapsing softly into Lucifer’s arms. The two stood together at the cave entrance, leaning against each other as if they were sculptures.

Am I going to be eaten? Is my soul going to be devoured?

If he knew how to cry with his soul, Pei Xia would have burst into tears on the spot.

“Pei Xia,” a voice, or rather a fluctuation, directly entered Pei Xia’s soul.

Turning around, Pei Xia saw Lucifer’s soul. He still had that incredibly beautiful appearance, but the aura within him was extremely terrifying and awe-inspiring.

Surprisingly, Pei Xia was not afraid of him; on the contrary, he felt very safe. This feeling came from the contractual connection between them, making Pei Xia instinctively trust and be close to him.

Pei Xia moved slightly, and soon his hand was held by Lucifer, the touch soft and comfortable. Lucifer didn’t devour him but led him upward.

At some point, they seemed to have left the mountain, the cave entrance, the vast land—or one could say they had left that world altogether. Up, down, left, right, everywhere was a profound night sky adorned with sparkling stars. They had somehow arrived in the midst of the stars!

Lucifer set up a barrier, assuring their safety. Pei Xia knew this, but he couldn’t shake off the psychological fear ingrained by the creatures of the mainland, mainly the fear of falling.

Of course, he was well aware that such a situation wouldn’t occur. But looking at the deep starry sky beneath his feet, he still felt a slight suffocation, even though souls couldn’t be choked.

This time, Pei Xia didn’t ask again. He knew that Lucifer intended to confess everything to him.

Lucifer embraced Pei Xia, and the closeness of their souls almost made Pei Xia melt again.

“Wait a moment, let’s get to the point. I’m feeling a bit uncomfortable like this.”

Lucifer opened his hands and chuckled. “Alright, Pei Xia. Do you know where you are now? This is a world of novels.”

Pei Xia was greatly surprised. “You know too?!”

“Of course.”

Lucifer proceeded to tell Pei Xia some things he didn’t know: “In the vast universe, there are countless worlds, perhaps parallel or independent, some complete and some fragmented, without complete life and soul. It’s like an egg, needing time to incubate and the right temperature to hatch into a chick.”

Lucifer is a demon in one of the countless worlds. Of course, the designation may vary across different worlds; sometimes, he’s called the Lord of the Abyss, and other times, the God of Darkness, but that’s not important.

He admitted this to Pei Xia, acknowledging that his power is somewhat overwhelming, potent enough for temporal travel and catalyzing the formation of worlds.

“I stumbled upon this small world,” Lucifer smiled, “because the core of this world happens to be named Lucifer, just like me. You know, I sometimes feel quite bored and decided to come play.”

Although having the same name is common, the formation of a new world from a discontinued novel like this is quite rare. It requires many coincidences to happen at an extremely low probability.

The world was still in a confused and ignorant state. Moreover, because the world relied on the novel that stopped updating, it was in a dangerously precarious state, ready to collapse from its semi-formed state at any moment.

After entering the world, Lucifer catalyzed the formation of a complete world. At that time, the male protagonist Lucifer was just a shell without independent consciousness. Lucifer unceremoniously occupied his body (although even with independent consciousness, Lucifer wouldn’t be polite).

Under Lucifer’s catalysis, the world came alive. The hazy mist was dispelled, and everything became clear and vibrant.

The souls of living beings solidified, gaining self-awareness. Plants bloomed and bore fruit, and animals developed distinct characteristics. In Pei Xia’s understanding, it was like turning a flat comic into a 3D animated film.

At this point, Pei Xia had already understood the role Lucifer played in this story. He indeed was a demon who occupied the body of the real male protagonist. It could be understood as him stifling the embryo of the male protagonist. However, without Lucifer’s involvement, this world would have been just an empty shell.

Pei Xia became more and more aware of the intricacies: “So, if it weren’t for you, Buck and the others would just be zombies?”

“No, worlds are different from each other. The birth and formation of this kind of world are not straightforward,” Lucifer explained. “When the accumulated power reaches a critical point, the world will erupt, forming everything in an instant. But before that, the world will be in a peculiar state.”

Not everyone’s bodies stand on the ground waiting for the soul to activate. Instead, it’s like a murky river water that instantly becomes clear and layered.

So, the people and things in this world can’t even be considered as zombies; they can only be described as being in a state of waiting to take shape.

Pei Xia seemed to grasp the explanation from Lucifer, and the most unsettling point for him finally found solace. A wave of relaxation washed over Pei Xia.

Pei Xia couldn’t help but smile, “Great, Fei Fei!”

Strictly speaking, Lucifer didn’t kill the male lead; he just prevented him from being born. Without Lucifer, everything in this world might have vanished.

Pei Xia looked at Lucifer with admiration, “I’m sorry, Fei Fei. I misunderstood you. You’re not a villain; you’re a creator, a savior!”

Lucifer showed a slight smile and looked at Pei Xia with a subtle expression. He spoke calmly, “Pei Xia, I’m not as benevolent as you imagine. I have also extinguished lives. I hope you can understand that, just like ants, cats, dogs, cows, and sheep are to you, to me, many times they can’t be seen as equal existences.”

Hearing this, Pei Xia was momentarily stunned, but he quickly snapped back.

Yes, Lucifer was different. He had thought of him as a simple demon before. Although demons and humans were not the same, their levels were quite close in the same world.

But now, Lucifer was even more powerful than he had imagined. He had reached the level of a deity. Was humanity really that important to gods? Perhaps, in the eyes of gods, humans were like ants.

Pei Xia felt a bit inferior. How could he, with his limited abilities, attract the attention of someone like Lucifer?

As this feeling of inferiority emerged, he felt a profound and genuine tenderness, all emanating from Lucifer. The sensation of being loved made Pei Xia understand that self-pity was a disservice to Lucifer.

Taking the initiative, Pei Xia held Lucifer’s hand and said earnestly, “I will try my best to understand you. However, since you chose me, you must also understand me. I won’t harm ants, cats, or dogs, or take the lives of cows and sheep beyond necessity. At the same time, I have enemies, and I will kill humans to protect myself. This is my principle, Fei Fei. You’re so smart; you must understand, right?”

Lucifer lightly kissed his forehead, “I understand.”

If it weren’t for the soul contract, Pei Xia might still doubt whether Lucifer was lying and deceiving, but the connection between their souls made Pei Xia unable to doubt him at all.

They could clearly feel each other’s intentions, their souls intertwined, forever unable to betray each other.

At this moment, Pei Xia suddenly remembered some questions, “Wait, since you also know this is a novel, then, didn’t you know about me from the beginning?”

Lucifer nodded, a perfect smile on his face, “Exactly. From the moment I first saw you, I knew you were an unexpected surprise.”

This surprise not only made the dull game he initially perceived with interest but also became the biggest delight in his eternal journey.

Pei Xia was speechless, “Is that so?” He had thought of not revealing his ability to predict the future in front of Lucifer.

“Pei Xia, your arrival in this world might be related to me,” Lucifer continued. “Probably when I entered this world, I accidentally caused a temporal rift and sucked you in.”

Pei Xia exclaimed, “How careless!”

Before Pei Xia could get angry or react, Lucifer added, “But it’s okay; I can send you back.”

Pei Xia was astonished, and the surprise came too fast for his heart to handle.

Feeling the excitement of his beloved, Lucifer chuckled, “Not only your original world, but I will also take you through countless worlds in the cosmic sky, one by one.”

Pei Xia, overwhelmed with excitement, couldn’t find words to express his feelings.

In the end, Pei Xia made a sound, and then tightly hugged Lucifer.

Without saying anything more, Lucifer covered Pei Xia’s eyes, letting him quietly absorb this information. When Pei Xia calmed down from the turbulent emotions, Lucifer removed his hands.

Pei Xia opened his eyes, only to be startled by the sudden surprise.

“This… isn’t this my room!” It was his room in modern society. He was back?!

Holding Pei Xia’s hand, Lucifer led him to the bedside where a quiet and sleeping shell lay—Pei Xia’s original body.

Lucifer said leisurely, “The flow of time varies between worlds, and the distortion of the spacetime tunnel is different. Pei Xia, you can return to this body, and experience modern life for a while.”

“What about over there?” Pei Xia asked, “What about our bodies? And what about Norsen and the others down the mountain, as well as Buck and the responsible knights? He must be really worried.”

Lucifer said, “Don’t worry, we can go back anytime, as long as we control the passage of time travel, we can return to the moment we just left.”

Pei Xia muttered, “Things happened too quickly; it feels like I’m dreaming.”

Lucifer smiled and pushed him lightly, saying, “Whether it’s a dream or not, you’ll know when you wake up.”

Pei Xia collapsed onto the bed, feeling a pull and exhaustion. Unconsciously, he drifted off to sleep. The sleep was deep and sweet. When Pei Xia woke up in a daze, he hadn’t fully come to his senses.

He thought he was a holy knight until he opened his eyes and saw his boxers and cell phone, gradually recalling everything before falling asleep.

Pei Xia’s first reaction was to grab the phone on the bedside table. The battery was still at forty percent, and the date displayed was the second day of his time-traveling slumber. He leaned down and kissed it.

“Thank you, my dear phone. Thanks to you, I met Fei Fei. Don’t worry; I won’t throw you into the refrigerator!”

Putting the phone down, Pei Xia rubbed his eyes and went to look for Lucifer, only to find that he wasn’t in the room.

Right, when Lucifer came over, he was in soul form, so he couldn’t see him. Would he go and occupy someone else’s body?

At that moment, a familiar voice came from outside the door, “Pei Xia, get up; it’s time to eat.”

It was Fei Fei!

Pei Xia excitedly pushed open the door and saw Lucifer sitting elegantly at the table on the narrow balcony, turning to smile at him.

“Fei Fei!” Pei Xia hurriedly walked over and found two simple breakfasts on the table.

“Is this your new body?” Pei Xia was somewhat surprised, reaching out to touch it, confirming that it was indeed a tangible existence.

Lucifer calmly explained, “It’s the soul. When the soul becomes powerful enough, it becomes as substantial as a physical entity. That world is still in its infancy, too fragile to accommodate my entire soul. Therefore, I could only enter with a portion. But this world is complete and powerful, allowing me to descend with most of my strength after sealing it.”

Seemingly understanding yet not quite, Pei Xia sat across from Lucifer. He looked at the fried eggs, milk, and bread in front of him, hesitating. “Did you cook this on the gas stove?”

Lucifer did something Pei Xia couldn’t comprehend, suddenly conjuring a tall red wine glass. Then, he opened a just-retrieved Coca-Cola from the refrigerator, pouring the dark brown liquid into the wine glass with a gurgling sound.

In Pei Xia’s refrigerator, there was only cola, milk, and mineral water.

“It’s magic.” Although he had been to similar technological civilizations, using magic was simpler, faster, and more stylish.

Just like this drink.

Pei Xia silently watched as Lucifer elegantly swayed the glass like drinking red wine and then savored the iced cola. He didn’t know whether to remind him to drink a little less; this thing was prone to cause hiccups.

Watching the gracefully poised Lucifer, Pei Xia pondered for a moment but decided not to speak up.

Now, he was curious about something else: “Fei Fei, what do you really look like?” He wondered if souls also had a fixed appearance.

Of course, Pei Xia wasn’t the kind of lecherous person. Even if Lucifer looked ugly, he wouldn’t mind.

Lucifer sent him a smiling gaze, “Just like I look now.”

Pei Xia was surprised, “Are you identical to the original male lead?”

Lucifer shook his head, “No, this is my original appearance.”

As it turned out, although the male lead Lucifer was beautiful, he was, after all, a human and within the range of human beauty. However, the novel exaggerated his appearance too much, making it highly unreasonable. This was also a bug that delayed the formation of this world.

After Lucifer took over the male lead’s body, to rationalize the protagonist’s design, he let this body manifest his own appearance.

Pei Xia, in a daze, realized that he had always thought Lucifer’s beauty was inhuman, and indeed, his face wasn’t human.

“By the way, aren’t you a demon? How come you’re so skilled in light magic?” Pei Xia asked.

Lucifer took a sip of iced cola and whimsically revealed a truth that could terrify all followers of the Light Magic Church: “I didn’t think the god of light was qualified to accept my worship, so I devoured him.”

Pei Xia: “…”

Lucifer innocently smiled at him.

No wonder he dreamed of Lucifer walking out of the statue of the god of light. Speaking of dreams, Pei Xia quickly looked at him, “Lucifer, can you, can you enter dreams?”

Lucifer raised an eyebrow, “Ah, that…”

Pei Xia firmly grasped his chopsticks and protested, “You promised not to lie to me again!”

Lucifer pondered for a moment, “Did I? Well, let’s say that if you claim I did, then I did.”

“Yes, you can.” 

Lucifer flicked his golden hair and revealed a charming side profile. He slowly said, “I learned about your birthday from a dream as well.”

Pei Xia, holding a half-bitten fried egg, fell into contemplation. Gradually, his face turned red and hot again, as if he could fry another egg on it.

After a brief silence, he made a quiet request, “Then you can’t just enter my dreams casually. Even if you enter, make it a lucid dream like last time.”

“Last time?” Lucifer raised an eyebrow.

Pei Xia awkwardly scratched his face, “Yeah, that time.”

“Fine, I promise you.” Lucifer smiled and let him off.

Lucifer sipped his cola, Pei Xia drank his milk, and as the delicious breakfast went down, Pei Xia, in the midst of eating, suddenly started shedding tears.

Lucifer stopped swirling the wine glass in his hand and put it down. He reached out his long and elegant fingers, gently touching Pei Xia’s chin, tilting his face to make him look at him.

“Fei Fei,” Pei Xia was overwhelmed with emotions, tears welling up in his eyes. He said, “I never thought I’d see this day.”

Before the time-travel, he thought he would grow old alone, and even after the journey through time, he was prepared for a life of singleness and hard work.

But it was too fortunate, unbelievably fortunate, to the point that it left him sincerely awestruck.

Lucifer looked at him with deep affection and said tenderly, “You’re starting to cry now; you might be exhausted later.”

Pei Xia made a puzzled snort, “Huh?”

Lucifer’s smile deepened, “Have you forgotten again? I told you that for every wrong name, you have to do it one more time. Pei Xia, how many times have you called me the wrong name so far?”

Pei Xia was dumbfounded, “Wait, my body isn’t that strong right now!”

Lucifer was very considerate, “When the body is tired, we can switch to the soul.”

Pei Xia: “…”

Finally, after an unknown amount of time passed, Pei Xia’s soul seemed to blossom like fireworks. He felt profound joy and happiness, his soul filled with deep emotion.

Pei Xia cried and trembled, kissing the contract ring on his ring finger. He was embraced by the most beloved person, sinking into bliss.

Lucifer whispered in his ear, “Pei Xia, in any world, we will always belong to each other. I will always be with you, love you, and have you.”

Pei Xia and Lucifer’s souls merged, and he gave everything he had: “Lucifer, I love you.”

The vast starry sky, the majestic universe, they vowed to walk through countless worlds together. The future, an endless journey, awaited them.

Yet, no matter where they went, Pei Xia and Lucifer would love and accompany each other, forever and ever.

Death and rebirth never ceased, worlds might collapse, and the universe might vanish, but love would remain eternal.

—— End of the Story ——

Author’s note: 

Oh my, the completion flag surprisingly didn’t fall, how delightful! Congratulations, congratulations!

Haha, getting down to business. A big thank you to all the little angels who accompanied me along the way, accompanying Xia Xia and Fei Fei to the conclusion. Because of you, Gugu Yan was able to persist. Love you all, muah muah muah!

Xia Xia and Fei Fei’s story, as written in the ending, has an endless journey awaiting them in the future. Their story will be very long, but Gugu Yan’s lifespan is limited, so we’ll end it here.

Oh, there will be an extra chapter later, so don’t leave in a hurry~

After the complete conclusion, I hope to continue the journey with you all in the next story!

The next one will be about why the Demon Lord is so delicate, and after that, I’ll write about the mysterious boyfriend.

Big Goo spreads its wings: Flying away!

Translator’s corner:

Coming up next will be the extras…