After living in modern society for a while, Lucifer brought Pei Xia back to the world of the novel.

Before coming back, Pei Xia seriously memorized things like the extraction process of sugar and the tofu-making process. He was eager to enrich the recipes for his friends and contribute to the culinary culture of the continent.

Lucifer was a bit surprised when he learned about this: “Why not let me handle it?”

Pei Xia scratched his head, chuckled, and said, “I know Fei Fei is very smart and capable of doing many things. Precisely because of this, if Fei Fei is not interested in doing something, I don’t want you to force yourself for my sake. I can handle it myself.”

As for Lucifer, as long as he did what he liked, it was enough.

Lucifer pinched Pei Xia’s cheek and pulled it, saying, “Maybe I should be more proactive to make you rely on me more.”

Pei Xia grumbled, “I already rely on you enough.”

After Pei Xia’s soul went to the other side, the body in modern society fell into a dormant state. When they were there, they still leaned against the entrance of the cave, bathing in the moonlight.

Time had passed for just a few minutes.

After returning to this body, Pei Xia moved a bit, flexing his arms to feel his muscles. “When we go back later, I need to do some exercise there too.”

Speaking of this, he felt a bit melancholic. “Will I have to start training from scratch every time I go to a new world?”

Lucifer hugged his waist and, with him in tow, jumped directly from the mountaintop. The wind whistled, and his golden hair trailed behind him like the tail of a comet.

“Once the soul is powerful enough, you can influence the body with the soul, or even directly manifest the soul. Don’t worry; I’ll teach you slowly.”

After landing on the ground, Pei Xia was surprised to find that the silver dragon youth hadn’t left yet.

“Why is he still here?”

Lucifer glanced at him and said, “Dragon races make excellent mounts. Do you like it, Pei Xia? It’s a gift for you.”

Pei Xia: “Oh, so now I’ve become a dragon knight!”

Lucifer gestured with his finger, and the silver dragon youth immediately felt a looseness on his body. He hurriedly got up, turned around, and looked at the two with resentment: “Ah! You deliberately tricked me. You reconciled so quickly. Waaah! I don’t want to be a human mount!”

Pei Xia scratched his head, facing this shota-like silver dragon, he couldn’t help but feel a strange sensation of adults bullying children.

“Actually, I’m not that interested in being a dragon knight.”

Blow my hairstyle in high altitude? No, thank you.

The silver dragon youth, upon hearing Pei Xia’s words, was overjoyed and nodded vigorously: “Exactly, being a dragon knight is boring. And I just came of age this year. You can’t bully me. I just… Waaah!”

He became sadder as he spoke, and couldn’t help but wipe his tears with the back of his hand: “I just followed the ancient customs to snatch a bride. Mom, Dad, you deceived me!”

(Far away on Dragon Island, Dragon Dad and Dragon Mom: Oh no, where did our son go? Could he have taken bedtime stories seriously and gone out to cause trouble?!)

Pei Xia was speechless. However, not considering him as a mount didn’t mean they would let him off easily.

“Because of your wilfulness, Beist suffered significant losses, and numerous people were injured. All of this is your fault!”

The final resolution was that the silver dragon youth had to hand over the accumulated wealth in his cave to the Orc Kingdom as compensation and personally assist in repairing the damaged buildings.

Considering that dragons are rare and have a powerful and special status, nobody made excessive demands. This was an acceptable resolution for both sides.

Norsen and the others were awakened by Lucifer, puzzled about how the battle suddenly ended, but as long as the outcome was good, it was enough.

They transported the silver dragon youth’s wealth and walked towards the capital together. On the way, Norsen held a silver disc with a very cautious expression.

“What’s wrong?” Pei Xia asked.

Norsen said, “Do you feel this is familiar?”

Pei Xia: “Where is this from?”

“Found it in the cave.”

Pei Xia couldn’t help but worry as he glanced at the silver dragon youth reluctantly following behind. He leaned over to Norsen and whispered, “He might have a skin disease. Let everyone stay away from him and be careful not to get infected.”

Norsen: “Okay!”

Don’t know why the suddenly estranged captain and the Holy son reconciled, the holy knights were puzzled, but genuinely felt joy.

Ribe brought delicious cakes. In this world, Pei Xia spent a lively birthday surrounded by the blessings of loved ones and friends.

This is the liveliest, happiest, and most joyful birthday he has ever had.

Afterward, the group from the Church of Light continued their journey, crossing grasslands, traversing snow-capped mountains, and circling back to the central cathedral of the Church of Light.

At this point, the journey through the northern half of the entire continent was considered complete, and they would head south to explore the remaining half of the continent.

In the central cathedral of the Church of Light, Andre, the red-haired knight who had been eagerly awaiting the Holy Son for a long time, received news that was no less shocking than a bolt from the blue.

Pei Xia, this audacious and ambitious guy, had actually taken possession of the Lord Saint!

Andre’s wandering soul drifted into the cathedral, witnessing Pei Xia and Lucifer praying in front of the statue as usual.

They seemed to be whispering to each other. Ah, this Pei Xia, the falsely pious fellow, has even corrupted the Lord Saint!

Pei Xia quietly asked Lucifer beside him, “Fei Fei, does praying to the God of Light count as praying to you?”

The perfectly poised and expressionless Lucifer replied, “You can interpret it that way.”

Pei Xia suddenly felt a belated sense of shame: This is too cunning. All those times I said things like “My heart belongs only to the God of Light,” isn’t that equivalent to confessing to Lucifer?

After the prayer, the two walked out of the hall and came face to face with the red-haired youth Andre. As a loyal knight left at home, he was informed upon the return of faith that the other party already belonged to someone else. Andre’s eyes were filled with anger, mixed with sorrow and pain.

In the midst of this complex gaze, Pei Xia inexplicably began to feel guilty.

“Lord Saint, greetings.” After the exchange of pleasantries, Andre swiftly turned his gaze to Pei Xia and declared, “Pei Xia, I challenge you!”

Pei Xia: “???”

Andre spoke with righteousness, “As a holy knight, we have long sworn to dedicate our entire body and mind to the God of Light. How can you, driven by personal desires, lead the Lord Saint astray? Duel with me, and if you lose, leave the Lord Saint!”

Having just discussed related matters with Lucifer, Pei Xia couldn’t help but give him a subtle glance.

Indeed, many religious figures have spoken about dedicating their entire body and mind to the God of Light. In that case…

Lucifer responded with an innocent smile.

“I accept your challenge, but I don’t accept your conditions,” Pei Xia fearlessly declared. “The Lord Saint and I are genuinely in love, and we will not be separated under any circumstances!”


“Enough, Andre,” Lucifer calmly intervened. “As Pei Xia said, if he is forced to leave, I will leave with him. Andre, this is a love permitted by the gods. Even if you inquire with the God of Light, the deity would not object.”

Andre couldn’t believe it. “Lord Saint, have you really fallen in love with Pei Xia?”

Lucifer, without concealing anything, nodded and said, “Yes, for the harmony of everyone, I’m sorry, Andre. I will transfer you out of my team.”

Heartbroken, Andre couldn’t accept it. “Even so, I will challenge Pei Xia.”

The result of the challenge was unquestionable—Andre lost. However, he refused to admit defeat, covering his face and leaving unsteadily, saying in grief and anger, “I won’t give up!”

Watching his retreating figure, Pei Xia couldn’t help but sigh. The power of a devoted fan was truly frightening.

Turning around, Pei Xia held Lucifer’s hand and reassured him, “I will handle Andre properly, Fei Fei, don’t worry.”

Lucifer blinked gently, smiling at him. He did have some concerns, but they had nothing to do with Andre.

Because he noticed that the usually honest Pei Xia had become increasingly cunning lately, especially in the flexible use of nicknames. Ironically, Lucifer had to keep his word when speaking to Pei Xia.

It always felt like, in a certain aspect, while appearing to have the upper hand on the surface, behind the scenes, Pei Xia was orchestrating something.

Well, it added a bit of fun.

In the midst of the strongest noon light of the God of Light’s power, Andre meticulously set up an altar for divine worship. With an exceptionally strong faith, he prayed fervently before the statue of the God of Light.

Finally, the deity responded to him!

Andre was overjoyed and quickly complained to the deity, “Your favored one, your messenger Lord Lucifer, he has been misled by a human! Please issue a divine oracle to separate them!”

The vaguely defined God of Light smiled slightly and said, “They are truly in love, perfectly matched, destined for each other. No one can destroy their love.”

Andre: “…”

After this day, Andre turned dark. Specifically, he decided to betray the God of Light and turned to embrace darkness!

Hah, what God of Light? It’s just a symbol of ignorance and decay, hypocritical and insincere!

In the strongest midnight darkness, Andre meticulously set up an altar to communicate with the demon. With an exceptionally strong faith, he prayed fervently before the statue of the Demon King.

Soon, the Demon King responded to him!

Andre was overjoyed and quickly told the demon about his distress: “I want to separate a couple. Can you tell me how to do it?”

The misty-eyed Demon King laughed arrogantly, “This is easy! Tell me, who do you want to break up?”

Andre devoutly told the devil: “It’s the Lord Saint Lucifer of the Church of the God of Light and the Holy Knight Pei Xia by his side.”

Demon King: “Hahaha, who did you say?!”

Andre patiently repeated: “It’s the Lord Saint Lucifer of the Church of the God of Light and the Holy Knight Pei Xia by his side.”

The Demon King fell silent for a long time and said, “They are truly in love. Give up, child. The world is vast; we’ll meet again someday!”

Andre: “…”

Then Andre woke up. He packed up and decided to leave on his own initiative. He wanted to return to his distant hometown and contribute to the development of scientific endeavors!

What light, what darkness, what deity, what devil, all false.

Only science is the sole truth!

Regarding Andre’s sudden change in attitude, Pei Xia felt very curious. As a rival in love, he didn’t have the heart to ask Andre directly but quietly added some travel expenses when they saw him off together.

Pei Xia had a strange intuition; he felt that this matter seemed to be related to Lucifer. Given their relationship, Pei Xia didn’t hesitate to ask directly:

“Fei Fei, do you know why Andre suddenly decided to leave?” Despite his strong determination to break them up and his apparent mischief, nothing happened, and Andre gave up on his own. It’s just too unscientific!

After a moment of contemplation, Lucifer’s bright eyes formed crescent moons. He extended a finger to lightly tap his rosy lips, and the corners of his lips lifted, appearing extremely pleased: “Probably because he was influenced by our love.”

As soon as these words were uttered, Pei Xia felt goosebumps all over his body. He couldn’t help rubbing his arms, chuckling nervously: “Ahaha, that’s too exaggerated, too cheesy! Don’t say that to others; it damages our image!”

Lucifer even obediently nodded: “Okay, I’ll only say it to you.”

Turning his head, Pei Xia was approached by someone else who was equally curious, asking why Andre, another devoted knight fascinated by Lucifer, suddenly left.

Pei Xia grinned and said, “Of course, he was influenced by the love between me and the Lord Lucifer!”

Author’s note:

Here, this novel comes to a complete end~

Here, Gugu Yan wants to pray to the great God of Light. Please let all the little angels who have subscribed to this work give it a five-star rating on the work details page!

All the stars will turn into constellations, illuminating the journey of the Holy Son and Xia Xia in the universe.

Bling bling~ That’s love!

This Western fantasy novel’s world is like a half-formed and incomplete little universe, where everything is still in the early stages of construction.

Translator’s corner:

There are still two extra chapters left…