"Hello He answered her phone? Du Manning's brain boomed.

"Who are you?" Du Chenchen suddenly heard a strange man's low voice. His eyebrows wrinkled. Nangong Han leaned against the window and looked at the sea view. The corner of his mouth was slightly raised. The child voice on the other end of the phone surprised him. He didn't know why he even said, "who are you?"

"Please call Du Manning!" It's almost 12 o'clock, and Mommy hasn't come home yet. When Du Chenchen called, a man happened to answer the phone, which made him more worried. At the same time, his voice was naturally very bad.

"She's still in the shower and can't answer your phone right now." This kid's tone makes Nangong Han extremely unhappy. He answers coldly and hangs up the phone with a slap. When he looks back, he sees that Du Manning clenches his fists and stares at him angrily. Nangong Han's indifferent hand is about to be thrown on one side of the sofa, and then says, "you're taking a bath, I'll take it for you."

This shavin pig, does he know what politeness is? Du Manning scurried by and held his mobile phone in his hand. He wanted to call the babies back to save them from worry. But Nangong Han's eyes were locked on him all the time, which made Du Manning very uncomfortable. He glared at him and said, "what are you looking at? There's nothing to see. "

"That's how you treat your Savior?" With a cold smile, Nangong went to the side of the wine cabinet and poured a glass of red wine. She reached out and handed it to her. Du Manning still didn't have a good face for her, but she still reached out and took the red wine, just whispered: "thank you!"

"I've only been in the company for a few days. Who did I hook up with? The clothes have been torn to pieces like that. It seems that you come to me disguised as an ugly girl, and you don't just stare at me. " Nangong laughs coldly. There is a nameless anger in his heart all the time, which makes him feel uneasy. Especially when he sees Du Manning now, he can almost be sure that it is a sexual harassment when he thinks about her being torn to pieces. His anger is even stronger when he thinks about it, and he hates to strangle the person who dares to hurt her.

But! But! His Nangong master has forgotten. Even if Du Manning is really taken care of by others, who cares about his Nangong master?

However, the two people involved didn't seem to realize that it was wrong. Du Manning glared at him angrily. His little face turned red and roared: "I want you to take care of it."

Nangong Han sneered again and said: "Nangong group is a regular company, not a place for some bad women to catch golden turtles. As my full-time secretary, I naturally have to manage it. Do you want me to manage it, or do you want the man just now? Or did you just play hard to get with men? "

It was so sour, but Du Manning, who was still angry, didn't realize it. He took several deep breaths, then threw a pillow from the sofa and roared: "the dog can't spit ivory, do you always talk so ugly? What's hard to get? I only know today that there is Ding Dawei in the company, OK? You've gone too far. "

The pillow hit Nangong Han's body, he didn't feel anything, but all his hearing only stopped in one sentence, the dog couldn't spit out Ivory! Dare you call him a dog? Nangong Han's face was immediately covered with frost, and countless fragments flashed through his mind. On a rainy night, the boy screamed in pain, and was surrounded by several gangsters, forcing him to learn to bark, biting his teeth and supporting countless fists on his body.

His face is black. No one dares to treat himself like this for 20 years. All the people who once treated him like that go to hell. How dare this woman call him a dog? Nangong Han's chest fluctuated violently, and came towards Du Manning step by step.

Du Manning was startled by his sudden change. As she drew back on the sofa, she said, "Hey, you You can't be so mean! I just threw you with a soft pillow. There's no need to do that Ah... "

Nangong Han grabbed her by the collar and picked her up. Although the shirt was not long, the original length was just in her thigh. Now when he pulled it, the whole shirt was much shorter, revealing her round buttocks. Du Manning was shocked at this time. When he heard the phone ring just now, he rushed to answer the phone, No one came and put on their underwear.

Her underwear and inner room were all wet. When she woke up, she was sitting in the bathtub. She couldn't carry this kind of clothes. Moreover, Zhao Ma didn't seem to be prepared for her. Now she was lifted up by him like this, and she felt cool and windy. Her face turned red.

Nangong Han also felt her strange. He looked down and saw that her straight chest was against her shirt. He could clearly see the two heads in front of her chest. With a crooked smile on the corner of his mouth, he reached out and lifted her between her legs and looked at her face to face.

"You Let go. " Such a private place is covered by Nangong Han's domineering power, and Du Manning's whole body is hot. Except for the man seven years ago, no one has ever touched that place. Nangong Han ignores her struggle, but just stares at her, as if to embarrass her.

His eyes went all the way down from her chest. His slender and sexy legs were right in front of him. He stroked her legs with his other hand, bowed his head and kissed her with his hand. Du Manning fell on the sofa because of his posture. His legs were open because of Nangong Han's deliberate pulling. Nangong Han raised her legs, licked the tip of her tongue, and started from her ankles Spread."You Yes Sorry, you first Oh Let go of me. " Nangong Han's kisses seem to strike Du Manning with some kind of current. Although she is a woman who is about to run three, her body is still young. Where can Nangong Han's opponent be?

Her pleading aroused Nangong Han's desire. She raised her head from her legs, pressed her whole body over, supported her arms and stared at her. It was the first time that he had a good look at her, and removed all the disguises. Her face was clean and delicate, like a child, which was totally different from her previous image.

"How old are you?" Nangong Han stroked her face, touched her lovingly, and her recent anger gradually calmed down. What he took with him was a kind of itching impulse. Du Manning had never seen him so affectionate. He said as if he had been under a magic spell: "two Twenty seven. "

Leaning over, Nangong Han bit her lips, and said with a smile in his voice: "lying is punishable. How do I think you are like a minor?"

"You You, you are under age Du Manning blushed and answered him, my God! He's not going to talk to her like this, okay? It's just hongguoguo's desire to seduce her! Ah, she has always been a normal woman, she can't stand such temptation, OK?

She reached out and stroked the cherry fruit on her chest, which made her groan. Nangong Han said with a low smile: "it really doesn't look like an underage. It's OK to see your body flat. It's a bit unexpected to feel it at this time."

"President, president! Don't That's it The whole person who is teased by him is itchy. Where can she be his opponent? In Nangong Han's hands, she can only helplessly look at him. Nangong Han's features are clear and beautiful, especially his eyes, which are deep like a deep pool, like people will be deeply immersed in it if they take a look at it more. Now there is a small flame burning in his eyes. Staring at her lovely appearance, it seems that he wants to tear her into his belly.

Du Manning's brain became more confused. She pushed him hard, but still couldn't push him. What's more, there was a hard thing between her legs against her own, and she didn't even wear it.

Du Manning can't help swallowing. Nangong Han doesn't ignore her flushed face. He can't help leaning over her lips and putting her lips in his own mouth. Strong masculinity fills Du Manning's whole body. It sounds like a fire is burning her. She has forgotten to kiss so long ago, and her face is red He was on the spot.

Nangong Han took advantage of her blank, reached out and untied the button of her shirt. In this way, when the shirt opened to both sides, Du Manning seemed to be lying naked under his own body. His skin was as white as jade, emitting the fragrance after bathing.

The towel wrapped with hair falls on the sofa. Nangong Han pulls it and puts it under Du manning. At this time, Du Manning can only accept his kiss faintly. Nangong Han's tongue licks her neck and comes to her chest, sucks one of her cherry fruits, twists and teases her, nibbles at it from time to time, and makes Du Manning unable to parry.

She was embarrassed to dodge his kiss, but back against the soft sofa let her escape!

"It's amazing. That's who you are!" Nangong Han's voice, with a happy smile, looks at the woman who has been picked by himself. He has a strong sense of satisfaction in his heart, and his hand doesn't stop. He finds out her sensitive points and rubs them gently