"All the people from Nangong are demons! God Read a low, Ke Er put down the bag, went back to the room, opened the drawer to search, an hour later, the whole family turned upside down, but did not find what Ke Er wanted, powerless lying on his back in bed: "where will the photos go? I put it in my diary. How could it be that both of them are missing? "

After thinking for a while, Ke'er takes out his mobile phone and makes a call to Ji Feng. After a long time, Ji Feng doesn't answer. It seems that he is really angry. Ke'er cleans up the room, goes downstairs, reaches for a car, and finds the place where he once opened a flower shop along with his childhood memory.

The shop that used to open a flower shop on the side of the street has been transformed into a wedding photography center. The small teahouse of Ji's family has now become a teahouse and a leisure and entertainment center. As soon as she pushes the door into the teahouse, a waiter walks down the aisle: "Miss, please, how many people?"

"Er, I'm looking for someone. Is Mr. Ji Feng in?"

"I'm sorry, we don't know about that. We are only responsible for the ordering of the guests in the lobby. Otherwise, if you wait a moment, I'll go to the manager to ask?" The waiter said politely but tactfully. Ke'er shook his head and said with a smile, "forget it, I'm calling him."

The waiter nodded and left with a smile. Ke'er took out his mobile phone and thought for a while. Finally, he sent a text message to Ji Feng, saying that he was looking for him in his teahouse! Ji Feng didn't return. Ke'er sat there waiting for an hour. At 8 p.m., there were a lot of people all the time. Ke'er looked out of the window and lost his time bit by bit.

Another hour later, Ke'er decided not to wait. He stood up and was about to leave. Then the waiter came up to her and said, "Miss Nangong? Box 2, please come over


"Ha ha, you will know when you are past." The waiter smiles and turns away. Ke'er thinks about it and pushes open the door of box 2. Ji Feng sits on the sofa with a fruit platter and a bottle of red wine on the table. Seeing Ke'er coming in, he just raises his eyelids and points to the sofa without saying a word.

"Are you still mad at me?" Ke'er smiles and sits beside him.

Ji Feng's hand meal, looked up at her one eye, also can't help shaking his head, said with a smile: "angry also don't need, is very sad, it seems that I always feel wrong, I think you like me. Actually How can people like you take a fancy to me? Even if you are willing, mother Du will not agree with me! "

"Also said not angry, you know my father and my mother are not valuing money, if so, they will not come together." Can son low smile a, stretched out a hand to hold Ji Feng's hand way: "sorry, is I hurt your heart, in fact I really treat you as elder brother, I know you are good person, but can't let me have that kind of heart feeling."

A touch of pain flashed across Ji Feng's face, but it was only a flash. He said with a smile, "man, you don't have to comfort me. Love depends on fate. If you don't love me, I don't blame you. It's my respect that you can tell me so frankly. I was a little stingy just now. I punished you for sitting there for two hours

"Well, you are so bad." Ke'er raises her little hand and hits Ji Feng with a smile. Ji Feng pours wine for her with a smile and says, "come on, what do you want to do with me? You're not here to apologize, are you

"Apology is one aspect. I want to ask you another thing. I lost the photo of brother Wenzhe in my diary. I don't know where it disappeared. I want to trouble you to take me to the mother-in-law and see if she still has a picture of brother Wenzhe in her hand?"

"Lost?" Ji Feng rubbed his hands: "this may not be, because at that time there was only this one, but also I want to come."

"What shall we do?" Ke'er frowned and whispered: "at that time I put it very well, but now I can't find it!"

Ji Feng looked at her anxious appearance, reached out and took a picture of her and said: "in fact, it doesn't matter whether I lose the photos or not. Zhou Wenzhe and you knew each other only as a child. Now that you grow up, people's feelings will change. What do you know about love when you were a child? What's more, don't you have silence now? He has a good family background and a good person. He is a doctor. He should be very kind-hearted. If you really feel that you love him, you should love him well. Don't look for Zhou Wenzhe any more. "

"It's because I want to love him well that I want to find the photo of Wenzhe's brother."

Ji Feng didn't understand. He looked at her and didn't speak for a long time. Ke'er took a deep breath and then said, "well, I've been to the new and old houses of the Shen family these days. I found a picture of Shen Zimu's childhood in the house and found that he was Zhou Wenzhe. Although he became tall and sunny, his eyebrows are still like that. But I don't know why. As long as we ask Shen Zimo whether he is Zhou Wenzhe or not, everyone looks like a ghost and can't understand it. "

Ji Feng was silent for a moment and said, "are you sure he is Zhou Wenzhe? There are too many people who look alike. "

"I know that before I was not quite sure, but after I deliberately asked the servant and his friends, I found that their answers were very strange. My intuition told me that Shen Zimo was the Zhou Wenzhe I had been looking for.""Did you talk to him then?"

Ke'er shook his head and sighed: "no, I want to talk to him too, but after thinking about it carefully, forget it. Zhou Wenzhe had a memory problem when he was a child. Shen zime knew that I was looking for Zhou Wenzhe, but he didn't know that he was. Something must have happened in it. I must make it clear."

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know! I'm depressed. My mother told me that I'm not allowed to reveal my family background. I can't use my family's money or my family's strength. Now I'm like a little King Kong who has been bound. I can't show my hands and feet. "

When Ke'er finished, they fell into silence again. After a long time, Ke'er sighed again: "I think the most important thing now is that I want to keep this job. Now I have more than one month to be free. When my March is over, I will immediately start to investigate Shen Zimu's past."

"That's probably the best way." Ji Feng replied, "anyway, I am also a very idle person. During this period of time, I will try to find out something about Shen Zi Mo, hoping to sort out his life experience from small to large, so that he will know if he is the person we are looking for."

"Brother Ji Feng, I really appreciate you." Can son incomparably sincere get up respectful a body, Ji Feng likes her, she hurt Ji Feng, but this man is still willing to help her, can son feel very distressed, and very guilty. Ji Feng stood up with a smile and said: "silly you, and I also said this, you can be happy is my biggest wish."

"Brother Ji Feng..."

"Go, I'll take you home!" Ji Feng stretched out her hand and went out to the coffee shop. Two people got on the locomotive. Ke'er put his arms around Ji Feng's waist from behind and said with a smile, "why do you still treat me so well? I feel I hate myself so much!"

"Ha ha!" Ji Feng started the car with a smile and said: "I remember the days when you went to the United States to see a doctor. I heard that you couldn't live. At that time, I went to put the Kongming lamp every day. I hope I can bless you. I once made a wish that you could have happiness and happiness. So I'm not your happiness, so I should let you go to pursue your own happiness. "

"Brother Ji Feng, you are so good, there must be a better girl than me to love you."

"Come on! If you refuse, keep it. Don't tell me. Sit down. "

"Wow Slow down, slow down Wow, ha ha, how powerful... " Two people laughing all the way, provoked the passers-by to look back frequently, the cool night breeze brought incomparable comfort, when I got home, it was past ten o'clock. After getting off the locomotive, Ji Feng helped Ke'er take off her helmet, cut her long hair and said, "you have a good rest. I'll take care of the information. If Shen zime is really Zhou Wenzhe, I'll try to find out what's going on."

"Please, brother Ji Feng!"

"Fool!" Ji Feng held her in his arms and said softly, "your happiness is my happiness. Who let you be my favorite And my sister Pause for a moment, in order not to cause trouble to Ke'er, Ji Feng still turned a word. Ke'er smiles and hugs him tightly and says, "thank you. I'm very happy."

"Go to sleep, it's windy outside!" Ji Feng slightly pushed away Ke Er, and then in her forehead corner next kiss: "good night, my princess."


Ji Feng smile, put on the helmet, stepped on the locomotive, out of the community, but son watched him leave, this turned back to the room, really tired, left the bag bubble bath, directly fell on the bed to sleep. At the moment when the light went out, Shen Zimo hit the steering wheel in a luxury car not far away from the residential area: "this dead woman actually went back to find Ji Feng. The liar, the liar, said that he loved him and Zhou Wenzhe. They all loved him."

After turning around the front of the car, Shen Zimo leaves the community directly. He is possessed by a ghost and will wait for her all night under the building. But when he comes back, the result is like this. Nangong Ke'er! Play with his feelings, there must be a price.

"Good morning

"Good morning!" Can son with a gentle smile, all the way to say hello into the hospital, put on the dress, just arrived at the clinic, but saw a person who is not good. The man had long red hair. Although he was also dressed in the doctor's clothes, his eyes were very sharp. He stood by the door and looked down at Ke'er, which was quite familiar.

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

"Are you Nangong Ke'er?" The beauty directly glanced at Ke'er and looked up and down, with deep contempt in her eyes. Ke'er couldn't remember when she offended this number of people, but her childhood upbringing still made her smile and said: "yes, what's the matter?"