Chapter 386

Name:Wife, Don't Run Away Author:Zhu Xi
"Yes! I have been asking for leave from time to time since I started working in the logistics department. I was scolded bloody by my father when I had a temporary meeting yesterday Lin sining is so strong. In fact, Lin Mufan just said a few words to her, telling her not to feel this kind of mood just as soon as she changed her department. The company will have opinions on her, and Lin sining can't stand it.

As soon as Lin sining turned around, he was about to leave. However, Su chixuan's voice was quiet. "You, the lady's temper, has not changed for so many years. He is your father. Do you feel so miserable when he says you two words? Do you know there are many people who want their father to say, but no one says it! "

Lin sining stops when he hears Su Chi Xuan's voice. This is the first time that Su Chi Xuan mentions his parents in front of her. She has never heard him mention it before.

"My words are over, you can go," said Su chixuan and went back to his room. Lin sining stood there stupidly. Every time he met the defense line in his heart, he always retreated. Or just ask him about the envelope, maybe he can give himself a different explanation.

Lin sining thought for a while, but then she gave up.

Just when Lin sining didn't know what to do, early summer called to invite her to have dinner this evening. But now Lin sining, who has this mood?

"Oh, but Li Haoran will come here today." In the early summer, when Li Haoran was mentioned, Lin sining became stunned, "did he all go to your home for dinner?"

"Yes, my brother bought a house some time ago? I asked Li Haoran to have a look at the decoration. I have already decided on the plan today, so I asked him to have a meal together. Even if it was to thank him and return his kindness, it happened that when he was not mentioned last time, you were also very curious about this person, so let's come and have a look. "

"Oh, all right." Lin sining thinks that he's OK anyway. Instead of suffering from the big eyes and small eyes of Su chixuan at home every day, it's better to go to early summer now.

Su chixuan thought Lin sining was going to work, but she was dressed in a dress full of sunflowers and hopping out. It didn't look like going to work!

"Where are you going?"

"Oh, introduce a handsome boy in early summer. Let me go and have a look. We'll have lunch together this afternoon." Lin sining was afraid that he would say anything more, so he said in a hurry: "time is coming, I'll go first." The door of the house was shut with a bang.

Su chixuan Leng Leng Leng, the handsome boy in the heart of early summer? Is there anyone else besides Lin mu'an? Su chixuan shook his head.

When Lin sining arrived at the Meng's house, Li Haoran had not yet come. He just took this opportunity to ask about her police uniform in early summer or Han Feifei.

"That early summer, have you been busy with the police recently?"

It should have been very busy, but he was involved in a cross provincial case, so the bureau did not plan to send her any special work in the past six months. She is busier than ordinary people in her work, but she is very relaxed in nature.

"All right," early summer looked at her, "what's the matter?"

"That. I want to borrow your uniform

Although there were doubts in early summer, she immediately took out her clothes and said, "what's the matter? How can I remember that I have to look at my uniform all of a sudden

"Oh, I went to see a drama performance two days ago, and she also wore the clothes of the Public Security Bureau. I think it's very nice. I want to see what kind of styles you all have. I'll design a suit of clothes to show the figure for Lin's group. Isn't it just logistics? "

In the early summer, he gave the clothes shop to Lin sining. He didn't even look at his appearance. He just untied the buttons and turned the collar.

"Miss, Mr. Li is here." Li Haoran arrived before seeing it twice. Lin sining looked at the flower embroidered in his clothes in early summer. I couldn't help but touch it with my hand twice.

"Let's go, let's go. Li Haoran has arrived. We can't let people wait too long." Said early summer to pull up Lin sining's hand, two people go downstairs.

In the early summer, Lin sining and Li Haoran went out to welcome them. Li Haoran held a bunch of champagne roses in his hand. Wearing a white suit and walking far away, if there is a white horse standing next to it, it really looks like prince charming!

"Miss Meng, long time no see." Li Haoran handed the flower to the hand of early summer, and then handed it to the servant. Directly stretched out his hand, Li Haoran gently kisses the back of his hand in early summer. I'm a little sorry about the early summer.

"My parents are waiting for you in there. Let's go first! Or they'll have to wait too long to think something's wrong with us! "

Early summer is a bit unnatural, so polite greeting gentleman style is full, but how all appear ungrounded. Lin mu'an and the early summer naturally feel uncomfortable.

Lin sining looks at Li Haoran and is indeed a good-looking talent. She was polite enough to be polite, and seemed to be more reliable than her brother. Looking at the flowers in early summer, she could not help but pinch a cold sweat for Lin mu'an.

The food is delicious. It can be said that the guests and the host enjoy each other. After the meal, Meng Qi and Yu Xin leave Li Haoran behind. Meng HaoChen accompanies them and four people chat together. Lin sining takes two people for a walk in the back garden of the Meng family in early summer."This Li Haoran looks really nice." Lin sining didn't want to criticize Li Haoran against his will.

"It's really good." Early summer without any emotion. Men are really excellent. In the end, they have nothing to choose from. If there is only one shortcoming, it is that Li Haoran is not him.

"It doesn't matter, feelings can be cultivated slowly, not." Meng chuxia smiles awkwardly.

"When did you start to accept this stereotype?" Lin sining white her one eye, "you want to be so obedient everywhere, don't you have so much to do with my brother?" The outspoken Lin sining mentioned his brother and subconsciously covered his mouth.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mention her."

"It's OK." In early summer, I went to the chair beside the garden and sat down.

"By the way, do you know about Han Feifei? She's pregnant now, isn't it convenient to be alone? "

Lin sining sat by his side with a puzzled expression, "what about her! In the early summer, your heart is too good, has this woman considered you? Come back to my brother, did not put you in the eye, why do you care about her life and death? "

"But what she's carrying is your brother's child. Doesn't the Lin family have any interest in her belly?"

Meng Hao'er said that her parents have never been able to tell her how many things are difficult for her parents. It was the early summer that seemed to remind her.

"It's OK. Even if you care about her, you can't get into the door of the Lin family. You don't know how much my father hates her. Didn't you ask you to go back to dinner last time? It's not fake, it's true. My dad really doesn't like Han Feifei. "

After a while, did you really like it? Are you going to meet? "

Now she is too lazy to explain for her unreliable brother. If Li Haoran is really good, why not be happy with him in the early summer!

"I'm going to start with my friends and watch it slowly, but the Li family doesn't like my job very much," he shrugged helplessly in early summer. "They may think it's good for their future daughter-in-law to raise flowers and drink tea at home. After all, the police profession is too dangerous and they don't like it."

"It's funny that they don't like it. You haven't married to their family, and you can't wait for his family to come. It's funny."

"What are you talking about? So happy? " The voice of the man behind him rings, and the two people in front of him close their mouths at the same time.

"I can hear you two talking from afar."

Talk big? Lin sining looks at him. Is there anyone who talks like this? Don't you think you speak too loud?

"Oh, sning is telling me about some funny things she's had at work recently. I had a good time talking, so I spoke louder. " Lin sining glared at him.

"This Miss Lin sining is probably Lin mu'an's sister."

Li Haoran looked at her and held out her hand. "Hello, I'm Li Haoran."

Is it a little too late to say hello now? However, due to face, Lin sining still paid attention to him. Li Haoran had not easy to accumulate that little bit of good will by him so a wear away more than half.

"Miss Lin reminds me of a friend of mine. It happens that he is also in city A. if you have a chance, I can introduce you two to each other. "

"Friend? What friends do you know? " Lin sining looks at him.

"Well, it's OK this weekend. I'll ask my friend to come out with me. I'll come over with Miss sinang in the early summer. The four of us can play for a while, so that Miss Lin will know my friend? We should make friends, don't you think? "

"All right

Three people are talking, Meng HaoChen came over, "Why are you here?" He immediately put on Li Haoran's shoulder.

"You go to my room and I have a few treasures there. Show me."

"Go." With that, the two boys went up.

Sinang looked at Li Haoran and asked early summer, "are you sure this person is really good?"

"Well, don't you think he is similar to your brother in some aspects, such as when he knows you are Lin mu'an's sister..."

"How stingy Lin sining looks at him.

"It's not stingy. It's obvious that you put up your hair first."

"So if Han Feifei can be successfully solved, then you and my brother..."

"Come here in the early summer."

"OK, mom. I'll be right there." Yu Xin called Chu Xia, "I'll go over first, my mother calls me!"

Lin sining was very annoyed when he just opened his mouth.

Several times a day, she didn't say. Finally, when she was about to leave, she was sent to the Southern District by Li Haoran."Mr. Li is really in trouble today. Let's make an appointment at the weekend. " With that, he got off the bus directly.

"Wait a minute, Miss Lin." Li Haoran untied the safety belt and stopped Lin sining, "today's thing is that I have hostility to miss Lin first. Here I apologize to Miss Lin. However, I also hope that Miss Li will not match up with Lin mu'an in early summer. She should have her own choice. "

"Listen to me first," Li Haoran stopped Lin sining's next words. "I've heard a little about your brother and the early summer. I just want to ask you one thing. If you are not Lin mu'an's sister today, looking at your best friend and grieving for the same man again and again, do you think you can bear it?"

Li Haoran is right in the heart, so that sinang has no place to refute. , the fastest update of the webnovel!