Chapter 431

Name:Wife, Don't Run Away Author:Zhu Xi
I don't know if he has to ask for something from himself. Recently, Li Henan began to make frequent appointments with sinang. When sinang ran back home, Li Hanan simply chased after Lin's family, leaving him with nowhere to hide.

Why are you sitting here Gu Anning came down from the upstairs and saw his baby daughter sitting in a daze in the garden. He came and had a look. Unexpectedly, he saw a bitter gourd face.

She sat next to him. Took her hand.

"I see that Li Henan has been courteous to you again recently. Why haven't you two explained clearly?"

"Oh, Ma!" Sinang waved to his Empress Dowager, "which has a thing," he asked me another thing

She said she would like to talk to her parents, but she has not said it. Recently, because her brother and Su Xiaoxiao are engaged to each other at home, and sinang doesn't know what kind of opportunity is appropriate, so the matter has been postponed.

"Let me hear it! You forget that I am your military adviser. Maybe I will give you a better idea. "

On hearing this, he quickly put his feet down from the stool, sat up straight and looked at his Empress Dowager with a flattering smile. "In fact, it's a matter of fact. I really can't do it for you and my dad."

"Oh?" Gu Anning heard interest, "what's the matter? Why do you still say "please, you're so smart"? You are my daughter. If you have any requirements, just ask them directly. If I can satisfy you, I will certainly satisfy you

Gu Anning thinks that she is not a very dignified mother, and she does not want her children to tell themselves anything in their heart, which makes her appear superior. She is very willing to get together with them.

Sinang licked his lips, "well, Li Henan came here some time ago. Please ask me if I can let you go and talk to the director of the Public Security Bureau. It seems that someone always wants to check his bar recently, but he can't stand it, but you know Li's family can't speak there. So... "

After finishing, he quietly observed his mother's face.

Gu Anning hesitated when he heard about Li's bar.

"What's the matter?"

Gu Anning sighed, "we can't just get married with the Su family, and immediately go to the director of the family to ask for help. What's the matter with us? Besides, we really have no relationship with the Li family. If we speak directly, we can't help but think that the Lin family has mixed up in this bar, or maybe you have something to do with Li He Nan. " Gu Anning finished throwing a look you know to his daughter, and sning shut up and didn't speak.

Gu Anning then got up and left. She was dark suspicious and a little sad. She walked faster than before. She ran upstairs to find Lin Mufan. As soon as she entered the study, she let the servants out.

"Well, what can I do?" Sinang thought it was a small matter, but he was worried too little and didn't think much of his mother. What he promised Li Henan seems impossible now.

Before long, sinang saw the courtyard of the Luo family next door. Su chixuan's car stopped in. She looked at the next door and looked at the probe, thinking that she might as well not go to the Luo's house to ask.

She hopped all the way into Luo's house, and as soon as she entered the door, she asked where Rosie was.

The servant pointed to the garden behind, and sning ran over.

"Why are you so flustered?" Rosie saw Lin sining in the heart is like, see her so cheerful move, but the eyes feel not quite right.

"What's the matter? Is there any trouble? " Rosie looked at snin's mouth drooping.

Sinang sat down on the opposite side of Rosie. "Yes, I had something I wanted to ask my mother for help, but my mother said she couldn't help me."

Oh? Rosie looked at her. "It's rare that your mother turned you down so mercilessly when you said it. Maybe I can give you some advice."

Sning laughed. "Just now my mother said the same thing. As a result, I told her this thing, and she said she couldn't do it."

Two people are talking, Su chixuan came over. He sat down beside Rosie and poured a cup of tea for Rosie.

"Well, now that I'm sitting next to you, I don't have any charm. You two go upstairs to chat. It happens that you are afraid that I can't solve it. You can tell Su chixuan that this boy can solve it."

Sinang knew that Rossi was joking, but she did it obediently. She stood up, bowed to Rosie, and took Su chixuan to her room.

"What to do, what to do?" As soon as he entered the room, he complained, "the last time I told you about that, I just went to ask my mother, but she didn't agree."

"Is it?" Su chixuan stood beside him. "I thought that the Li family would agree to any request from his aunt."

Sinang and just his mother said again to Su chixuan. Su chixuan patted sning on the shoulder, "you've tried your best. Since you don't agree, then we can't help it. They don't think it's right for them. You should ask Li Henan to have dinner some other day. Tell him about it and see what to do. "Sinang heard offer Li Henan to eat, immediately took Su Chi Xuan's arm, "then you accompany me to go."

Looking at her pitiful innocent eyes like a dog, Su chixuan didn't hold back and nodded, "OK, I'll go with you then, but if Li Henan misunderstands something later, I can't help it."

"Misunderstood what?" Si Ning suddenly a Leng, "what good misunderstanding you? We are all together She was right.

"That's not what I'm talking about. I was afraid that if she thought that you were not willing to help him because of my instructions, then it would be self defeating? "

"Well, I'll talk about it then. Anyway, I don't want to go to dinner alone with him."

Finally, he sent sinang away. Su chixuan sat alone in the room, pondering over what he had just said. Strictly speaking, it should be Gu Anning's words. The more he thinks about it, the more he feels that something is wrong.

Even if there is no su family as a supporter, the Lin family can come forward to help. Although the reason she said sounds very reliable, but when I think about it carefully, it's because she doesn't want to help Li Henan. That's to say, sinang doesn't have a deep study.

Is it because the Lin family got the news, so they were cautious?

He sat on the chair and suddenly seemed to think of something. He took his coat and rushed out. He didn't stop him even though he was called by his servants in the back.

"Forget it. Don't call him. Let him go." Rosie called the man back. "It's better for children to solve their own problems. If they interfere too much, what should they do in the future?"

"Yes, sir." After listening to Rossi's words, the servant quietly retreated. Rossi looked at the chess game in front of him, walked a word with a smile and ate. Then a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

In the evening, Lin mu'an comes back. Gu Anning looks at his son's languid appearance. He can't help nagging because he doesn't have the performance that a person should be engaged to.

"If you don't want to get engaged, why did you promise Su Xiaoxiao? Now that everyone is so busy, you are just like an idle person. "

Lin Muan smiles and winks at her mother. "No matter who you are engaged to today, you will be so busy, aren't you?"

As soon as he finished a newspaper, he flew over. Lin Mufan glared at his son, "don't tease my wife. You should tease your wife. Recently, my wife is busy about your engagement. She can't eat well or sleep well. You're still here like an old man. I think you'd better not come back in the way of my wife's anger. "

One by one my wife's listen, Lin mu'an is very jealous. "Good, good, I will not come back to make you angry in the future, so it will be OK!"

With that, Lin mu'an turned around and was about to leave. However, Lin Mufan patted the table. "Let you go, you really go. Come with me to the study."

Lin mu'an gets the instruction, and immediately follows Lin Mufan to his study, the place where Lin mu'an is afraid.

As soon as he entered the door, Lin mu'an knelt down with a plop. Lin Mufan stepped back two steps and looked at him in surprise, "what are you doing?"

Lin mu'an raised his eyes, "don't you want to punish me for kneeling again? I'm on my knees now. Can't you say a few words? "

"Nonsense!" Lin Mufan yelled, stand up, I have something to ask you. "

Lin mu'an stood up, patted the ashes on his knees and stood lazily in front of his father.

Looking at Lin mu'an's picture, Lin Mufan felt angry. "How's your business recently? Do you want to break your agreement with Rossi? It would be a joke to say so! "

"Don't I just want to prove that I can accomplish something with my own efforts? Without the reputation of the Lin family, I have already achieved the achievement of the bar in half a year. According to reason, I have won now, "he shrugged his shoulders indifferently." what can outsiders say? "

Lin Mufan squinted at him, "what about the Li's bar? Now the bar that Rosie handed over to you still hasn't been taken back. You're still the manager of the bar. As soon as the Li's bar comes out, I think the performance of your bar is falling down! "

"Dad, you also know that this man likes the new and dislikes the old. Isn't it normal to be willing to be in the past because of something new? "

Lin Mufan's rare calmness attracted Lin mu'an's attention.

"Do you think there is a problem with the Li's bar?"

"No problem. What can be the problem?" Lin mu'an looks indifferent.

"I would like to remind you that, in order to improve the performance, we can't do what we shouldn't do. I can't listen to those rumors outside."

"Don't worry, Dad. I won't do those things. I still feel sick. Is your son such a jerk? It's really a loss for him to abduct and sell women, because he can think of it. "

Lin Mufan took a look at him, "OK, the time is almost over. If you have something on your side, you can go to be busy. There is nothing wrong with you here. Your mother is in charge of it over there. Go away quickly!"Lin Mu an smiles, "thank you, Dad!" Then he left the Lin family. , the fastest update of the webnovel!