At 7:30, Qin Guanglin's mobile phone gave a sound, indicating that the power was insufficient.

Looking up at the rental ad on the wall, he thought about the location and dialed the phone.

"Hello, I see a room for rent here..."

After a short communication, hang up the phone and wait for a while, a 40 year old woman came down from upstairs, "are you going to rent?"

"Yes, it's me. Let's see if it fits first."

"Come up with me."

The landlady, wearing a flip flop, walked up the stairs. "Now there are only two rooms left, one on the third floor and the other on the fifth floor. They all have one room and one living room, with air conditioning and washing machine..."

Qin Guanglin followed her and listened to her silently. All the way to the third floor, he saw her stop in front of the door, take out a bunch of keys and prepare to open the door, with a trace of joy on her face.

It's this side at last.

"Come in and have a look." The landlady opened the door and let him in.

Qin Guanglin came in and glanced at the living room. It was empty. There was only a table and a sofa. There was nothing else. He didn't stop. He went straight to the other door and said, "is this the bedroom?"

"Yes, that's the bedroom." The landlady nodded and pointed to the side, "there is hand washing..."

Before she finished, she saw that Qin Guanglin had already pushed the door into the bedroom. She simply shut up and stopped talking.

Qin Guanglin went straight to the window, opened the window and looked out. At night, he couldn't see clearly, but the lights in the distance proved that there was no shelter between his home and here. If he turned on the lights, he should be able to see each other.

Well, that's perfect.

After he closed the window with satisfaction, he turned and looked at the bedroom. The bedroom was not small, but it was crowded with a desk and a wardrobe. There was wallpaper on the wall. At first glance, it looked pretty good.

"This desk was left by the last tenant. If you want to live, I'll help you move out." The landlady followed him to the bedroom and saw him standing at the desk.

"It's OK. It's fine." Qin Guanglin took out his mobile phone and motioned to her, "can I take a picture in my room and ask a friend?"

"No problem." After a pause, she asked, "how many of you rent it?"

"Alone, I watched it for my friend."

"Oh, you take it." The landlady nodded to keep her body from photographing herself.

Qin Guanglin's mobile phone still has a single digit power supply, so he didn't delay. He went to the bedroom door and took a few pictures of it. He sent them to Mr. He. Then he went to the living room and bathroom to take a few more pictures. Then he put away his mobile phone and asked about the rent.

"Nine hundred a month, two for one, broadband 50 a month, and then if you need a refrigerator or something, I can buy it for you, but it's extra money..." The landlady saw that he had finished taking pictures and led him to the door. "Would you like to have a look upstairs? There are a lot of furniture in that room, so you can check in directly with your bags. "

"OK, go and have a look." Qin Guanglin nodded.

It's a normal price for a single room of 600, a room of 1000 or so. He thinks it's quite satisfactory. If she thinks it's OK, she'll take it as the first choice and find it again tomorrow. If there's no better one, she'll rent it.

With the landlord aunt came to the fifth floor, saw her with the key ready to open the door, this time is facing the side of the street outside, Qin Guanglin couldn't help saying, "no, don't look at this."


"The one just now is very good. I'll take my friend to see it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. If she thinks it's OK, she'll rent it. Is that ok?"

After all, why don't you come and live here, or take her to have a look and make a decision.

"Well Yes The landlady pondered for a while, and said, "as soon as you can, if you are not sure you want to rent it, I have to take others to see it."

"OK, just these two days." Qin Guanglin nodded, "I'll ask my friend if he is free tomorrow. If he is free, he can be sure tomorrow."

"As soon as possible, anyway." The landlady did not continue to open the door and put the key back in her pocket.

Seeing the landlord goodbye, Qin Guanglin went downstairs in a happy mood. Seeing the house so slowly was all delayed when waiting for the landlord. If he simply walked, it would only take about ten minutes to go home from here.

After work, you can walk ten minutes to see Xiangxiang's teacher he. It's beautiful to think about it.

After the photos were sent, why not return a few messages? While watching, Qin Guanglin walked home quickly. Qin's mother was sitting on the sofa chasing the drama. Seeing him coming back, she turned around and asked, "what's going on?"

"To do a good job, learn from Lei Feng's good example."

Qin Guanglin perfunctorily, into his room to charge the phone, dial the phone to why not.

"How's it going? Are you satisfied? " He spoke triumphantly.

"Did you find it? Can I see your house? " Why not be surprised.

"I think I can. I'll see it tomorrow. I can't see it clearly in the evening." Qin Guanglin stood in front of the window and looked out. There were several lights in the direction he just looked at, but he was not sure if it was the one he looked at. "Are you free tomorrow?"

"When you are free I wanted to rent a single room. The living room is useless. I'll look for it tomorrow. ""Can't a single room be too small? It's not convenient to pile things together. "

"I don't have many things. I can't have a small single room."

"It's better to move to my house and give you a room." Qin Guanglin joked with her, "by the way, you said before that you would sleep in my room. Then I'll give you my room and I'll go to the guest room."

"When you marry me, I'll live in your room every day." What's wrong with the voice on the phone with a smile, "now you give up."


"Guess what?"

"I don't guess." Qin Guanglin turned to lie on the bed and turned the topic back to him: "come and have a look together after work tomorrow. The third floor is not too high, and you won't be too tired up and down. Moreover, the room is well arranged, very new, and the bed is also very big..."

"Why should I sleep alone in such a big bed?" Why don't you interrupt him.

"Well You can roll around. "

"Well, I don't think you're kind enough."

"No way." Qin Guanglin laughed, "when you first came to my house, I saw you rolling around on my bed."

"No, you're wrong." Why not deny, "too much painting is easy to dazzle."

She can't help laughing, "your bed is full of your bad smell, I won't like it."

"All right, you're the best."

Qin Guanglin is lying in bed and studying. She looks like she's rolling two circles slowly. She feels pretty good. "I'll roll two circles on your bed and make it stink for you."

"Well, I won't let you in."

"If you don't come in, how can I help you carry things By the way, you can come and have dinner together so as to avoid the trouble of cooking alone. "

"Didn't I use to cook for three?" Why not ask deliberately.

"I'll do it." Qin Guanglin is full of confidence in his skills that he has practiced for several days. "Chef Qin cooks for you by himself."

"Come on, you should learn to cut vegetables first."

"Long time ago, you wait for me to show you."

They chatted with each other. Qin Guanglin finally understood why those lovers like to talk on the phone. They couldn't see each other. Even if they chatted with each other casually, they were very happy.

Well, it's full of sour smell.