
He dad's bedroom.

Two people are sitting opposite each other.

Qin Guanglin didn't sleep much the night before. In the morning, he got up early to catch the train. His eyelids kept fighting, but he still didn't sleep.

Because he's still chatting with him.

"What do you do after work so early, without drinking or playing cards?" He dad carries a teapot to add water to them. Since Qin Guanglin came in, the tea has never stopped.

"Cook, eat, run, have a rest, then go to bed."

"With little nuisance?"


Qin Guanglin nodded his head and yawned. When he saw his father staring at him, his eyes were not good, and his sleepiness was suddenly swept away. He immediately said, "no, no, no, I mean running together, eating together, and then going back home."

"Ah Ha ha ha Dad he laughed and clenched his fist. "Of course, I'll go back home. I just want to ask if you and she ran and ate together. Ha ha Where does she live? Is it a school dormitory? "

"Well Well Yes Qin Guanglin nodded to his father seriously, "she lives in the school dormitory."

"Oh ~"

dad he was completely relieved, "ha ha, drink tea, drink tea - where do you live?"

"I live in Los Angeles. It's not too far from work. I don't have to live in dormitories."

Qin Guanglin thoroughly understood why he'd let him stay. From school to work, he was able to answer all the questions. Why did he get along with him in advance.

"That little nuisance Has she been to your house? "

"Yes, yes..."


The other bedroom.

He Shan is leaning against the head of the bed in his pajamas. On his knee is a Book of foresight, which has been opened one third of the time. His low head portrait is carefully studying, but it has not been turned over for a long time.

"What do you think?"


Sitting in front of the desk is operating the computer Zhao Qing Leng for a moment, looking back to reflect what he refers to.

"You mean Qin Qin Guanglin

"Who else would it be? I guess I'm still chatting with my dad next door." What do you think of others

"Not bad people." Zhao Qing said casually.

"It's not bad. You have to talk about it."

"Be courteous and gentle to others..."

"Stop, stop, don't fix the empty ones." He Shan covered his forehead, but he said, "seriously, this is the first time Xiaoyan has brought home. It's also the first boyfriend I know. I have to deal with it well. If not, I have to talk with Xiaoyan. If there's no problem Well... " He suddenly jammed and sighed a moment later, "let them develop themselves."

Zhao Qing turned his lips and said, "what are you talking about? When someone falls in love, you are in charge of everything here. Be careful if she doesn't come back next time, she will give you a nephew when she comes back again. "

"I'm her brother!" He Shan listens to her words not from wring eyebrows, "if this kid is not reliable, I definitely have to manage."

"Yes, you can." Zhao Qing turned off the computer, put on his slippers, pulled two steps to the door, turned off the bedroom light, climbed to the bed and said, "how's her boyfriend? Don't you feel it? And asked me It's just mindless worry. I think Xiaoyao has a good eye. Although she's dressed a little rustic, she's still very stable. She's not as rash as the young people who just graduated -

the important thing is to be good to Xiaoyao. You can't see the boy when you look at the photos of Xiaoyao in the group Well, does Qin Guanglin really like small nuisance? "

"That photo doesn't mean it's everyday, maybe it's just once in a while, so it's taken Yes, it's rare to have the meaning of taking pictures, and then send them to the group

He Shan tightened his brows slowly, but he was still stiff, trying to find strong evidence to convince himself, "and in case..."

"If there's anything in case, you're just raising the bar, once in a while Once in a while, can Xiao Huan treat him like a baby? Do you think your sister is blind

"As soon as this person falls in love, his IQ will swish..."

"Stop whizzing." Zhao Qing was amused by his hard mouth, and interrupted him: "today you can see that their habit can't be raised in one day or two. You haven't eaten my leftovers..."

"You have to give me the rest, too." He Shan couldn't help interrupting.

Zhao Qing glared at him and continued: "Xiao Yao has always been very smart and sensible. I'll bring it back to you. That's to say that I really like Xiao Qin. I really want you to get to know him and develop well. Don't always pick on him. I'll tell Xiao Yao another day that this person is not good here and there. Aren't you blocking her up?"

"I didn't What's the matter with you? Why do you keep talking to that boy? "

He Shan wondered, "what do you like about that boy? Are you looking at your son-in-law by your mother-in-law, or what? ""Go, what mother-in-law I have a hunch that he might be your brother-in-law Zhao Qing gave a mysterious smile and got into the bed.

"No Why would you be my brother-in-law? You tell me

He Shan put the books on his knee together and put them on the bedside table. After dimming the night light, he arched into the bed and asked after Zhao Qing, "I'll listen to you. How do you come to this conclusion, which is 80%

"Women's sixth sense."

"Don't fix that mysterious one. Where can you tell?" He Shan doesn't believe that. What's the sixth sense.

"Didn't you say Xiao Huan was a little different at noon?" Zhao Qing asked.

"Well, I feel something is wrong..." He Shan hesitated and said, "it's a big change. Maybe it's because the temperament is different after work?"

He can't tell exactly what's wrong, but he just feels different. His actions and actions are different from the last time he went home, but they are very natural.

"This is the power of love, to change yourself for the sake of the person you like." Zhao Qing hummed with a smile, and the look in his eyes when he talked to her in the afternoon appeared again.

"No, isn't it Qin Guanglin? What's the matter with Xiao Yao? He must like him, or he can't bring him home. Now the point is whether he treats Xiao Yao the same. Don't worry about it for a long time... "

"The same, don't worry."

"What do you say?" He Shan asked.

"Eyes." Zhao Qing's words are very firm, "eyes can not hide."

"What look?"

"The way he looks at me is the same as the way you look at me."

"Well?" He Shan Leng Leng, "how can I not see it? What's it like? "

"Hum, man." Zhao Qing hissed, "you can see that there is a ghost, net staring at people where there is a problem."

"Then tell me, what do I see in your eyes?"

"The color one."


The room was quiet for a while.

"What are you doing?" Zhao Qing asked.

He Shan's hand moved around dishonestly, "didn't you say something about me?"

"Don't make trouble. I don't want to now." Zhao Qing hummed and dodged.

"It's your duty and responsibility."

"There's no law."

"If there is no strong provision in the law, it is an implicit obligation."

"But there has been such a verdict before..."

"Don't go too far. Just say whether you want to give it or not." He shancai didn't want to discuss any cases with her at this time, and there was no point in talking about them.

"Well..." Zhao Qing looked back at him with a smile. "I'll give you five minutes to change my mind."

"Three minutes is enough." As soon as He Shan shrinks, the cat goes into the quilt.
