Nothing stands up to scrutiny.

On the way to Hecheng with medicine that day, all day long, Qin Guanglin went over everything from their meeting.

The day before the Spring Festival, he talked with his father for an afternoon. He also intentionally or unintentionally talked about why not, and then found that there were some things that were not right.

This person who lives together day and night is shrouded in a hazy and invisible fog.

"I know you are my future wife, and I will certainly marry you - but shouldn't you give me an explanation?" Qin Guanglin is very sure of their feelings, which can be seen from every detail. There is no need to doubt.

He just wanted an explanation, a real understanding of her.

Why not bury his head and keep silent? Qin Guanglin's heart sinks slowly.

After a long time, she finally looked up at Qin Guanglin and asked, "do you really want to listen?"

Her expression let Qin Guanglin in the heart a sudden, but still nod a way: "you say."

"I know I know what's going to happen in the future. I've seen... "


Qin Guanglin was stunned, then laughed with anger.

When it's acting?

"You know the future?" He interrupted.

"Well, I know." Why not nod your head.

"You figured it out?" Qin Guanglin pulled to pull corners of the mouth, "strange what dunjia?"



Why not tremble all over and be interrupted by the loud noise.

"You still want to cheat me with this kind of ghost reason!"

Qin Guanglin angrily patted the table and stood up, walked back and forth in the living room for two steps, then stood in front of him and stared at her, "then you say, how can this not be calculated?" He pointed to the top of his head, trying to suppress his emotions and asked, "doesn't it count? I have a scar on my leg. You all know that. Why didn't you figure it out? "

"Say it! Why didn't you figure it out? I was almost beaten into a fool

"I thought you really wanted to explain something, so you fooled me like that, didn't you?"

"If you don't say it, you can hold it. Is that necessary? Am I stupid? ——Don't cry, OK. I'll sit down and we'll have a good talk. I ask you, have you been fooling me like a fool? "

“…… I didn't Sobbing I really don't want to hide it from you Don't hurt me Wow... "

Wearing pajamas why not lean on the sofa, two hands hanging on the side of the body, raised his head, wailing, delicate body slightly trembling, it looks distressing.

Crying like a kid who lost candy.

He had never spoken to her so loudly in the past ten years.

Qin Guanglin stood up again impatiently, turned around and paced a few steps, suddenly stepped over and hugged her tightly.

"Don't cry, I won't ask, we won't fight, we won't ask, we won't fight..."

"Wuwu You hit the table so hard... "

"My fault, my fault, you scold me, you hit me."

“…… What I said is true... "

"I believe, I believe. Don't cry... "

“…… Sobbing Does your hand hurt? "


Qin Guanglin breathed and wanted to slap himself in the face.

Do not want to say do not want to say, who has not point their own privacy?

"I can't breathe Wu Wu... "

"Well, don't cry. I'll let go." Qin Guanglin quickly released a little, but he couldn't eat any more. He picked up her leg and took it directly to the bedroom and put it on the bed.

"You wait. I'll go down and see if the branch is still there. Take it up and let you smoke me."

"Don't go..." Why don't you hold him by the corner of his coat and say, "I haven't told you yet..."

"Don't listen. Needless to say, is 80 thousand enough for us? I have another one here

"No, I'll say..."

"Don't tell me, you're very normal. You're very gifted in cooking. I learned it so quickly, didn't I? Four years of college, I can learn very well with me. It's normal. "

“…… You just yelled at me and wanted to hit me. I told your mother to hit you. "

"How can I beat you? You beat me. You beat me." Qin Guanglin took her hand and patted him on the head, "hard, hard, I'll let you beat me today."

"I didn't, I didn't treat you as a fool."

"I was a fool. I'm fine. I'm a fool. Lie down and don't talk."

"You yelled at me so loudly..."

Qin Guanglin helped her dry the tears from the corner of her eyes and solemnly said, "I promise that I will never speak loudly to you or clap the table again. If I violate the rules, I will Just go out and get hit by a car. "


Why not burst into tears again? Qin Guanglin was tight all over and looked at her dumbfounded.……

The dinner was made by Qin Guanglin.

The first real fight ended with a deep tooth mark on his arm.

Deep with blood.

The two were silent, eating their dinner quietly.

Qin Guanglin has been reflecting on why he would quarrel when he agreed not to quarrel.

Two people obviously love each other.

In addition to concealing some things, she has always been trying to be good to him, no matter it's carrying a knife in Hecheng, or some details on weekdays, or the amulet in his wallet. There is no doubt that she has always been good to him.

Even when we quarrel, we still think about whether his hand will hurt.

She said she had another purpose, but the ghost didn't believe it - she was just a bad painter. What's the reason for her to do so?

There's no reason, except emotion.

With this logical deduction, the reason why she did not explain what she deliberately concealed was for his good.

For example, he is afraid of sleeping pills.

And he wanted to know what he wanted to do with two people, and he didn't like this kind of concealment - that's the contradiction.

"Does it still hurt?"

Why don't you look at the tooth print on his arm? It's painful. It's so deep that it must leave a small scar.

"It doesn't hurt. I'm rough and fleshy." Qin Guanglin gave a silly smile, and didn't ask her why she suddenly collapsed like that. He just kept an eye on her, and couldn't say anything like that in the future.

Maybe some family member The picture of the family she saw in her bedroom flashed through her mind.

"Sorry, I'm so impulsive today..." He looked at why not some red and swollen eyes regret.

"No, I donated those contributions without consulting you..." Why don't you shake your head, "or you won't be so angry."

The contribution fee is a guide to everything. Otherwise, no matter how suspicious Qin Guanglin is, he will listen to her explanation and send her to the psychiatric department of the hospital for examination.

"You really don't want me to explain?" She asked again.

"No, you will always say it when it's time You don't want to say that there's always your own reason. It's not a big deal, but when there's something bigger like donating money, you must tell me first - I don't want to take care of your money, or this kind of thing is hidden You know that? "

"I already know it's wrong."

"Well, I've exposed it. Let's turn it over and forget about it, OK?" Qin Guanglin put down his heart and nodded. He couldn't help laughing, "wait Who did you say you were before

"It's your wife." Why not take a look at him, "do you want me to call my husband again?"


Why don't you just let Qin Guanglin have a little accident, "call it."

"You wash the dishes."

"All right."

"Husband, I'm full." Why not wipe your mouth and stand up and smile at him? "After eating, wash, I have to make a mask."

"I'll do it later."