Out of the phone booth, Qin Guanglin took a deep breath.

It was too cold, the snow had not melted, and the cold white fog came out of his mouth and floated in the air.

In any case, he had a lot of peace in his mind.

Walking back downstairs, he turned his steps and went on until he came home. Qin's mother was frying the dried fish. She put out her head with a shovel and said, "why not?"

"He Xiao My friend went shopping. "



Qin Guanglin answered and went straight into the studio.

"Are you here for lunch?" Mother Qin called to the closed studio door.



Qin's mother returned to the kitchen with a shovel and continued to fry her own dried fish.

Qin Guanglin sat in front of the drawing board, put on a piece of plain paper, thought for a moment with a pen, wrote and drew on it, and occasionally stopped to think for a moment with his eyes closed.

More than half an hour later, a messy mind map appeared on the drawing board.

He tapped his forehead with a pen. A moment later, he drew a circle around the word "tranquilizer".

Why not be mentally unstable.

Taking everything together, Qin Guanglin frowned and came to this conclusion.

It's true to buy duck claws in the middle of the night, and it's true to call.

It's likely that in the process of buying duck claws, when I saw the phone booth, I ran to make an emergency call. It's very funny, but this is the most reasonable explanation.

In addition, he couldn't figure out why a good person would run out at about 1 a.m. in the middle of the night, make an emergency call in the telephone booth for more than a minute, and then buy a duck claw upstairs as if nothing had happened.

What's wrong?

…… It's really sick.

This can explain why she doesn't tell the truth - no one secretly does such immoral things and doesn't want intimate people to know Unless there's something wrong with the skull.

I have to have a good chat with you

Qin Guanglin threw down his pen, tore the paper off the drawing board, tore it into pieces, put it in his pocket and opened the door.

"What did you do? Give me some. "

Qin Ma looked at him in bewilderment, "didn't you say no?"

"Did you say that?"

“…… It's not for you. Go out and eat. "


Qin Guanglin strolled back to Nanfei road with his pocket. He ate some steamed dumplings at Shaxian Hotel, threw the shredded paper into the garbage can by the side of the road, yawned and went upstairs to make up for sleep.

It's hard to stay up all night.

When I wake up again, it's more than four o'clock in the afternoon. Why don't I get into bed and wake him up? When I see him wake up, I touch his forehead and ask, "have you been sleeping since morning? Or just had a nap? "

"Take a nap."

Qin Guanglin spirit has not come back, yawn and hold her, "thought you want to hang out until the evening to come back."

"Just stroll around Here's the hat. "

Why don't you get up and take a brown cotton cap from the head of the bed, with two fluffy balls on it, and her yellow one is just a couple's money, "can't find the blue one It's the same with this one. "

"Yes, it's good."

Qin Guanglin took it over and tried it. He put it aside and looked at the time. Seeing that it was more than four o'clock, he got up and said, "go to my house for dinner. I'll go there at noon and my mother asked you. If I don't take you back, I won't have my meal."

"There's no exaggeration."

Why not? He sat up again, put on his shoes and went downstairs with Qin Guanglin.

"Where's my key?"

Qin Guanglin asked suddenly.

"Here, do you want to drive to buy vegetables?" Why don't you take the car key out of your bag and pass it to him.

"No I'll take something. "

Qin Guanglin climbed into the car, looked back at the man standing on the side of the road, took off the dash cam, put it in his pocket, picked up the recipe she had put in the back seat yesterday, closed the door again, and went to hold her hand.

"Let's go."

"I forgot to take it yesterday You want to transfer it to your mother? " Why not ask.

"Let her pass the time with it. Anyway, she would like to scratch on the food every day."

As usual, they strolled through the vegetable market together and returned to Qin's home with vegetables. Why don't they go into the kitchen to cook? Qin Guanglin handed the recipe to Qin's mother, turned around and locked the door in the studio.

Although it may be that he is under too much mental pressure and has some inexplicable behaviors, he still needs to make sure that he is driving out in the morning.

Shopping with Xiaoqing His intuition doesn't feel that simple.

After turning on the recorder, Qin Guanglin finds out the time of this morning. When he turns on the double speed recorder, he begins to feel a little uneasy and guilty.

Looking at other people's routes is like peeping.To put it more seriously, it's distrust of your partner.

More than ten minutes later, Qin Guanglin's guilt disappeared. He raised his arm and looked at the picture on the screen.

That big dump 116 Heyuan Lane!

The place I went to yesterday.

He frowned and looked at the motionless picture. There were only a few pedestrians passing by occasionally. Why don't he even get off the car? After parking beside the garbage for more than 20 minutes, he backed away.

Drive all the way to Beicheng, pick up Gu Xiaoqing's thick clothes, and then turn to Shengtian square. Why don't you tell Gu Xiaoqing and leave the parking lot with a smile? A few hours later, Gu Xiaoqing carries a shopping bag with milk tea, why don't you take a brown hat, get on the bus together, drive Gu Xiaoqing back to Beicheng, and then drive back to Nanfei road.

Fast forward to finish the day's journey, Qin Guanglin adjusted the time back to the section of Heyuan lane, and looked at the garbage pile on the screen, lost in thought.

What is she doing here?

Everything else is normal. It's just like the phone call last night.

Is she still a pedophile? Just to have a look at the garden? Stalker?

A series of thoughts appeared in Qin Guanglin's head. He shook his head fiercely, put aside the messy thoughts, put away the recorder and went out.

"What do you do? It's so fragrant." Qin Guanglin leans on the kitchen door to see Qin's mother and why don't they work together.

"Can't you see it? I can't even do a favor. " Qin's mother glanced at him and was a little upset when she saw that he had nothing to do.

It's better to be a girl.

"I can't stand it The kitchen is so big. Just come out and we'll do it. "

With a smile, Qin Guanglin helped his mother out and rolled up her sleeves.

"The garden yesterday How does she study? " He asked casually, cutting the vegetables.

"Xiaoyuan? She studies very well, the top ten. "

"Well It looks lovely. I didn't expect to study. "

"You like your daughter so much?"

Why not throw the dish into the pot, make a sound of Ziliu, stir fry it with a shovel for a few times, and continue: "we will certainly have it in the future."

Qin Guanglin tilted his head and said, "are you so sure? What if it's a smelly boy? "

Why don't you make a slight, unobservable pause and smile at him.

"Then we'll live forever."



Just burst more than three days, this does not matter whether it is useful, you see you m go white whoring strange.

Oh, I'm kidding. This friend doesn't have M.