
Name:Wife's Lover Author:
Qin Shana's husband had probably just finished his shower, so he was only wearing a bath towel and surrounded the lower half of his body.

His figure was very weak, all I could see was a lump of white flesh and hair on his chest. He held onto the door frame and looked at me, then turned his gaze towards Wei Qing who was standing behind me.

Wei Qing bit her lips and took a step forward. It was as if she was trying to let Qin Shana's husband see her clearly.

Qin Shana's husband looked at Wei Qing up and down. His eyes were filled with desire, and the way he looked at Wei Qing was disgusting.

"How old?" Qin Shana's husband grabbed Wei Qing's chin and asked as if she was looking at an animal.

"Seventeen." Before I could open my mouth to reply, Wei Qing had already bit her lips, looking as if she was trying her best to endure.

Qin Shana's husband smiled in satisfaction, he caressed Wei Qing's face, her thumb rubbing against her smooth and smooth face.

"A virgin?" Qin Shana's husband asked again. I already saw that his lower body under the towel had bulged, so I don't know why, but a feeling of nausea rose up from his stomach.

"Yes." Wei Qing replied. Her eyes were ice-cold and this kind of cold expression seemed to want to keep people at a distance, but also seemed to be tempting people to ruthlessly ravage her.

"I'm very satisfied." Qin Shana's husband looked at me and said, "Come pick her up in an hour, wait for my call." Soon after, Wei Qing was pulled into the room, and the door closed up.

I saw the last look in Wei Qing's eyes as she turned to look at me. It was both comforting and accusatory.

As I stood there in the doorway, despair spread through me, and the feeling of vomiting continued.

I rushed to the bathroom and tried to spit it out into the toilet, but nothing came out for a long time.

With my hands on the sink and the tap still on, I looked at myself in the mirror. It was a very tired face.

I'll pick her up in an hour. The words of Qin Shana's husband continuously sounded like a spell in my ears.

I went to the front desk and found a room next to Qin Shana's husband. Lying on the bed, I tried to imagine how Qin Shana's husband would torture Wei Qing, but my head started to hurt again, and I only felt the world spinning around me. I felt like I was drowning, and I didn't even dare to close my eyes.

Just when I was about to collapse, my phone rang. I thought that Wei Qing was asking for help, so I immediately crawled up from the bed and grabbed onto my phone. However, the person's name on the phone was not Wei Qing, but Zhou Jin.

"Zhou Jin?" I picked up the phone in a strange way, but I think that by calling me now, he had already thought it through.

"What's the matter with you?" Zhou Jin immediately noticed that I was in a bad mood. He asked, "Did something happen?"

"Nope." I said I couldn't tell him what I was doing, what he would think of me if I told him, and I couldn't help pinching myself at the thought.

"I've thought about it." Zhou Jin hesitated for a moment, then said: "Let's go look for my mom tomorrow."

"Alright." I smiled. This was the only good news I had heard recently, but I was in no mood to say anything to Zhou Jin. "Zhou Jin, I want to rest."

"Can I come to see you tonight?" His voice was very gentle, and when he said those words, he was even a bit cautious.

I hesitated, then said, "Okay."

As my phone hung up, my body began to sink again, and the air of despair enveloped me. Every day was filled with what seemed like normal, sunny life, but how much filth and darkness was hidden inside?

I threw myself on the bed and hugged myself with the covers, trying to get myself into a sweet sleep, but I failed.

I couldn't hear a thing. I wanted to smoke a cigarette, but when I took out a cigarette and a lighter from my bag with trembling hands, a passing cleaner gave me a supercilious look. I smiled helplessly and stuffed the cigarette into my pocket.

An hour had passed, two hours had passed, and I watched the sun set outside the window at the end of the corridor. People passed me, and even the security guards patrolled me twice.

I crouched at the door, completely out of strength to stand, and decided to count to ten. If Qin Shana's husband still doesn't come out, or if my phone doesn't ring, I will rush in to save him.

But before I could even start counting, my phone started ringing like a miracle. I excitedly pressed the answer button, and Qin Shana's husband's voice came out, "Come and pick her up." The call ended.

I waited for a few minutes, withdrew my previous mood, tried to calm myself down, and knocked on Qin Shana's husband's door.

After waiting for a while, the door opened, and Qin Shana's husband appeared before me. He had already put on his clothes, and was wearing a Tang suit with mountain and river patterns. His hands were wrapped around his wrist, and he said with a smile, "I am very satisfied." Then he motioned for me to open the door and walked around me and out of the room.

As I watched his back, I felt myself clench my fists.

I immediately rushed into the room to look at Wei Qing. Upon entering the room, I could smell a stench that made me nauseous. It was the smell of blood, and it caused my stomach, which had just calmed down a moment ago, to once again surge upwards.

The room was a mess. The floor was filled with torn condom packages, torn stockings, and a pill.

He gave Wei Qing medicine? I thought to myself, the deeper I went, the more regretful I became. I was the one who harmed her.

I walked very slowly, and I didn't even dare look at Wei Qing now, but eventually I walked into the room. I saw that the blanket was tied up and tossed on the floor, and the bed was very messy, there was a person lying naked on it, her four limbs were tied up, her mouth was stuffed with a ball, her entire body was blue and purple, and some parts were even bleeding. I saw the marinade on her thigh, and I didn't know if she had fallen asleep or fainted.