Third grade of junior high school, half term unification.

In the first exam, Su Jingya was caught cheating.

I was caught by the grade leader, and then scolded to the school gate.

She wore a piece of cardboard around her neck with four big words on it: cheating in the exam.

She buried her head deep.

When it comes to the break, there are always countless people running around to watch, and then pointing to her nose to ridicule.

"No, isn't she the fool in class 10, grade 3?! It is said that every exam is the last one. I didn't expect to be caught for cheating. Would it be stupid? "

"Haven't you heard?! She was adopted by her parents. She even has no money to eat in the canteen. Every time she goes to the canteen, it's her same table. "

"I've seen her eat, regardless of whether she's at the same table or not. She's just eating by herself."

"Too wicked, too selfish. I deserve to be punished. "


Su Jingya bit her lips and listened to their taunts and sarcasm in silence. Tears were like beads that broke the thread. "Patter patter" fell down and hit her black leather shoes.

Huanan middle school and Guixi middle school, in order to compete for the affiliated schools of Royal British aristocratic schools, fought for blood.

Ten at eleven in the morning.

At the gate of Huanan middle school, a long line of luxury cars stopped.

Headmaster Hua Nan respectfully and dogleg led the headmaster of Royal England. When he went to the school, he suddenly found that all the students in the school were surrounded by the door, ridiculed and ridiculed the students in the school, and his mouth suddenly twitched violently.

"What's the matter?" asked the headmaster of Royal England in a low voice

"I don't know. I'll ask," principal Hua Nan said with a smile

As he said, he quickly came forward and scolded the students around him to go to class. The crowd faded. Principal Hua Nan saw that Su Jingya had a sign of "cheating in exams" on her neck, and her mouth was twitching and twitching more violently.

The headmaster of Royal England, looking at Su Jingya, who buried her head low and deep, frowned harder and harder.

"You say, what's going on?!" The headmaster asked the guard at the door.

"The security said:" the headmaster, she cheated in the exam, was scolded by the grade leader here to punish the station

"Cheating, how to punish the station here?!" The headmaster was so angry that he almost jumped up.

He finally made an appointment with the headmaster of Royal Britain. He invited him and the student representatives of Royal Britain to visit the school. Who knows I was found cheating before I came in

In an instant, President Hua Nan felt that after his neck, the whole person would have a draught.

The headmaster of Royal British school glanced at the headmaster Hua Nan and smiled: "headmaster Chen, today, I have something else to do, so I won't show our students around the school first. Another appointment. "

Upon hearing this, principal Hua Nan almost didn't give a breath of blood.

He hurried forward and said with a smile, "headmaster, why don't you go in when you come here?"?! The students in our school are lively and studious. Today is just an accident. Headmaster, don't worry about going back. "

The headmaster of Royal England, without hesitation or hesitation, turned and beckoned the vice headmaster to signal the student representative to get on the bus.

Principal Hua Nan was so worried that he was almost crying.

Standing at the door, stomping.

But Su Jingya looks up and looks out the door.

But in the moment of looking up, I saw not only the familiar uniform, but also

"Happy?!" Seeing the last boy who got into the luxury car, Su Jing was excited. She pulled out her legs and headed for the student representative's luxury car

Although it's only a short look, it's still a side face.

But that's definitely joy.

She's back?!

Su Jingya pounced on the car and looked in eagerly.

However, the blackout of the window glass is very good. Su Jingya stares her eyes to the maximum and still can't see it clearly.

She was frantic and pounding on the window, her tears slipping down, and she cried eagerly, "happy Happy Happy You get out of the car?! Happy?! Open the door, I am happy, happy... "

Six students sat in the limousine, staring at Su Jingya, who was lying on the bus, crying and deformed, staring at each other.

Immediately, Zhao Yi inquired, "three elder brothers, do you know her?"

Huangfu Yu glanced at the window lightly, crying so ugly that she couldn't pull a few. The girl, whose tears and snivels were slipping down together, said three words coldly: "I don't know."

Jin Xin asked, "who do you know?"

Everyone shook their heads.

The driver, at the moment when the principal's car started, hurriedly drove to catch up.

When Su Jingya saw the car start, she ran after it, crying and shouting: "happy?! parking!!!! Happy Happy... "

After running for tens of meters, Su Jingya is far behind the accelerated luxury car.Su Jingya fully chases the car, but she can only watch the car running farther and farther, and finally completely disappear in the field of vision.

Unable to fall and sit on the road.

When Su Jingya returned to God, she found herself crying like a child.

Huangfu Yu is back. Why don't you come to her?!

Why not?!

He I really don't want her

That day, Su Jingya cut class. She hiked to Royal England and spent the whole afternoon at the door.

She wanted to ask him: why not her.

Just because at the beginning, she was angry, refused to follow him home, hurt him, he is still angry?!

But after waiting at the door all afternoon, she didn't see Huangfu Yu.

But her ears were full of news about him.