Ling Feng thinks that Xue Gang should be taught a lesson, that is, to set an example to others. Otherwise, there will always be such a Shabi coming to trouble himself. Isn't that a headache?

So, Ling Feng should make Xue Gang afraid of other students. Only in this way can he have a deterrent effect. If he wants to find trouble for himself, he'd better weigh whether he can bear the consequences!

Xue Gang's arm was not injured, but now he is shaking so much that he can hardly hold his pen.

"Since childhood, Xue gang has been mentally retarded, because Xue gang was born in the toilet..."

After hearing Ling Feng's words, he was almost angry. If he wrote it out, his reputation would be destroyed. How could he be in school in the future!

"Write quickly!" Seeing that Xue Gang didn't keep up with his dictation, Ling Feng began to be reluctant. He kicked Xue Gang, who was sitting on the floor, but instead of mentioning the sewage, he kicked him on the back. However, it didn't hurt. He just kicked him slowly.

Xue Gang gritted his teeth and began to write on it with a pen. Naturally, what he wrote was some of the sentences read by Ling Feng. He thought that he must pass through the difficulty now. When Ling Feng left, he must find someone to double his reward! Ling Feng has no background. He has hundreds of relationships and can send him to prison!

But just wrote a few words, Xue Gang stopped, after Ling Feng saw immediately scolded: "not faster? What are you dawdling about for? " Ling Feng is still thinking about what kind of words can express his mood

"Well, it seems that my education level is not high. I must study hard! Just take advantage of this time and try to improve my knowledge! " Ling Feng thought of this in his heart, but soon, he thought of teacher Cui and Lin Yufei, and suddenly he had no chance to learn.

"Learning can't be a meal. It's Ling Feng who does what he likes." As a fickle person, Ling Feng quickly thought of another reason to convince himself that he must be good at picking up girls, rather than wasting on the dead books.

"How did his face change so much? Do you have any other ideas about our boss? "

"It's possible, I feel the boss is going to suffer, but in my heart, why do I look forward to it?"

"Me too..."

Several people on the field have no fear at first. They all show a look of wanting to see a good play and wait nearby. At the same time, they feel that the boss is so cowardly and still uses such disgusting language. It's really shameful.

"I..." Xue gang had a constipation expression like a fly, and could hardly speak.

"You what, you, write to me quickly, otherwise labor and capital beat you to strip off, throw to female toilet you letter?" Ling Feng raises his chin and looks at Xue gang in dark color. This expression is very lifelike, which shocked several other people. This is the rebellious student and their idol.

"I, mentally retarded two words, I can't write..." Xue Gang actually blushed at this time, hesitated to say such a few words, after saying it again, he had a sense of relief, he felt relieved.

"..." Ling Feng was startled by his words, and was stunned there. After more than ten seconds, she said very hard: "retarded... Can't you write? So, idiot, would you? " Ling Feng has already despised him in his heart. He can't despise him any more. He can't even write such a few words. It's really your mother's brush! What about the students?

"Yes, idiot, I will!" Xue Gang feels that Ling Feng's gloomy appearance is terrible. He is obviously a martial arts master. This is what master often calls "aura". This Ling Feng has been trained. How terrible!

"Ha ha ha ~ ~"

Behind the toilet compartment, suddenly came out a smile, but then disappeared. There are people in it! It's too calm, isn't it? Such a fight is still in it? Or fear?

"Hey, this gentleman in the toilet, what are you doing in there?" Ling Feng waved his arm and said to the people in the compartment with empty eyes.

"Ha ha ha ~ ~"

The man didn't answer, but yelled again, which angered Ling Feng, because he didn't find that there was a man in the compartment. It would be very easy if he wanted to kill himself on the battlefield!

"Come out of here!" Ling Feng heard his laughter, immediately felt very harsh ah, then said, this school is really a thorn ah, one by one things happen, and are very difficult to deal with.

"Lying trough!" There came such a voice again. Different from laughter, this time Ling Feng heard the characteristics of the voice. It should be a man, and it was an exaggeration.

"How can you ignore me so much!" Ling Feng a bite, immediately came to the door of the compartment, without saying a word directly to open the door, and then exposed the situation inside, Ling Feng Steel took a look, immediately had a silly eye.

It's true that there is a male classmate sitting in it. It seems that he is in a large size, but he has a huge earphone in his ear and a mobile phone in his hand. He is watching the jokes above. Maybe he laughs because of the plot above, which has nothing to do with Ling Feng.

"What are you doing?" The student also had an eye. Seeing that Ling Feng opened the door, he immediately asked. At the same time, his eyes came out. He suddenly saw Xue Gang on the ground and exclaimed, "Xue Shao... What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry about this classmate!" As soon as he saw his reaction, Ling Feng knew that he was definitely wrong, and then he said, "how do you look at your porn!" Then he closed the door and said to the crowd, "OK, let's go on!"

Ling Feng came back a few steps, and then said: "rewrite, my name is Xue Gang, is an idiot..." anyway, Ling Feng used his own language characteristics, put those ugly sentences out, let Xue Gang write, Xue Gang also dare not from, only can a strong fierce write, I guess my heart is hate Ling Feng.

"Lying trough, Xue was insulted like this?" The man with glasses in the toilet compartment immediately understood what was going on outside. In the past, Xue Da Shao often came to the toilet adults on the platform of the teaching building. He heard that there were disabled people. It seems that this is true!

But this time... It's obvious that Xue was raised. Who was the man just now? How could it be that Xue Da Shao was forced to kneel down when he didn't say anything, and asked Xue Da Shao to write his deeds when he knelt down and didn't say anything?

"I want to keep it!" The man with glasses immediately turned on the recording of his mobile phone and secretly recorded all this in it

"In this way, I became such a piece of shit..." Ling Fengnian for a few minutes, and then there was no word. He picked up what Xue gang had written, which looked pretty good. Now he praised it and said: "yes, I didn't expect that you were ugly, and your writing was pretty good!"

"You're ugly, aren't you! How can I be regarded as a handsome man? " Xue Gang said this in his heart, but on the surface he was clever and easy to be bullied. Now he stopped talking and looked down at the sewage on the ground. He felt like vomiting.

"You! Come here for me! " Ling Feng immediately pointed to the student standing next to him. This was Li Li who had fought with Ling Feng before. He was so pointed by Ling Feng that he felt empty in his heart. Ling Feng's dignity had fallen in his heart.

"Why?" He came slowly and asked nervously.

"I remember bleeding you. Where's the wound? Give Xue Da Shao a handprint! " Ling Feng said this, especially adding stress to the word "Xue Dashao.".

When Li Ligang was kicked off by Ling Feng, he rubbed off a piece of skin on the ground. Now it's really bleeding. He immediately came over and exposed his wound. Xue Gang didn't resist. He pressed a fingerprint for him with Li Li's blood.

Looking at the paper with blood fingerprints, Ling Feng felt very satisfied. He handed the paper to Li Li and said in a loud voice, "go and paste this on the school's bulletin board. If you don't see it, you will be thrown into the women's toilet!" With that, he swaggered away.

"I'll go. What a bullying freshman!" The glasses man in the toilet compartment was immediately frightened by Ling Feng's domineering. If Xue Gang pasted what he had just written on the bulletin board, it would not take an hour for him to become the focus of the whole school!

"I remember adding such titles as" Xue Da Shao's life "," Xue Da Shao's last letter "and" Ben Shao, how domineering "and so on. There are no attractive gimmicks these days. There are no people to see them at all." Mingming Ling Feng has gone out of the toilet, but his voice, or came in, and abnormal clear.

"Domineering, really domineering!" The glasses man said in the toilet compartment.

"You!" Finally, Xue Gang is already gritting his teeth. When he sees Ling Feng leaving, he immediately gets up, grabs the paper in Li Li's hand, and tears it to pieces. Then, in a very vicious tone, he says: "your brother-in-law's labor management will make you pay the price!" Finish saying, still ruthlessly chopped a foot, but he was kicked by Ling Feng that is not good, immediately ouch up.

"Brother, are you ok?" At this time, Li Li shows his concern for Jiyou. Now he helps Xue gang up, but he doesn't feel disgusted by the dirt on his body, so he holds him directly!

"You two are also rubbish. I can't be beaten. Don't follow me in the future!" As soon as Xue gang saw his two subordinates, he immediately scolded them, but he just said it, and let Yang Li support him.

"Brother, you saw that just now. Even twenty little brothers can't beat them!" Li Li is also complaining. There are many advantages in following Xue gang. He doesn't want to lose such a big brother, so he can only bear it.

"Don't tell anyone about today's affairs, or the labor and capital will abolish him!" Xue Gang also forgave a few younger brothers, and then said in a loud voice.

"Yes, we won't say it!" Li Li replied like this. Then he turned his eyes and immediately said to Xue Gang, "big brother, there is a boy in the compartment. He knows everything just now!"

"Lying trough? It's none of my business The glasses man in the compartment immediately put on the headphones and pretended to be watching the video.