Chapter 381 Cap 380: Conversation Between Two Outsiders(Chapter Preview)

Name:Will Of Chaos Author:
After seeing the state Thomas Galaretto is in and the state the cell is in, I may not know how long he's been here, but I think it's been enough, but what I think doesn't matter, it's up to Irina and Irius.

"I already broke up with him the first three days, I spent those days punching him breaking every bone in his body while Irina healed him."  (Irius)

"For us, that was enough, but I wanted to wait until you woke up, Father."  (Irina)

"Besides, Lilith said he needed to be punished even more, so she and Érica spent a month torturing him."  (Irina)

I used my threads to cover this worm's mouth while I tied the rest of his body together so I wouldn't interrupt this conversation with his bullshit, so I turned to Lilith.

"Why did you want to punish him, Lilith?"  (I)

"When I transformed months ago, I received some gifts from the God Vidark, among them I can feel in people's Aura the accumulated desire for revenge of the dead, but only the desire for revenge of the innocent who died."  (Lilith)

"The Aura of this Archbishop of the Church of Light is tainted by the desire for revenge of hundreds of innocents, the more punishment he receives, the less will this desire for revenge accumulated on him, this serves as an offering to the God Vidark showing how much I follow his teachings."  (Lilith)

"So that explains why you're so happy, did you say that to Érica?"  (I)

"No, she just showed up and said that a bastard like him would be excellent at testing her curses, so I let her do what she wanted as it also served as punishment."  (Lilith)

"..." (I/Irina/Irius)

"(As always Érica has a strong hatred against a person who raped another, everyone in the mansion knows what this bastard did to Irina and Irius' mother.)" (I)

"If you think he still deserves some punishment, then we can come back later."  (I)

"I finished three days ago, so I'm happy, I even received a title from the God Vidark for fulfilling the desire for revenge of so many innocent people killed."  (Lilith)

"Punishment of bastards like him is very satisfying."  (Lilith)

"(How can she have such a happy smile in a place like this while she says such brutal things.)" (I)

"Then let's get this over with, just as I promised I'll give you the final judgment."  (I)

I go to this worm and use my Aura to pull the darkness out of it, then I take out of my storage item the black crystal where the darkness of that Elf I rescued from the pirates is stored, just like back then I use my Aura to pull the darkness of this worm that is much bigger than I initially imagined and gather in that crystal before putting it away again.

I still don't know what I'm going to do with it, but I'll think of a use for it one day, after taking the darkness out of him I ripped his head off with my bare hands, I was a little surprised at how easy this was, not even I had to exert a lot of strength.

With that done with the Church of Light, I turn around and see that Lilith has gone back to eating her big chunk of meat without caring about the brutal scene I performed in front of her.

"After the body and blood are gone, being devoured by the Dungeon, ask someone to check that there is no dirt left."  (I)

"I'll check it out later, by the afternoon it should be clean."  (Irius)

"Did you have a problem with the Church of Light after we got that worm?"  (I)

"Yes, they tried to chase us, but they never got close enough to us, but they always come too close, I think they must be tracking Archbishop Galaretto somehow."  (Irius)

"Now that he's dead they'll lose their only clue, let's head back to the mansion."  (I)

"Lilith, you need to take a shower, you splattered some blood on your clothes."  (I)

"It must be the meat I was eating, I'll have to wash it after the shower."  (Lilith)

We all walked back to the mansion, I spent the rest of the day listening to everything that happened while it was evolving, it seems that Leonardo had finished the initial drawings for the construction of the city, but then he had new ideas and started some modifications to the original drawing.

I took advantage of the afternoon to visit the camp too, I was happy to see that the Lizardmans were speaking the common language, it seems that Jana and Irina have been teaching them.

As soon as I got there Lilian who was teaching about the Goddess to the people of the camp and the Lizardman including Barok who is now a Dragonewt, they all got on their knees in front of me.

When night fell I started walking towards the mansion alone, I saw someone on top of the mansion and I jumped there, it was Samira lying down watching the starry sky.

"Are you enjoying the view?"  (I)

"Yes, I never thought I'd see a night sky with just one moon again."  (Samira)

"Do you miss your old world?"  (I)

"Not from the world, but from people yes."  (Samira)

"There were many people who were by my side to support me because of my illness, I miss those people."  (Samira)

"But I'm not the same person they knew any more, I can't even remember the name I had in my previous life."  (Samira)

"I don't know my name in my old world either, but I agree that I'm not the same person anymore either."  (I)

I lie on the roof next to Samira, she is an outsider just like me, I always felt that she would be the only one to understand how strange, cruel, and yet wonderful this world is to me.

"I heard that you were born into this world as a monster, but specifically a Leech, is that true?"  (Samira)

"Yes, at that time I was very confused and desperate, I think it was from that first day that I started to change."  (I)

"I can tell that in your previous life you must have been quite open-minded, right?"  (Samira)

"Besides, your willpower must be very strong."  (Samira)

"I like to think I've always had an open mind, now on the strength of my will I don't think I would be able to answer that myself."  (I)

"Have you ever noticed that killing seems easier in this world, have you also noticed that you don't feel so much regret after killing someone?"  (Samira)

"Yes, I've killed monsters and people, just today I ripped someone's head off with my bare hands, but I'm still surprised how cool I am with it."  (I)

"You may not know your monster body influences you anymore, that's quite normal."  (Samira)

"You may have heard that Outsiders who were born as monsters in this world go crazy causing chaos and destruction wherever they go, right?"  (Samira)

"Yes, I've been told about it, I've read it in a book too."  (I)

"That's for the same reason you and I change so easily, because of our monster bodies."  (Samira)

"You should also know that in our ancient world a person's age influences a person's mentality, for example, 5 or even 9 year olds will not have sexual desire, that's because their body is very young, but a teenager 17 or 18 years old will have a strong sexual desire."  (Samira)

"That sexual desire is already responsible for a teenager to see the world in a totally different way, but that's not the only thing where the body influences the mindset."  (Samira)

"Our case is the same, our monster bodies affect our minds, even now that we are no longer monsters it is still affecting us, as Vampires, we drink blood which is something we found disgusting in our old world, but is now as natural as drink water."  (Samira)

"You mean our bodies are responsible for our changes?"  (I)

"Yes and no, our bodies just accelerate change, this is to help young monsters adapt quickly, so monsters have strong instincts to guide them, especially first-generation monsters that are born adults."  (Samira)

"But we outsiders already have a developed mind with a mindset of our own, when someone like that is born in a body that doesn't match their mind and has instincts that a human shouldn't have, it little by little affects the person leading to madness in most cases. In some cases, this is what Outsiders who were born as monsters suffered."  (Samira)

"In my case and yours is a little different, we use something or someone to maintain our sanity, and we have an open mind to accept our situation more easily when others try to reject until the end what they have become."  (Samira)

"Did you use Elsaris as an emotional support to keep your sanity?"  (I)

"Yes, but that was something unconscious or just luck, I only realized it many years later, at that time I didn't know what to do, but when I saw her I knew I had to at least defend her, not knowing that saved me from going crazy too, diverting my mind to something other than myself."  (Samira)

"Our bodies may have accelerated our changes, but it doesn't change the fact that our decisions further affected those changes along the way."  (I)

"I agree with that, our decisions always change who we are, so we build our own rules in our minds about what's right and wrong, to try not to stray further from what we want to be."  (Samira)

"I just hope it doesn't change into a real monster in the future."  (I)

"This world is very different from our old world, we cannot live thinking about the rules of another world."  (Samira)

"In this world killing someone doesn't make you a criminal, but why you kill is what matters."  (Samira)

"That's something I've come to terms with over the days and months, but that doesn't mean I'll stop worrying about how long I'll be able to make those distinctions."  (I)

Samira pulls me into a hug and gives me a kiss on the forehead.

"You think too much, all the people in this dungeon trust you, so stop worrying about the future and do what you can now, okay Father?"  (Samira)

"I'm gonna do my best."  (I)