Chapter 506 Cap 504: Curse Tracking Part 1(Chapter Preview)

Name:Will Of Chaos Author:
We were all wondering if it would be better to just kill the prisoners as it would be the most merciful for them, but I was still hesitant as if I killed them there would be no way to find the Vampire who did it.

To be honest, I was mad at him for the horrible things he'd done, but I don't have the connection to these people to be in the same state as Vanessa.

The biggest reason I want to find this Vampire is because of Vanessa, Lilith, and Lilian.

Vanessa is a Priestess of the Goddess Selene and it seems that this Vampire broke a Goddess Taboo, it seems to be important for Vanessa to find this Vampire and make him pay for what he did, so I will help, besides if this is something that the Goddess Selene really does hate it I will be happy to help as she helped me a lot in this world.

While everyone is trying to decide what to do, Lilith says she has an idea and runs away, a few minutes later she comes back with a book that has a leather cover with nothing written on it, but I could feel the slight demonic energy emitted from the book.

Lilith entered already holding the book open and reading, she stopped for a few minutes reading the book and we all stayed quiet as we were curious about this idea of ​​hers.

"I thought, knew I'd read about it this month."  (Lilith)

"There is a tracking curse I can use to find this Vampire, I've never used it before, but it doesn't seem to be difficult, the problem will just be the amount of Mana and demonic energy I'll need."  (Lilith)

"Besides, I'm going to need the help of Father and Érica."  (Lilith)

"What is this spell going to do exactly?"  (I)

"It's going to be more of a curse than a spell, we're going to use these people's aura of vengeance and mix it with our demonic energy, then we're going to activate a blood spell that will make that aura of vengeance go towards the target and mark a seal of condemnation on him."  (Lilith)

"This curse becomes more powerful with the amount of Vengeance Aura directed at the target."  (Lilith)

"The seal of doom can be used in many ways, but in this specific case it will serve for the curse caster as I know the target's direction, it will also allow me to identify who the target is when I'm close."  (Lilith)

"Furthermore, the seal of doom will inflict pain in the same proportion as the doom's Aura used, the demonic energy will also corrupt the body's energy weakening the target."  (Lilith)

"Is there any way to clear the curse?"  (I)

"Yes, it can be cleansed with holy magic or with some very specific skill against curses."  (Lilith)

"This kind of skill would require the owner to have an Aura or power that surpasses the one who cast the curse in order to clear the curse."  (Elsaris)

"Exactly why Lilith wants the Holy Son and Érica to help, they have Affinity with Curses just like her, besides the Holy Son's aura is very strong, it will be almost impossible to clear this curse without using holy magic."  (Lilian)

"Are they able to use holy magic on this continent?"  (I)

"Yes, Demons very, very rarely are able to use holy magic from the God they believe in or it may come from one of the other races like Elves, Runes, Beastmen, etc."  (Lilian)

"This curse is not to kill the Vampire, we'll just use it to find him, as long as it lasts long enough to get us closer it will be enough."  (Lilith)

"Will you need anything else?"  (I)

"Maybe we can use some gold coins to strengthen the magic, even more, the aura of revenge is too strong for just the three of us to control, if we use more energy it will be easier to maintain control, but if there is too much Mana left without using it can uncontrol the magic causing an explosion."  (Lilith)

"Then go look for Érica and Rakan to discuss this magic, they will help you with the calculations to know the best amount of global coins to use."  (I)

"Alright, they're both in the library now, I'll go and talk to them."  (Lilith)

Lilith runs off to talk to Rakan and Érica in the library, I didn't know how long they would take, so I was waiting with the others, Lilian started telling me and Elsaris stories from the Dark Continent while we waited.

Lilith took more than two hours to return bringing Érica along, it seems that Rakan also wanted to come to see this curse, but in the middle of the way, he was careless and disappeared since the other two were not paying attention.

Chances are he was careless and one of the women took him, I hope you enjoy it.

Érica and Lilith come to me and start exiling how we are going to do this magic, it was only now that I found out that we are going to use a ritual as a catalyst for this curse.

When they arrive they start telling me how to set up the ritual as I will have to do it, after spending a few minutes seeing the strange magic circle and the materials I will need to create this magic circle we go outside while we take it all prisoners out unconscious.

Vanessa, Lilian, and Elsaris are present, but will not participate, Lilith made it clear that only Érica and I should participate with her, besides it seems that who will be in control of the magic will be me while Lilith will only help me, Érica will be there only to provide Mana, demonic energy and further strengthen the curse with its Curse Affinity.

"Are you sure it's safe to do this?"  (I)

"Yes, only you and I will be at the head of this curse, besides just by participating Érica will be safe, so she doesn't have to worry."  (Lilith)

"That's not the part I was talking about."  (I)

"Father, you are the son of a Goddess and the King of a nation, I am a Priestess of the Demon God of Vengeance, no need to worry about that."  (Lilith)

"Correcting, King of a city, just a city."  (I)

"For now..." (Lilith) (whisper)

"Did you say something? I swear you said something very serious."  (I)

"I didn't say anything, you're just imagining things."  (Lilith)

"..." (I)

I still don't like doing it, but Lilith seems pretty sure it's going to be okay, Vanessa and Lilian also seem relaxed about it all, so I'll just trust their judgment, even if Lilith is a little, and I mean, just a little, little insane, I know she cares a lot about everyone if she got attached to everyone very quickly, perhaps out of anxiety to have a family again.