Chapter 791 Cap 789: Arriving At The Dark Elf Village

Name:Will Of Chaos Author:
It's been a week since we've been in this Separate Space, this place is almost completely water with many islands scattered around.

I found out that all the monsters here are some kind of Shark Variant.

Those who attacked us as soon as we arrived at this place were some kind of small horned sharks, their attacks are those jets of water.

There is also a monster that looks like a whale with a shark's head, but instead of staying in the water, this monstrosity is flying through the sky, luckily this thing only attacks large numbers to eat, so it ignored us.

There was also a Tornado Shark, this wasn't a tornado full of Sharks like in that movie I remember, it was a tornado shaped like a Shark.

The Adventurer's Guild Master said that it was a wind and water type of Elemental monster.

This Cursed One was shown to be immortal, any damage we did to it healed almost instantly, whenever it was low on energy it sucked in more of the air or water it had in the whole damn place.

In the end, the most we could do was lose this monster and run away from it, there were also Shark-headed Wolves and Shark people on the islands.

This whole place was full of some kind of Sharks, they are all very aggressive, Randel was leading us down a path where we were supposed to encounter fewer monsters, but for some reason, the opposite is happening.

At least I drank a lot of blood from various types of Sharks, in addition to those I mentioned before there were dozens of other types, there was even a Shadow Shark that tries to attack us during the nights we try to camp.

It was interesting to see so many variations of the same type of monster, I felt the same way inside the Great Serpent Dungeon in the Morror Continent.

Unfortunately, I didn't gain any new skills, but seeing these monsters I understood why, I already have skills to move in water or air, I have affinity with these elements, I have poison attacks and many other skills.


Unfortunately, the only skill I couldn't get was to breathe underwater, but I understand why, after all, this is more a physical characteristic of each living organism than a skill.


3? week.

In the third week, we found the construction of Floating Warships, all of them had the symbol of a noble house that Randel recognized, he said that the nobles have no right to own Floating Warships, much less a fleet of dozens of them as we were seeing to be built.

The place where we were was hidden, it was in a rarely visited part of Separate Space, normally Randel wouldn't pass through here, but the path he usually takes had a war between two large groups of monsters vying for territory so we took a detour that brought us here.

Luckily these people didn't notice us, they're more worried about the monsters than people seeing what they're doing, from the current state of the Floating Ships, Randel said it must have been under construction for 2 or 3 months.

After confirming the location of this place we left without us intruding, we don't know the total number of enemy forces around here, and we also don't know the power level of these people, so it would be foolish to try to do something now, I called Nicolas to have a look and he said it will take another 1 month to complete, but even after that several adjustments need to be made, which will take another 1 month of technical work.

As we had 2 months to do something about it, we left it for later, the best we can do is go to Randel's village to report about it.


After 4 weeks we had arrived at a strange tree-shaped mountain, I put my hand inside my clothes and pulled out a mini shark that was dying on my side.

This strange tree mountain was on one of the hundreds of islands in this place, we had just left the water, that's why it was better to fight in the water than flying.

I found out the hard way that if I fly in this place I'll be attacked from above and below, but if I'm in the water, I only have to worry about the monsters in the water.

"We just need to get close to the mountain." (Randel)


We all walked to the mountain, and when we got closer something similar to roots made of blue stone came out of the ground forming the arch of what I imagine to be a portal.

Soon the inner part of the arcade is filled with water that undulates weakly, an image as if it were a reflection is shown in the arcade, showing a cloudy sky in the middle of a rain.

Randel goes through the portal without hesitation and we do the same, so we come out wet from what was a lake surrounded by roots and blue stones.

"Welcome to Bone Desert Village." (Randel)


We were well received by the Dark Elves, their village was like an oasis full of lakes and tropical plants, and their houses were not built inside trees like the other villages I went to before.

The houses and other constructions in this village were made underground in burrows while a tropical paradise was above their houses, everything was beautiful, and there were also many monsters all over the village.

I discovered that on this continent there are 3 villages of Elves, each village has one of the three variant races of Elves, and in this village are the Dark Elves.

They received us well, it seems that they already know something about me, one of the Elves who works directly for the Elf King of this village, said that he could leave my Dungeon open in this village without any problems, so I did that.

It looks like the Dark Elf King is recovering from a skirmish that took place elsewhere in the Bone Waste, but I don't know much about that.

It was said that the King woke up a few days before I arrived, but had some things to do after waking up while still trying to recover, he will receive me in 3 days when he is fully recovered.

Meanwhile, I was given full access to the village, the one who was most excited was Sophia who left the Dungeon to train with the Dark Elves of that village, plus I was taken by érica and Ibuki who I have been leaving aside with so much going on.

I took advantage of these 3 days to rest and spend time with my family.