Chapter 234 - The Islet Mystery 50

Ryan docked his yacht a few miles away from Isla Uno, an island that housed one of the MS Sciences Laboratory for years. It was also home to the families of hundreds of planters of Chara blooms, laboratory workers, and the patrollers who guard the safety of Chara plantations. Adjacent to the laboratory was a hidden cave, concealed by restructuring the entrance into an administrator's building. No one would ever suspect that behind the door of one of the offices, was an entrance to a vast cave where the workers packed the extracts of Chara blooms according to the amount specified for certain flavors of Myrtle Shade creamers. The cave also had tunnels leading to the laboratory and their different hidden exits.

The inhabitants of the island who lived miles apart from the civilized world made the MS Laboratory their ways of life. Those families who chose to educate their children moved to the towns nearby because the trip back and forth the island was always risky due to unpredictable weather. At times, the people started their trips on sunny weather and calm sea movement, but halfway through the journey, unpredicted storms would suddenly strike, endangering their lives.

Reaching the shore of the island through a speedboat, he jumped off the boat and strode towards the building. Workers who maintained the cleanliness of the area and some of the farmers who set out early for work greeted him warmly. Unlike Mr. Te, Ryan captured the hearts of the workers due to his cheerful demeanor. He always greeted them and most of the time, mingled with them as he watched them work.

"It's too early, aunties, uncles. Why not spend more time in your houses until the sun is high up in the sky? You'll get sick with that. It's still so cold."

"Sir Gerome wouldn't like it. If he knows we are not doing our job well, he will fire us," answered one of the farmers.

"As the heir of his businesses, I am also your boss. That means, you must also take my orders. Gather your whole neighborhood to have breakfast with me on the shore."

The faces of the workers brightened up. They ran to their neighbors, who also passed the message forward. In less than an hour, all of them spread their mats on the shore. Ryan then called some of them to help him with the big pots of food he took from the yacht. Before they started the meal, he stood before the crowd.

"As dad's successor, I want you to know that I wish to establish a closer relationship with you, a real family. For many years, you have served us with your sweat and blood, so I want to return the favor. I will increase your salary,  offer a scholarship program for your children, and provide you medical funds whenever you are sick. I will make things right for you. More than anything else, call me whenever you need help."

The workers cheered and applauded him, the joy that glowed on their faces shone like the morning sun above the sprawling emerald-green water. Nothing could express how happy they felt, having their hard labor finally acknowledged and rewarded. When their squeals and little chaos finally subsided, Ryan continued to speak.

"Yet, I do not deny the fact that my father won't be happy to know this. For him, money can buy everything. He doesn't give emotional value to every sacrifice you make. He is my father and I love him, but it doesn't mean that I agree on his cruelty. So, will you promise to keep everything between us only?"

"Yes, sir!" chorused the people, swearing to their hearts that they would give allegiance to the one who gave them worth.

Then, the district captain stood up, and before he opened his mouth, the corners of his mouth curved into a sob, the flushing of his skin darkened his sunburned skin. He brushed his tears away with his creased and calloused hand, stifling his cries away by gritting his teeth.

"Sir, for many years, these humble people of yours see oppression in broad daylight. We work like slaves and paid less than what we give. Thanks for giving us hope. Finally, we can see the dawn in our lives. On behalf of my people, I will declare our allegiance to you."

Ryan did as he promised. He distributed right then their salary increase, covering the past twelve months of their service. He also had their names listed for medical insurances and other health care services. He also promised to erect a school for their younger children and provide dormitories in the town for college students. And at the end of the day, he felt a sense of joy and fulfillment he never experienced in his whole life. Joey was right, and he could now have the full support of all the island dwellers in the search for his lost son and his parents. What he needed was more time,  more time to turn the tide against his father's dirty scheme.


Jullien passed through the guards, and another guard led her to a building outside the main jail. Her brows gathered together as she saw the interior of the building. An elegant living room met her eyes, furnished with expensive furniture. A huge OLED TV screen was flashing images and the sturdy figure of Mr. Te's back, leaning on the couch, caught her attention. This should not be the life of a drug syndicate leader but needless to ask, she had the answer on what made the difference.

At the sound of her footsteps, Mr. Te turned to her and his mouth twisted into a welcoming smile. He stood up and met her halfway, hugging her as soon as she was in his reach.

"Darling, you're here as you promised. Thank you so much. My friends noticed the nice glow of my skin. So, this means that your new product is so effective." Jullien smiled at his flatteries, but he could never fool her.

"Really, uncle?" she beamed a bright smile, fooling him as well.

"Yes, dear. Look at me now," Mr. Te chuckled while tilting his head to show the pinkish glow of his skin.

"I agree, dad. So, you have to sit down now, and I'll give you your second dose."