
Looking at his serious eyes, Shen Nian was momentarily speechless, just staring at him blankly.

Liar, he clearly said it would be 100 days.

"Alright," her voice was soft, naturally continuing Lu Lingchuan's words: "I accept."

She had said before that he had the right to end it at any time.

"However..." Shen Nian paused, then continued: "I hope this is the result of your careful consideration."

She wasn't a stuffed toy that he could pick up when he wanted to play and discard when he didn't, repeatedly toying with her.

"..." Lu Lingchuan just looked at her, silent.

"It seems I was overthinking," Shen Nian smiled gently.

His words meant he had already thought it through.

She glanced at the dishes ready to go into the dishwasher, then back at Lu Lingchuan. "So... what now?"

After a second, Shen Nian continued asking: "Did you come to drive me out?"

Although the house was in Shen Nian's name, Lu Lingchuan had bought it. It belonged to him.

"This house is yours," Lu Lingchuan said, then added: "I'll complete the compensation to you over the next few days."

"What are you talking about?" Shen Nian interrupted softly, meeting his gaze. "You don't owe me anything, so why talk about compensation?"

"..." Silence, endless silence between them.

"Likewise," Shen Nian spoke again, looking at Lu Lingchuan, a faint smile on her lips making her appear especially gentle.

From the moment he mentioned breaking up until now, apart from the initial second of frozen expression, she had maintained a slight smile.

"Lu Lingchuan, I don't owe you anything either," she said.

"..." Lu Lingchuan's pupils constricted slightly, seemingly unable to bear it. He stood up, about to leave.

Watching his back, Shen Nian called out: "Lu Lingchuan."

"..." Lu Lingchuan stopped.

"Today is the 50th day of our hundred-day agreement," she said, looking at his back.


"Can you stay and spend the rest of today with me?"

She had never said such words before. This was the first time she actively asked him to stay, to keep her company.

"..." Lu Lingchuan paused as he got into bed, then softly responded with an "Mm," reaching out to find the switch nearby.


The room instantly darkened.

Although they lay on the same bed, there was an awkward distance between them. It was so quiet they could hear each other's breathing. Both lay with their eyes open, expressionlessly staring at the ceiling in the dim light.

"Will you stay in Beijing?" After a long while, Lu Lingchuan asked.

Shen Nian was silent for a few seconds, not answering, but instead asking: "Is the answer to this question important to you?"

"Yes," Lu Lingchuan admitted quickly. "It's very important to me."

"..." Shen Nian was silent for a few more seconds, then chuckled lightly: "Maybe, maybe not."

"The world is so big, there should still be a place for me."


Then, silence fell again.

"How is Aunt's health?" After another long while, this time Shen Nian initiated the conversation.

"She's fine now," Lu Lingchuan said.

"That's good," Shen Nian nodded. "Aunt's health hasn't been good for years. Once she's recovered, Uncle should take her out to see more of the world. Perhaps seeing new things could improve her mood. After all, treating cancer isn't just about the body, it's about the mind."

"Alright," Lu Lingchuan agreed.

Then, silence again.

"Nian Nian," Lu Lingchuan's voice sounded once more.

"Mm?" She responded gently.

"Do you hate me?" Lu Lingchuan asked.

"..." Shen Nian was very quiet. She thought about it seriously, then replied: "No, I love you."

It was the first time she admitted it so openly.

Lu Lingchuan's pupils suddenly constricted.

"I love you so much..." Shen Nian's gaze was somewhat dazed. "Because besides my parents, you're the only person who has loved me unconditionally. More deeply than Ling Rui, more deeply than Uncle and Aunt. Your existence makes me realize that I'm not so bad after all, otherwise someone as excellent as you wouldn't have been guarding me all this time."

Lu Lingchuan held such an important place in Shen Nian's life. She loved him to her very core, which was why she had willingly endured their mutual torment all these years.

Perhaps all those intoxicated by love are like this - so deeply immersed in it that nothing else matters.

"Lu Lingchuan, no matter what, I'm grateful for your presence," she said. "Including everything you've given me, adding color to what would have been an otherwise unremarkable life."