The old professor had taught many students throughout his life. Upon learning that this would be the professor's last lecture, all available graduates came to attend. A University's largest multimedia classroom was packed, with chairs even set up in the corridors.

Although the professor was advanced in age, his memory was exceptionally sharp. Just by hearing a student's name, he could clearly recall which year they had graduated.

When he saw Xiao Mubai, the professor's face lit up with joy.

"My good boy, you've come too."

"Yes," Xiao Mubai responded, grasping the old professor's hand. "I'm honored that you still remember me."

"Of course I remember," the professor said with a broad smile. "You were an excellent student – good grades, good character, good looks. Even if this old man's memory was failing, I couldn't forget you."

Xiao Mubai smiled modestly. "I'm not as good as you say."

"By the way, where's that girl Shen Nian?" the old professor suddenly asked, remembering something.

"I still remember that girl. She was the quietest student I ever taught. During my lectures, other students would secretly play with their phones or chat, but that girl always listened attentively, taking meticulous notes. I need to be reminded about other students, but I remember Shen Nian very clearly."Updated chapters at

As he spoke about Shen Nian, the old professor became increasingly animated. After all, what teacher doesn't like an attentive and diligent student?

"I recall that girl didn't like talking to others, but she would speak more with you."

"How are things? Are you two still in touch? How is she doing recently? Why didn't she come today?"

"..." Xiao Mubai's smile became increasingly strained, his body trembling slightly.

Meeting the old professor's gaze, he forced a smile. When he first tried to speak, no sound came out. He had to clear his throat before he could respond.

"She's... doing well recently. She was working at a company, but a while ago she told me that kind of life was a bit dull, so she quit to become a freelance artist. She's currently enjoying life in Florence and couldn't make it back in time."

"I see," the old professor nodded in understanding, then said with a smile, "That's great, that's great. That girl is clever; her mind works quickly no matter what she does. She's bound to become a famous great artist in the future."

Xiao Mubai's smile became increasingly forced.

After the lecture ended, Xiao Mubai prepared to leave. Just before leaving the campus, he suddenly remembered something.

Standing on the cobblestone path, he gazed at the large tree with red leaves covering its branches.

This tree was where he and Shen Nian first met. Years ago, it had been a small tree on the verge of death, nearly uprooted. Now it had grown so large, even more robust than the trees planted around the same time.

He recalled that during the centennial celebration, both he and Shen Nian had written wishes and hung them on the tree. At that time, his wish was for Shen Nian to be happy and content. As for Shen Nian... what had she written?

Xiao Mubai took off his coat and placed it on a nearby stone table. He rolled up his sleeves, stepped back a few paces, then ran forward and nimbly climbed the tree. He made his way up, stepping on branches one by one.

Back then, to ensure that heaven would see their wishes first, he had hung the wishes at the very top of the tree. He had put them up himself, and now he was taking them down himself.

At the top, there were still only their two wishes, somewhat dirty from months of exposure to wind and sun.

He found Shen Nian's wish, took it down, and then descended.

When he was still about two meters from the ground, he jumped down directly.

The moment his feet touched the grass, he felt a sense of déjà vu.

He remembered that last time he had jumped down like this, she had thrown his suit jacket at him, chiding him for not being careful about the danger.


He looked up at the spot where Shen Nian had stood last time. There was no one there anymore...

A shadow passed over his eyes as Xiao Mubai walked towards the stone table. He opened the red velvet pouch.

The pouch was specially made by the school, lined with waterproof coating, so the paper inside wouldn't get wet from rain.

He took out the paper inside. It read:

[If there's a next life, I want to be a jellyfish. With no heart, just drifting aimlessly in the ocean. After death, I'll turn into water, leaving no trace, as if I never existed.]


Xiao Mubai's hand trembled violently as he held the note. Suddenly, he recalled Shen Nian's phone call about her hundred-day agreement with Lu Lingchuan.

At that time, he had told her:

[That's good. Forget the unpleasant memories of the past and enjoy these 100 days. Nian Nian, if after these 100 days of being together, you still can't let go of him, then you should stay together. Give up your obsession with Lu Lingrui and plan for the future.]

Having known Shen Nian for so many years, he understood her very well.

Neither Lu Lingchuan nor Shen Nian had ever truly let go of each other.

Lu Lingchuan lacked the courage to take that step, while Shen Nian was burdened by too much guilt. Neither could let go of Lu Lingrui, so they could only torment each other.

At that time, Shen Nian had remained silent for a long while before saying:

[If I told you that I never imagined a future with him, would you believe me?]

Xiao Mubai had been stunned then, not understanding Shen Nian's meaning. But now, seeing these words, he finally understood.

In fact... even if Lu Lingchuan hadn't suggested breaking up, Shen Nian wouldn't have stayed with him.

Because she had long since lost the will to live.

Why did she continue to persevere? Only because Lu Lingrui's matter hadn't been resolved. Clinging to this belief, she struggled on, barely hanging on.

Jiang Lingling collapsed to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably. Li Nan, tears streaming down her face, supported her. All the employees who heard this news came forward, shocked and grieving, their eyes reddening.

Because they had all received help, big and small, from Shen Nian.

The air was filled with Jiang Lingling's sobs and someone else's sniffles. Lu Lingchuan, sprawled awkwardly on the ground, remained silent throughout.

He tried to stand up, leaning against the wall, but his hand kept slipping. When he finally managed to stand straight, he turned silently, intending to return to his office.

Like a person with permanently crippled legs insisting on walking without a wheelchair, he took one step and immediately fell hard to the ground again.

Lu Lingchuan seemed immune to the pain. He would stand up, take a step, fall hard, then stand up again... over and over.

He had never been so disheveled before, like a lonely old man.

Jiang Lingling cried to the point of near fainting. Xiao Mubai left with the packed belongings. Jiang Lingling pushed away Li Nan who was supporting her.

"Let me see her, please. Where is Sister Nian's grave? Please take me there..."

Xiao Mubai, holding the box, glanced at that disheveled figure upon hearing this, then looked away.

"Alone and unencumbered, what need is there for a tombstone?"

With that, he strode away.

Xiao Mubai hadn't lied to Jiang Lingling about this. The various procedures were still being processed, and Shen Nian's body was currently in the funeral home.

Although she hadn't been cremated yet, Xiao Mubai had already decided on her final journey.

Originally, he had thought of burying her next to Mr. and Mrs. Shen. She had suffered so much these past few years; let her return to her parents' embrace and become a cherished child again.

But in the end, he chose a sea burial.

She had once said that if there was a next life, she wanted to be a jellyfish.

She had also said that she loved the sea.

Xiao Mubai deliberately chose a day with particularly good weather to go out to sea, holding her ashes.

Everyone thought he would break down, but he was actually very calm.

Because he never believed that Shen Nian had left him.

Death isn't the loss of life, it's stepping out of time.

Forgetting is the ultimate death.

Xiao Mubai was certain he would never forget, so in his heart, she was always alive, just living more freely now.

Yes... he would never forget, never ever forget.

It takes only an hour to meet someone, but a lifetime to forget them.

Although it was still bitterly cold in January, Xiao Mubai wore only a thin jacket. It was one Shen Nian had bought for him before, and he had always treasured it.

Today he was sending her off, so he specifically wore this jacket.

The ashes scattered with the sea breeze, then fell into the ocean, drifting with the waves.

While some celebrate new marriages, others sleep eternally in the sea.

After scattering the ashes, Xiao Mubai took out his phone, removed the case, and retrieved the ID photo he had always kept behind it.

In the photo, her smile was so pure, so beautiful.

Gazing into her beautiful eyes, Xiao Mubai suddenly smiled.

"Only now do I understand why you've always said you like the sea and want to travel."

Before, he had misunderstood her meaning and had searched for many tourist destinations around the world for her.

She did indeed want to travel, but not in the way he had imagined.

Her ashes would merge with the seawater, and these waters would flow to various parts of the world, experiencing the customs and scenery of different places.

The sea breeze struck his face, and the relentless sound of waves crashing filled his ears.

He looked out at the vast, boundless ocean.

Xiao Mubai had now experienced the unbearable pain of watching someone he cared about die before his eyes, powerless to help.

He had once resented Lu Lingchuan for stubbornly clinging to the past and hurting Shen Nian.

But now, Xiao Mubai thought he finally understood why Lu Lingchuan had been unable to let go; it truly was so difficult to come to terms with.

Unsurprisingly, he also guessed the reasons behind Lu Lingchuan's decision to break up and marry Liang Jinghe.

Having understood this, Xiao Mubai no longer wanted to blame him, but only felt that he was pitiable.

He gazed at the sea and murmured.

"If there is a next life, if reincarnation truly exists. Nian Nian, you must remember... to be a jellyfish."

The sea breeze was his only response.