CH 7

Name:Withdrawal Author:
Actually, Qiao Luo had zero interest in college.

His grades were very ordinary and he didn’t have any good studying habits. His attitude towards academics was passive. No matter if it was college, elementary school or kindergarten, as long as it was a school, he was not interested at all.

But if it was Fu Zhi Zhou’s college, that changed everything.

Passing by the canteen, Qiao Luo tugged Fu Zhi Zhou’s sleeve, “Is the canteen food good?”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “Passable.”

Passing by the lecture halls, Qiao Luo tugged Fu Zhi Zhou’s sleeve again, “Do you still have exams in college?”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “Yes.”

Seeing the basketball court, Qiao Luo practically leaned onto Fu Zhi Zhou, “Do you guys have P.E.1?”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “Have.”

Going past a small forested area, Qiao Luo continued to tug on Fu Zhi Zhou’s sleeve, but this time, it was filled with some unknown excitement, “You can date in college!”

……What did this little rascal mean?

It was only then that Fu Zhi Zhou understood. He immediately turned directions and once in the dormitory area, he eyed Qiao Luo, “Why? Are you so anxious for a girlfriend already? I’m warning you, Qiao Luo. Don’t you dare start dating early.”

He was previously so perfunctory, why did he suddenly turn so serious?

Qiao Luo was startled by him and blankly replied half a beat later, “Why are you so fierce…..”

Fu Zhi Zhou acted just like a lecturer, “Your grades are not good and you still want to get distracted by dating? You’ll feel refreshed at first, but you will regret it in the future.”

He stopped the car and said seamlessly after the nagging, “We’re here. Get off.”

Qiao Luo was scolded till he felt dazed. He subconsciously did as instructed and was almost tangled to a half-dead state by the seat belt. 

Fu Zhi Zhou, who opened the car door and wanted to head out, frowned and had a very bad expression on. He turned back and helped him to untangle the seat belt, “What are you daydreaming for? You really fell for a girl? Let me tell you, what you feel now is not called ‘like’. What does a little kid know about love?”

Qiao Luo swore that his Zhou Zhou gege had never said so many sentences in one go before. Even if it was a lecture, at most, it would be just a sentence, “Qiao Luo, stop fussing.” And with this, Qiao Luo would quiet down. 

He shuddered deeply as he looked at Fu Zhi Zhou, saying weakly, “I never thought about dating and yet I’m being scolded so badly by you…..”

Fu Zhi Zhou gruntled out a ‘tsk’ sound and his facial expression became even uglier, but his tone turned softer, “I didn’t scold you. Get off. I’ll take you to eat now.”

Qiao Luo immediately tightened his butt and followed closely, but he was still a little afraid. After hesitating for half a day, he finally held onto a corner of Fu Zhi Zhou’s shirt, “Do you hate me for having bad grades and making you lose face?”

The more Qiao Luo thought about it, the more he felt like he was right. He frowned in depression, “Can you not hate me? Except for grades, I am pretty good in every aspect.” 

He was full of sadness and said, trying to sell himself a little, “Didn’t you praise me for looking good? I dance well too, even getting Gold for the school’s arts competition. It was just that you weren’t there and didn’t see it.”

Fu Zhi Zhou’s face remained dark. His pace was just as fast too. After a while, he stopped and waited for Qiao Luo, looking back to grab Qiao Luo’s hand, “Walk faster. What are you blindly talking about?”

Using a lecturer’s tone, he added, “Who’s looking down on you? You only know how to use your brain for useless things everyday.”

Except for academics, Qiao Luo excelled in everything else. The best part was that he was able to pick his mood back up instantaneously. 

The second Fu Zhi Zhou said that he didn’t feel disdain towards him, Qiao Luo revived and was full of hot rushing blood. He bounced over and grabbed Fu Zhi Zhou’s arm, “I want to eat fried chicken, hamburger and ice cream.”

Fu Zhi Zhou had just scolded Qiao Luo a lot; he felt apologetic so he gave in to Qiao Luo, “Okay. KFC or McDonalds?”

Qiao Luo said, “KFC’s fried chicken, McDonald’s hamburger, fries and their new ice cream flavour. I want to eat all these.”

See this? He would climb the pole immediately after getting a favourable reply2.

Breathing in deeply, Fu Zhi Zhou’s head started to ache as he felt an incoming fuss from the little rascal, so he stopped him in advance, “I’ll call take out so shut up.”

Shutting up was not in Qiao Luo’s dictionary.

Qiao Luo was only quiet on the journey from the dorm’s main lobby to the room’s entrance. 

While waiting for Fu Zhi Zhou to fish out his keys and unlock the door, Qiao Luo immediately started chattering away, “So this is a college dorm? Which is your bed?”

Fu Zhi Zhou placed his luggage in and pointed to his bed, “This is mine. I’ll put on a new bedsheet for you later.”

“Is this your roommate’s bed? Pink bed sheet? Hahahaha.”

“Is this the bathroom? It’s so small.”

“Zhou Zhou gege, can I lie on your bed?”

Fu Zhi Zhou ignored him at first. He turned on the thermostat, planning to tidy up Qiao Luo’s luggage.

After sleeping at his own house for a night, Qiao Luo should have only packed clean clothes in, but Fu Zhi Zhou still had to find some space in his closet to hang up all of Qiao Luo’s clothes.

Qiao Luo sat on Fu Zhi Zhou’s study chair and spun a circle. Seeing that Fu Zhi Zhou was about to open his luggage, he got anxious and rushed up, “You’re not allowed to open it!”

There was Fu Zhi Zhou’s surprise inside. How could he let Fu Zhi Zhou see it in advance?

The luggage was zipped half open. Fu Zhi Zhou was almost pushed to the ground by this “hungry hunter” Qiao Luo. Subconsciously, he opened his arms to protect the waist and back of the head, hugging Qiao Luo in his embrace. He balanced himself and asked with a headache, “Why are you so shocked and dramatic suddenly?”

Qiao Luo rubbed his head against Fu Zhi Zhou’s chest, hugging Fu Zhi Zhou’s neck as he stopped moving, “Order food, order food! I’m starving.”

Fu Zhi Zhou gave a deep breath and controlled his impulse to nag, exerting his maximum power to speak nicely, “Get down first.”

Qiao Luo would rather not and complained, “I’m famished, I’m dizzy from hunger, I’m seeing stars now, my limbs are powerless, I can’t move anymore!”

He crashed his head into Fu Zhi Zhou’s chest and pretended to faint from the impact, “Aiya! I fainted.”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “……”

Tsk, the humanoid pendant had hung itself up again.

Fu Zhi Zhou hugged the waist of the other from the back and stood up. With the same posture as hugging a child, he patted Qiao Luo’s head, “Stop selling meng. Come down. I’ll call take-outs now.”

Qiao Luo continued to bump his head against Fu Zhi Zhou, “Fainted, I’ve already fainted! I can’t hear, I can’t hear a single thing!”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “Fine, continue fainting then. I’ll unpack your luggage and eat once you’re awake.”

Qiao Luo immediately ceased fire and struggled to get down from Fu Zhi Zhou’s arms as he protectively hugged his luggage and even locked it with a secret password, “Let’s eat!”

T/N: ngl, QL made my heart hurt at first, then I got so amused by him nearing the end ╰(*°▽°*)╯he’s such a treasure~

Editor: Musk

physical education

another way of saying: give an inch, take a mile

Actually, Qiao Luo had zero interest in college.

His grades were very ordinary and he didn’t have any good studying habits. His attitude towards academics was passive. No matter if it was college, elementary school or kindergarten, as long as it was a school, he was not interested at all.

But if it was Fu Zhi Zhou’s college, that changed everything.

Passing by the canteen, Qiao Luo tugged Fu Zhi Zhou’s sleeve, “Is the canteen food good?”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “Passable.”

Passing by the lecture halls, Qiao Luo tugged Fu Zhi Zhou’s sleeve again, “Do you still have exams in college?”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “Yes.”

Seeing the basketball court, Qiao Luo practically leaned onto Fu Zhi Zhou, “Do you guys have P.E.1?”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “Have.”

Going past a small forested area, Qiao Luo continued to tug on Fu Zhi Zhou’s sleeve, but this time, it was filled with some unknown excitement, “You can date in college!”

……What did this little rascal mean?

It was only then that Fu Zhi Zhou understood. He immediately turned directions and once in the dormitory area, he eyed Qiao Luo, “Why? Are you so anxious for a girlfriend already? I’m warning you, Qiao Luo. Don’t you dare start dating early.”

He was previously so perfunctory, why did he suddenly turn so serious?

Qiao Luo was startled by him and blankly replied half a beat later, “Why are you so fierce…..”

Fu Zhi Zhou acted just like a lecturer, “Your grades are not good and you still want to get distracted by dating? You’ll feel refreshed at first, but you will regret it in the future.”

He stopped the car and said seamlessly after the nagging, “We’re here. Get off.”

Qiao Luo was scolded till he felt dazed. He subconsciously did as instructed and was almost tangled to a half-dead state by the seat belt. 

Fu Zhi Zhou, who opened the car door and wanted to head out, frowned and had a very bad expression on. He turned back and helped him to untangle the seat belt, “What are you daydreaming for? You really fell for a girl? Let me tell you, what you feel now is not called ‘like’. What does a little kid know about love?”

Qiao Luo swore that his Zhou Zhou gege had never said so many sentences in one go before. Even if it was a lecture, at most, it would be just a sentence, “Qiao Luo, stop fussing.” And with this, Qiao Luo would quiet down. 

He shuddered deeply as he looked at Fu Zhi Zhou, saying weakly, “I never thought about dating and yet I’m being scolded so badly by you…..”

Fu Zhi Zhou gruntled out a ‘tsk’ sound and his facial expression became even uglier, but his tone turned softer, “I didn’t scold you. Get off. I’ll take you to eat now.”

Qiao Luo immediately tightened his butt and followed closely, but he was still a little afraid. After hesitating for half a day, he finally held onto a corner of Fu Zhi Zhou’s shirt, “Do you hate me for having bad grades and making you lose face?”

The more Qiao Luo thought about it, the more he felt like he was right. He frowned in depression, “Can you not hate me? Except for grades, I am pretty good in every aspect.” 

He was full of sadness and said, trying to sell himself a little, “Didn’t you praise me for looking good? I dance well too, even getting Gold for the school’s arts competition. It was just that you weren’t there and didn’t see it.”

Fu Zhi Zhou’s face remained dark. His pace was just as fast too. After a while, he stopped and waited for Qiao Luo, looking back to grab Qiao Luo’s hand, “Walk faster. What are you blindly talking about?”

Using a lecturer’s tone, he added, “Who’s looking down on you? You only know how to use your brain for useless things everyday.”

Except for academics, Qiao Luo excelled in everything else. The best part was that he was able to pick his mood back up instantaneously. 

The second Fu Zhi Zhou said that he didn’t feel disdain towards him, Qiao Luo revived and was full of hot rushing blood. He bounced over and grabbed Fu Zhi Zhou’s arm, “I want to eat fried chicken, hamburger and ice cream.”

Fu Zhi Zhou had just scolded Qiao Luo a lot; he felt apologetic so he gave in to Qiao Luo, “Okay. KFC or McDonalds?”

Qiao Luo said, “KFC’s fried chicken, McDonald’s hamburger, fries and their new ice cream flavour. I want to eat all these.”

See this? He would climb the pole immediately after getting a favourable reply2.

Breathing in deeply, Fu Zhi Zhou’s head started to ache as he felt an incoming fuss from the little rascal, so he stopped him in advance, “I’ll call take out so shut up.”

Shutting up was not in Qiao Luo’s dictionary.

Qiao Luo was only quiet on the journey from the dorm’s main lobby to the room’s entrance. 

While waiting for Fu Zhi Zhou to fish out his keys and unlock the door, Qiao Luo immediately started chattering away, “So this is a college dorm? Which is your bed?”

Fu Zhi Zhou placed his luggage in and pointed to his bed, “This is mine. I’ll put on a new bedsheet for you later.”

“Is this your roommate’s bed? Pink bed sheet? Hahahaha.”

“Is this the bathroom? It’s so small.”

“Zhou Zhou gege, can I lie on your bed?”

Fu Zhi Zhou ignored him at first. He turned on the thermostat, planning to tidy up Qiao Luo’s luggage.

After sleeping at his own house for a night, Qiao Luo should have only packed clean clothes in, but Fu Zhi Zhou still had to find some space in his closet to hang up all of Qiao Luo’s clothes.

Qiao Luo sat on Fu Zhi Zhou’s study chair and spun a circle. Seeing that Fu Zhi Zhou was about to open his luggage, he got anxious and rushed up, “You’re not allowed to open it!”

There was Fu Zhi Zhou’s surprise inside. How could he let Fu Zhi Zhou see it in advance?

The luggage was zipped half open. Fu Zhi Zhou was almost pushed to the ground by this “hungry hunter” Qiao Luo. Subconsciously, he opened his arms to protect the waist and back of the head, hugging Qiao Luo in his embrace. He balanced himself and asked with a headache, “Why are you so shocked and dramatic suddenly?”

Qiao Luo rubbed his head against Fu Zhi Zhou’s chest, hugging Fu Zhi Zhou’s neck as he stopped moving, “Order food, order food! I’m starving.”

Fu Zhi Zhou gave a deep breath and controlled his impulse to nag, exerting his maximum power to speak nicely, “Get down first.”

Qiao Luo would rather not and complained, “I’m famished, I’m dizzy from hunger, I’m seeing stars now, my limbs are powerless, I can’t move anymore!”

He crashed his head into Fu Zhi Zhou’s chest and pretended to faint from the impact, “Aiya! I fainted.”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “……”

Tsk, the humanoid pendant had hung itself up again.

Fu Zhi Zhou hugged the waist of the other from the back and stood up. With the same posture as hugging a child, he patted Qiao Luo’s head, “Stop selling meng. Come down. I’ll call take-outs now.”

Qiao Luo continued to bump his head against Fu Zhi Zhou, “Fainted, I’ve already fainted! I can’t hear, I can’t hear a single thing!”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “Fine, continue fainting then. I’ll unpack your luggage and eat once you’re awake.”

Qiao Luo immediately ceased fire and struggled to get down from Fu Zhi Zhou’s arms as he protectively hugged his luggage and even locked it with a secret password, “Let’s eat!”

T/N: ngl, QL made my heart hurt at first, then I got so amused by him nearing the end ╰(*°▽°*)╯he’s such a treasure~

Editor: Musk

physical education

another way of saying: give an inch, take a mile