CH 24

Name:Withdrawal Author:
The New Year’s holiday lasted for only 3 days. Qiao Luo went back to school well-behaved when the holidays ended.

Yet, Fu Zhi Zhou had applied for 4 more days of leave to accompany his grandfather for an entire week before returning home.

The elder could no longer recognise anyone. He pulled onto Fu Zhi Zhou’s hand, calling him ‘Wei Yuan’, as if calling a little baby as he fed him Mua Chee. Then, he kept apologising repeatedly to Fu Zhi Zhou. Finally, when Fu Zhi Zhou was about to leave, the elder cried like a 9 years old kid.

Fu Zhi Zhou knew that these sentiments weren’t the same as a grandfather who was unwilling to part with his grandson. Instead, this was the elder treating him as the 29 years old Fu Wei Yuan.

His heart suffered pangs of pain. When he went back to his hometown, he didn’t even spare time to put his luggage down at school before taking a taxi and speeding straight to Qiao Luo’s school. The moment Qiao Luo pounced into his arms, he carried up his entire person.

Although strangely speaking, even brothers who had separated for a long time would hug like this in a reunion.

The most important thing was that Fu Zhi Zhou no longer cared about what the surrounding people thought of them; he merely wished to hug Qiao Luo.

Qiao Luo wasn’t aware of anything and was just foolishly delighted. When Fu Zhi Zhou set him down, he was so excited that his little face flushed red as he asked happily, “Did you miss me to death?”

Fu Zhi Zhou held his luggage in one hand and put Qiao Luo’s bag on top of it. Then, with the other hand, he held onto Qiao Luo’s and said calmly, “En, missed you so much that I didn’t even go back to take my car. I’ll have to call a taxi to send you home.”

Qiao Luo and Fu Zhi Zhou’s ten fingers interlocked with each other as Qiao Luo said in a small voice, “Let’s take the train. When I went to school last time, I saw a boy wrapping his arms around his girlfriend. I want you to wrap your arms around me too, can we?”

Fu Zhi Zhou knocked his forehead, “Peeping at how others date at such a young age?”

But he still listened to Qiao Luo and walked towards the train station.

Qiao Luo stuck out his tongue and grumbled in a small yet arrogant voice, “Young but I did not only watch others date and even started dating!”

Thereafter, he thought of one question after being aware of it. He asked as he tugged Fu Zhi Zhou’s hand, “Crap, does this count as me dating early? Then will you still come to my coming-of-age ceremony? You can’t not come! After all, I only dated early because you… what’s that word again… Embezzled! Yes, embezzled!”

What kind of wording was this? Fu Zhi Zhou found it funny and asked Qiao Luo, “Luo Luo, can you pass our end of term language exams?”

Qiao Luo was extremely stubborn regarding this, “Whether I pass or fail, you still have to come!”

They reached the station and went down the escalator. Fu Zhi Zhou stood on a lower step so he could level with Qiao Luo’s eyes nicely, “I’ll go as your family, will that do?”

Within the two months of their dating life, Fu Zhi Zhou had never spoken words of endearment as much as today. Qiao Luo felt crazily excited and asked Fu Zhi Zhou when they came down the escalator, “There’s no one here so can you give me a kiss?”

Fu Zhi Zhou pointed to the CCTV camera above their heads, “Do you want to be recorded?”

Qiao Luo didn’t really want that and slumped with fiery cheeks.

After dropping Qiao Luo home, Fu Zhi Zhou had to first take a trip back to his own home.

After all, he had a sweet romance with a lover but the lonely old man at home should be in quite a bad mood.

Old Man Fu had calculated that Fu Zhi Zhou would be arriving today and had started to feel jittery in the afternoon. He was in the living room yet he threw his phone into the study room on the second floor, pretending to not be anxious at all.

But the housekeeping auntie watched as the old man walked back and forth the entrance, looking around for three rounds. She said as she tried to persuade him, “Xiao Zhou has already been attending university for a few years. You should try to get used to it. Don’t stand at the door, lest you catch a cold.”

One phrase of “Xiao Zhou” pulled Old Man Fu’s thoughts into a very, very, very faraway place. He recalled that year’s events. Zhou Wang Gui and him were both educated youths. Everyone called Zhou Wang Gui “Xiao Zhou”. It was only him who was younger than the other, so he called him “Zhou ge”.

Back when he had first brought Fu Zhi Zhou home and heard of this child’s name, he hid in the toilet alone and secretly cried for a while.

Fu Zhi Zhou—— Fu Wei Yuan knows Zhou Wang Gui1. 

He remembered that when Fu Zhi Zhou had first come here, he had carried over a letter too. That time, Zhou Wang Gui’s illness hadn’t gotten so severe yet as he asked: Wei Yuan, do you regret knowing me?

Fu Zhi Zhou came home to the sight of his little gramps sitting in a daze on the sofa in a bad mood. Seeing Fu Zhi Zhou back, he secretly wiped his face and acted calm as he spoke, “Wasn’t your flight in the afternoon? Did you pick up Luo Luo again? Tsk tsk.”

Both grandfather and grandson had the same story of the past stored in their hearts. It was just that the angle in which they looked at it was not quite the same. Yet, they were all equally unbearable. So Fu Zhi Zhou confessed, “Little gramps, Luo Luo and I got together.”

Old Man Fu rubbed his hands, gazing at the face that bore resemblance to Zhou Wang Gui’s and said half a beat later, “Then you have to stay together well and long.”

Fu Zhi Zhou kept feeling as if he was being taken as Fu Wei Yuan when at his biological grandfather’s, and as Zhou Wang Gui here at his little grandpa’s.

He asked the housekeeping auntie to cook a bowl of soup. She hadn’t dared to go home these few days and stayed to look after the old man. He thanked her and got her to go back. Then, he held Old Man Fu’s hand and said, “Little Gramps, have you considered it? To accompany my grandfather this New Year’s?”

Old Man Fu acted strict, “Of course, you, this grandson who isn’t at all like his parents, have a little boyfriend. Of course there’s only this old bone that will have to go in your place.”

Fu Zhi Zhou didn’t expose the older man’s forced bravado and said after serving him two pills of medication, “My grandfather’s condition worsened this year. He doesn’t look spirited just from his appearance. Today when I left, he kept pulling onto my hand and said……”

He tightened his hold on Old Man Fu’s hand. His old man was nearly 80 years old and really couldn’t withstand any kind of shock. But it was exactly because he was nearly 80 years old that he should hear what needs to be said. So Fu Zhi Zhou paused before saying, “He said, Wei Yuan, don’t go.”

Old Man Fu’s eyes reddened in a moment. He chased Fu Zhi Zhou out, “Little bastard, you still dare to say your grandfather’s name. Go go go, our Luo Luo missed you, this little bastard, to death. You go over to the next door and supervise his homework.”

Fu Zhi Zhou placed the bowl of soup and the medication box on the coffee table, “Little Gramps, where’s your phone? I’ll bring it for you.”

Old Man Fu gripped the sofa hard, “The study room. Turn on the TV for me, I’ll watch for a little while. When you come home at night, you better not disturb me.”

Fu Zhi Zhou turned on the TV and put the remote control in Grandpa Fu’s hand. Then, he put the phone with its charger attached next to him. After going out, he rubbed a cigarette stick. 

He smoked very rarely and wasn’t addicted to it. The first time he had tried smoking was when he had participated in a huge programming competition and was really unbearable sleepy. Thereafter, a classmate of his that smoked stuffed a cigarette stick to him to get rid of the sleepiness. Hence, he started to learn to smoke.

After smoking one stick, Fu Zhi Zhou eyed the Old Man Fu in the living room. Then, he dug out a bag of mints and chewed on it as he sent Qiao Luo a message: Luo Luo, are you sleeping?

Qiao Luo had just finished reminiscing about the moment when Fu Zhi Zhou said that he was his family and was currently day-dreaming. He crawled into bed and replied: Nope, you’re missing me?

Fu Zhi Zhou was almost able to hear Qiao Luo’s soft and fluffy small tone. The corner of his lips couldn’t resist curving up as he said: I just found some small fireworks in my house. Do you want to come out and secretly set them off?

Setting off actual fireworks was prohibited in the city. Only those small handheld fireworks that could be waved around were allowed at most. But Qiao Luo was very gullible. After a while, he came out donned in furry cotton pajamas. He asked with bright shining eyes, “Where’s the fireworks?”

Fu Zhi Zhou hugged him into his arms and gently held Qiao Luo’s lips against his, “Here.”

It was indeed here. Rounds and rounds of fireworks set off in his heart. Qiao Luo softly rubbed his lips against Fu Zhi Zhou, “Then I want it longer.”

When speaking, the seal between the lips would inevitably loosen, allowing Fu Zhi Zhou to deepen his kiss.

Fu Zhi Zhou was constantly protecting Qiao Luo, unwilling to do anything that went overboard too early, wanting to take it slow. But he couldn’t control himself today.

His rationality collapsed at this moment.

Qiao Luo was probably getting  ready to sleep. He had brushed his teeth, carrying a faint taste of chrysanthemum in his mouth, soft and sweet.

The fluorescent moon hung high in the sky, the starlight speckled in the dark night, and the shadow of the trees sprinkled sparks of fireworks for them.

When Fu Zhi Zhou cupped the back of his head, Qiao Luo had already dazed out. He was completely clueless, only limpidly leaning against Fu Zhi Zhou’s chest. He closed his eyes nervously, with his eyelashes quivering as he circled his arms around Fu Zhi Zhou’s neck. He lifted his face upwards, slightly opening his mouth to take in Fu Zhi Zhou’s kiss. The tongue only started to move carefully and cautiously, brimming with curiosity as he bumped Fu Zhi Zhou’s when he thrusted in. It was just like a timid little animal who was curious about the unknown, sticking out its head and gazing around, yet was caught the moment it exposed its head. Without even struggling, he allowed himself to be seized obediently, allowing his attacker to take from him however he pleased. Even his breaths were handed over. He was so obedient that it was addictive.

This sudden and long, slow intimate kiss ended when Qiao Luo, who didn’t know how to exchange breaths, let out a subconscious hum. He rested in Fu Zhi Zhou’s embrace, feeling his legs go weak due to the nervousness. His voice turned sticky and muffled as he asked Fu Zhi Zhou with dazed cutesy, “Why did you cheat me out just to kiss me?”

The negative emotions that came from his grandfathers’ story was finally wiped clean with this kiss. Fu Zhi Zhou ruffled the back of Qiao Luo’s head, inhaling the mellow warm fragrance from his intermittent breaths, saying, “You’re so well-behaved that it makes me lose control.”

T/N: o(*////▽////*)q

*humu casually overlooking her broken heart and focusing on the sweet dog food (ಡ‸ಡ)*

Editor: Musk

傅识舟 (Fu Zhi/Shi Zhou). 识 (Zhi/ Shi) means to recognise, to know something or someone. Fu from Fu Wei Yuan, Zhou from Zhou Wang Gui. FZZ is like a memoir of their past and their love huhuhuuhuhuhu TT