CH 26

Name:Withdrawal Author:
Although Qiao Luo had been playing with the group from a young age, the number of opportunities where he could speak in such gatherings was limited. 

It was the same this time round. He couldn’t interject and could only hold his coca-cola, sipping on it perfunctorily. He didn’t even drink it properly, biting the straw to a near unsalvageable stage.

Fu Zhi Zhou’s eyes weren’t even on him, yet he was able to accurately save the straw from Qiao Luo’s mouth.

Qiao Luo’s head then followed the direction in which his coca cola was pulled, moving towards Fu Zhi Zhou. He resembled a little fish that was hooked. The straw was the fishing line, Fu Zhi Zhou being the bait.

In the past, Qiao Luo acted like a little tail, sticking to Fu Zhi Zhou and barging in on their gatherings. Even if he was so bored that mushrooms grew on his head, he would not dare to say a word, afraid that Fu Zhi Zhou would not take him along again. But now, his position was evidently raised higher, so he requested very confidently, “I still want to eat egg tarts.”

Although he said it while leaning towards Fu Zhi Zhou, the table was only so big. His voice was naturally heard by the rest. The moment Zhao Zi heard it, he was extremely delighted, “Qiao Luo, you are already so old, let me count… Younger by 5 years…… You’re already 17! I say, why are you still so scared of Fu Zhi Zhou? Come come come, Brother Zhao Zi will accompany you to get them.” 

The single dog obviously did not understand the flirting between little couples. Qiao Luo’s cutesy act was outrageously intercepted midway by Zhao Zi. He was embarrassed to insist for Fu Zhi Zhou, so he merely kicked Fu Zhi Zhou under the table and followed Zhao Zi to buy egg tarts.

Actually, Qiao Luo was full to the brim, the egg tart being only an excuse for him to pester Fu Zhi Zhou into leaving. Since he was too full, he scooped out the middle of the egg tart and ate that , throwing the crust of the egg tart directly into the burger box in front of Fu Zhi Zhou.

Fu Zhi Zhou eyed Zhao Zi, saying as he finished up the crust Qiao Luo had thrown at him, “What’s wrong with being 17, even if he was 27, he would still continue to give me all the food he doesn’t like.”

Zhao Zi had a full face of doubt, “What’s there to show off about this?”

The root of Qiao Luo’s ears grew hot after listening to Fu Zhi Zhou’s words. He stopped his cutesy act, lying on the table, acting all behaved and obedient. 

Fu Zhi Zhou took a wet wipe and cleaned his mouth. Patting him on the head, he said, “Before you two came back, Qiao Luo wanted to watch a movie. It’s almost time so I’ll leave first. We’ll keep in touch later.”

Zhao Zi, “Which movie? It’s not like we have any other plans, so let’s go together?”

Fu Zhi Zhou even fished out his phone and looked at the e-ticket, “It’s called ‘Faraway’, a detective film. The recent ratings are very high.”

Qiao Luo was so anxious that he grabbed the corner of Fu Zhi Zhou’s shirt, desperately trying to convey hints to Fu Zhi Zhou with his eyes. He was afraid that Zhao Zi might really just follow them in a moment of excitement. Fu Zhi Zhou stifled his laughter as he added, “There’s no more tickets for this timing.” 

The long awaited date that Qiao Luo was anticipating was finally here.

On this winter day, his heart had been fully reborn. Peach blossoms and Chinese crabapples bloomed and sprouted all over, every spot of his vision covered in pink. The willow twig swayed in the breeze, scratching the tip of hearts, itching and rustling. The yellow orioles on the branches flapped their wings as they sang with all their might. 

The ticket was booked for the 7pm show. They were on their way there, entering the theatre 4 hours earlier.

Qiao Luo saw the timing they’d booked in the theatre and knew that he had made a fuss too early. After observing Fu Zhi Zhou for a while, he said, “I troubled you again.”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “You’re making trouble for me everyday.”

Qiao Luo tilted his head as he laid on the middle of the suspension, looking at Fu Zhi Zhou as he asked, “Then do you still like me?”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “I like you more each day.”

Qiao Luo felt reassured and happy, landing a kiss on Fu Zhi Zhou’s face with a loud “MUACK”, and said, “Accompany me to the arcade then.”

Fu Zhi Zhou brought him to the arcade on the 6th floor of the shopping mall. Not more than 30 minutes after exchanging for tokens, they had practically used up everything. Qiao Luo was a gaming black hole who only knew how to lose, not win. Alas, he whined pitifully at Fu Zhi Zhou, “Let’s go, I’m not playing anymore.”

His appearance was too miserable and aggrieved. Fu Zhi Zhou took the remaining 4-5 tokens and said, “There’s still some left. If you’re not playing, then watch me play.”

Fu Zhi Zhou casually slotted the tokens into the basketball machine. After 10 minutes, he broke the record. Then, he exchanged a pile of tokens for Qiao Luo. Qiao Luo grabbed the gaming tokens with a face full of admiration, “You are too awesome.”

He tugged Fu Zhi Zhou’s shirt, tip toeing slightly to speak softly into Fu Zhi Zhou’s ears, “My heart’s beating so fast, it feels like it’s been moved from your handsomeness.”

His little boyfriend’s sweet romantic words seemed to be at his fingertips. Fu Zhi Zhou cupped his face and rubbed his head, “Isn’t your mouth the sweetest?”

Qiao Luo said in all seriousness, “I’m not lying, touch it if you don’t believe me.”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “…Where do I touch you?”

The brain that flew away due to Fu Zhi Zhou’s dashing appearance and left Qiao Luo came back. He froze a little, then grabbed the large pile of tokens and sprinted away exceptionally fast.

Only, his heart beat even faster.

Following that, he had no heart to watch the movie properly. Qiao Luo’s brain buzzed, feeling as if it was buzzing from the basketball machine’s banging and chirping.

He followed Fu Zhi Zhou home in a bewildered daze.

Before leaving the house, Fu Zhi Zhou had already notified the parents that Qiao Luo would be sleeping over at his place. However, when Qiao Luo went to bathe, he still gave Father Qiao a call to let them know that they reached home safely, not letting them worry.

After calling, he washed some strawberries for Qiao Luo and went upstairs. Qiao Luo had already finished his shower and was buried in the quilt. The hot water had steamed him pink and tender.

Fu Zhi Zhou put the bowl full of strawberries into Qiao Luo’s arms and went to take a shower. After coming out from the bathroom, he saw that Qiao Luo was barefooted on the floor, standing at the bathroom door waiting for him. Fu Zhi Zhou frowned as he looked at Qiao Luo’s feet, asking, “What’s wrong? Where’s your slipper?”

Qiao Luo’s heart was thumping loudly like a drum. He leaned his red face forward and gathered his courage to ask, “Do you want to touch me?”

This rascal really dared to say whatever he desired. Fu Zhi Zhou choked a little and repeated with a black face, “Where do you want me to touch you?”

Qiao Luo’s face flushed even redder. Bashful shame of red was dug out from under the pale white skin, just like the shallow reddish colour of the inner flesh of a strawberry that was cut open.

He didn’t dare to speak of that place. Qiao Luo was shy and nervous. He mumbled unclearly with a weak and soft voice, “Just… Just… heartbeat.”

He finally managed to say out what he wanted to say back at the arcade, “It’s jumping so fast… Because it especially likes you.”

Fu Zhi Zhou couldn’t hold back any longer and scooped Qiao Luo back to bed, pressing him down as he gave a kiss.

Behind Qiao Luo was a soft and fluffy quilt. His entire being was sucked into it. His jaw was slightly raised, eyes closed as he let out a soft ambiguous sound of flowing water. After a while, he suddenly twisted his waist with unease, releasing Fu Zhi Zhou’s kiss.

——Fu Zhi Zhou was stirred up by Qiao Luo’s blind teasing, making his heart and head thirsty and scorching dry. The passionate kiss was neither heavy nor light. Qiao Luo was too green, accidentally being the first to get provoked into showing its presence.

To a 17 years old boy, this was by no means a scene that had never occurred. Just that, it was only applicable if it wasn’t in front of his own boyfriend. Qiao Luo felt so shy that his ear was covered in a layer of lovely red. He panted lightly and asked very aggrievedly while looking at Fu Zhi Zhou, “What should I do?”

What else can be done? Fu Zhi Zhou bowed down to drop a kiss on Qiao Luo’s forehead. One arm wrapped around him, the other travelled downwards to stroke it, as he said in a low voice, “I’ll take responsibility.”

Shi Si: Ah! This part was so difficult to write! So afraid that one wrong word would lock me out……

T/N: yeah I made it a little not so censored heheheeh~ also sorry for missing out last week’s update! totally forgot to update WS…. anyways here’s a double update to make up for last week! (say sayonara to my stockpile…)