CH 28

Name:Withdrawal Author:
Although Fu Zhi Zhou did tell Qiao Luo and his family that he was going to spend the Spring Festival1 with Old Man Fu, he didn’t go anywhere in reality.

Many years had passed since Old Man Fu had first brought him back and the feelings between the grandfather and grandson were deep. Yet, this did not mean that Fu Zhi Zhou wasn’t Fu Wei Yuan’s harrow, an evidence of Zhou Wang Gui’s betrayal to their relationship

He didn’t want to disturb the two old men who had finally untangled their hearts’ knot after much difficulty.

Without anything to do, Fu Zhi Zhou coded the small programme which was the same as the one Qiao Luo had recognised as ‘New Year Level No.1’.  But in fact, there were still ‘Spring Fest Level’, ‘Valentine’s Day Level’—a whole bunch of them. Fu Zhi Zhou had already finished coding them.

On the night of Chinese New Year’s Eve, Fu Zhi Zhou heated up some pre-made dumplings for himself, turned on the TV as white noise and sat not on the sofa, but the carpet of the living room. Hugging a pillow, he ate his reunion dinner2 alone on his coffee table.

The Spring Festival Gala hadn’t started. The previous year’s Gala was currently broadcasting on rerun.

This was his first time spending Chinese New Year alone and Fu ZHi Zhou didn’t think of himself as pitiful, but upon watching the TV programme, he thought back on last year when Qiao Luo had come to his house to share some dumplings, only making him lament that had it been a warm and cuddly little rascal in his arms instead of a pillow, this night could have been much better.

Thinking of Qiao Luo, Fu Zhi Zhou took a look at his phone that was casted away on the sofa.

The previous message was Qiao Luo sending him a photo of his grandfather’s writing of a spring festival union3. He replied with the phrase, “Looks good”.

Then, there was no ‘then’.

Qiao Luo had already ignored him for an entire 10 hours.

Back when they’d separated on New Year’s Day, Qiao Luo was being incredibly sticky, almost calling every hour before he was satisfied.

Only a few months have passed but the hot love period is already gone?

Fu Zhi Zhou’s face darkened as he threw his phone back onto the sofa, using his elbows to support himself as he rose up to get some cut tangerines and dragon fruits to munch on.

Halfway through eating his tangerines, the phone on the sofa vibrated weakly. Fu Zhi Zhou took a wet wipe to clean his hands before picking it up. It was a voice call from Qiao Luo.

Fu Zhi Zhou answered the call and very calmly greeted, “Hello?”, only to hear Qiao Luo giving him a pre-emptive strike from the other end, “You actually didn’t send even a single line of message to me, do you not love me anymore!?”

Fu Zhi Zhou lowered the volume of the TV, saying, “Busy. You didn’t send me one either.”

Qiao Luo harrumphed angrily, “I went out visiting today and noticed that I’d forgotten my phone only after reaching the other’s house. I was afraid that you wouldn’t be able to reach me and was almost anxious to death!! In the end, you didn’t even bother to look for me!!”

Fu Zhi Zhou choked a little and resolutely changed the topic, “Have you eaten?”

Qiao Luo hurled the topic back, “Eat what? I rushed to the balcony to call you after reaching home.”

Mother Qiao’s voice came very clearly through the phone, calling for Qiao Luo to eat. Thus, Fu Zhi Zhou said, “Eat dinner first.”

Qiao Luo felt unwilling in his heart and dilly-dallied, not wanting to hang up. Only when Mother Qiao came up looking for him all the way to the balcony did he say, “Wait for me to finish the call, very quick.”

Then, he spoke to Fu Zhi Zhou on the phone, “Did you really not miss me?”

Fu Zhi Zhou fiddled with the remote control and changed the channels three times before speaking, “Didn’t not miss you. Quickly eat. I’m waiting for you to Shou Sui4 together.”

Once Qiao Luo went to eat, Fu Zhi Zhou happily threw his untouched utensils into the sink, then switched the channel to CCTV-15, and got ready to Shou Sui with Qiao Luo through the phone that greatly shortened the thousands of miles between them.

Qiao Luo ate quickly and rushed to finish his meal before the Spring Festival Gala started, sending Fu Zhi Zhou a message: I’m here.

The two were together for quite a period of time already. Qiao Luo was no longer as shy. Sending Fu Zhi Zhou a message in front of his parents was no longer difficult.

Qiao Luo performed multiple tasks with one heart. As he chatted with his family, he could still browse images of the gala on weibo, send Fu Zhi Zhou those that he found amusing, even adding a long line of ‘hahahahahahahahaha’s behind it.

The corners of Fu Zhi Zhou’s lips would then follow this long line of ‘hahaha’ and curl up. Whenever he thought of Qiao Luo being so happy that he trembled, his heart would turn into a soft putty.

At that time, if he hugged him into his own arms, Qiao Luo’s silky hair would rub against his jaw, making it a little ticklish.

Fu Zhi Zhou put a pillow under his jaw and gave Qiao Luo a reply: Little fool.

When it hit 11pm, Qiao Luo was unable to laugh. He was so sleepy he didn’t even want to lift his fingers to text. He sent Fu Zhi Zhou voice messages, his murmurs were laced with drowsiness, “Zhou Zhou gege, I’m so sleepy.”

Fu Zhi Zhou replayed the recording 3 times then texted: If you’re tired, sleep.

As soon as he sent that line of words, he felt that he was too harsh, so he deleted the message and typed in a new line: Go to sleep if you’re tired.

Qiao Luo was doing so many things with his one heart and missed the first message that Fu Zhi Zhou had sent. He immediately sent Fu Zhi Zhou a sticker that said “Every time you delete a message, I always think that you’re confessing to me”.

Fu Zhi Zhou was rendered speechless and texted: Right, I’m confessing to you.

Qiao Luo’s soft voice came in through the voice message, “Tell me with the voice message, say one line.”

Following closely were words that couldn’t be spoken in front of his parents, so he changed to text:

—These are my words, you can’t steal them.

—I’ll still love you deeply with every new year.

Fu Zhi Zhou stared at that line of text and pressed onto the voice message function, “I’ll still love you deeply with every passing year.”

This message enabled Qiao Luo to endure till midnight and managed to wish Fu Zhi Zhou a Happy Lunar New Year. Fu Zhi Zhou then sent a small programme that he had written long ago to him, “Spring Fest Level No.2”.

Qiao Luo was so drowsy that his head was all muddled. Playing 3 times still didn’t allow him to pass the level. He could only send Fu Zhi Zhou a crying sticker and acted cutesy, “You’re bullying me. I can’t finish this level.”

Fu Zhi Zhou had also turned off his TV and returned to his bedroom. He sat on the bed and replied to Qiao Luo: Then talk about it again tomorrow. Go to sleep quickly if you’re tired.

Qiao Luo yawned a few times, “Better not. What if you call me ‘baby’ again? The thought of it makes me unable to sleep.”

He was so sleepy that his eyes refused to open, but he continued selling meng, “How about you call me that once and then I’ll go to sleep.”

Fu Zhi Zhou was extremely familiar with every tone of Qiao Luo’s. Just from listening to this voice, he could visualise the image of a sleepy dazed Qiao Luo who could fall asleep in the next second. He lay on his bed, feeling as if the pillow still retained the smell of Qiao Luo’s milky scent, melting his heart.

He rubbed his glabella, took two deep breaths and silently moved his lips in the darkness. Just as he was about to speak into the phone, Qiao Luo had already stolen his chance to send another message.

Fu Zhi Zhou’s finger lingered over the voice message function, but he still decided to open Qiao Luo’s message first.

Qiao Luo’s soft sleepy voice carried some joy as he said, “Thank you Zhou Zhou gege for the New Year’s money6.”

It looked like he had already passed the small programme game and received the established reward, the red packet. On the red packet was written, ‘New Year’s Money’ and the amount set was 5207 yuan.

Thus, Fu Zhi Zhou changed his words, “That’s the New Year’s money from your boyfriend.”

Shi Si: Silly Qiao’er missed out a chance to hear “baby”-

T/N: whew that’s a lot of footnotes~ stockpile still empty huhuhu

Editor: Musk

also known as Chinese New Year/ New Year/ Lunar New Year

a chinese new year custom to have a reunion dinner (or in direct translation: dinner on the night of chinese new year’s eve) with family

a beautiful image with the fine, concise and delicate text, expresses the good wishes.

a custom where they honor the aged by staying up as late as possible. They say the longer you stay up, the longer the aged would live.

the broadcasting station that airs the spring fest gala

can also be called “the pressure money” given from elders to the young/ married to the unmarried. its a monetary blessing to have a great year ahead!

i love you