CH 30

Name:Withdrawal Author:
The real coming of age present that Fu Zhi Zhou prepared for Qiao Luo was a piece of custom-made suit.

Qiao Luo couldn’t even figure out how ties work, so he squatted in front of Fu Zhi Zhou after putting the clothes on properly, and said as he tilted his head, showing his neck, “Boyfriend, tie it on!”

Fu Zhi Zhou circled Qiao Luo’s waist from the back, pulling him up against himself, and gave Qiao Luo detailed step-by-step instructions. Yet, Qiao Luo did not absorb a single word. He looked at Fu Zhi Zhou with an awestruck expression, as if the flattery ran out of his mouth on its own accord, “You’re so handsome……”

No matter how many times Qiao Luo had said the same line, Fu Zhi Zhou’s heart would still skip a beat.

His hands paused for a moment before quickly finishing up the final steps as he asked, “Understood?”

Qiao Luo acted shamelessly while putting on his coquettish act, “I don’t need to learn it, do I? When the need arises, I can always call for you.”

Fu Zhi Zhou was truly experiencing great joy when he heard words that embedded the intention of staying together for a lifetime. He replied, “Not that you can’t do that.”

Qiao Luo was feeling smug, so he ran to the mirror at the closet and stood in front of it for a while as he checked out the tie that Fu Zhi Zhou put on him with pleased pride. Then, he trotted back to ask, “Does it look good?”

Fu Zhi Zhou teased, “So-so.”

Qiao Luo then hugged his neck and tilted up to give him a kiss. Next, he asked again while looping his arms around his neck, “How about now?”

Fu Zhi Zhou avoided the question. He took out a pair of cufflinks from his pockets, a pair that was similar to the ones Qiao Luo had gotten him. He fixed it on Qiao Luo, “Alright, this is the first pair of cufflinks in your life, your first set of suit, your first tie; All these are given by me. Even your first time wearing the tie was personally done by me.”

Many thoughts and meanings were put into preparing this gift. The main part was that Qiao Luo found the cufflinks to be somewhat familiar. He quickly reacted and asked, “You bought their current year new spring collection? This is in the same line as the one I got you.”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “Of course. We are a pair, can’t we use a couple set?”

Qiao Luo immediately released a long string of one repeated word, “Can!” Then, he said with extreme remorse and pity, “But I don’t have a chance to wear a suit… I really want to wear it.”

Fu Zhi Zhou had him change out of his attire, then proceeded to say, “There is. Next month, you’ll accompany me to attend a wedding.”

QIao Luo’s brain froze instantly, “Huh? You are proposing to me?”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “…… Senior’s wedding, the senior whom you said was very pretty when you saw her profile picture.”

After finishing, he stressed on his next words as he continued to say while having a slight sense of wanting to settle some old debts, “The other is married.”

Senior wasn’t the only one welcoming a new phase in life.

On a random midnight, Yu Zi Heng silently pulled the F4 into a small group. In China timezone, it was already deep in the night, at 3am in the morning. He sent a harmonious picture of him and a blond beauty, announcing solemnly: I too have shredded my single status!

As a good boyfriend who shouldered the responsibility of waking his little boyfriend for school in the morning, Fu Zhi Zhou was the first to see the message. Then, he casually kicked a mess into the group: Congrats @Yu, I’ll introduce my partner too then. Won’t send pictures since you’ve already met in real life. He’s a little friend called Qiao Luo. He belongs to my family in the future.

After Fu Zhi Zhou set off this wave of great shock, he calmly sent Qiao Luo a message saying that he reached school safely, without a care for the faint hearted. Then, he returned to his dorm to catch up on his sleep.

As it reached past 8am, he got up, the chat group blew up too.

Zhao X: ???????

Dashing Fattie: Qiao Luo…… Is it that Qiao Luo?

Zhao X: He’s still a kid!!

Dashing Fattie: Isn’t the main point here that he’s a boy too?

Yu: love is love1

Dashing Fattie: This brat, you better speak mandarin to me.

Yu: I support my buddy, please don’t discriminate homosexuals.

Dashing Fatie: Since when did I say I’m discriminating him, I’m just expressing my shock.

Zhao X: Fu Zhi Zhou, you better get in here!!!!!!

Fu Zhi Zhou finally had his beauty sleep and came in fashionably late: Here.

Zhao Zi had a whole bunch of words that he wanted to spit at Fu Zhi Zhou, so he directly sent in a long paragraph: TMD, I really want to beat you, this gay guy, to death!! We agreed to reveal our partners during our overseas trip and I even thought of surprising……shocking you guys with my deeply hidden secret. In the end, every single one of you must really make this so exciting?!!!

Fu Zhi Zhou was able to grasp the main point: Shocking?

Zhao Zi took a deep breath and continued typing: My girlfriend is a postdoctoral researcher from the neighbouring specialisation. She’s older than me by 5 years so I thought becoming a little milky pup was very mind blowing. Yet, Yu Zi Heng found a foreign sister, and that’s not all. You! Fu Zhi Zhou! You actually found a man!

Dashing Fattie: Yes, as compared to him, both of you are the small fries.

Fu Zhi Zhou had a tranquil facade, but actually, he didn’t look at the acceptance of the others in a promising light.

But he was together with QiaoLuo. One could forget about the others, but these 3 brothers were people he didn’t want to hide from. Qiao Luo’s parents could not be kept in the dark either, otherwise it would serve too much as an injustice to the little rascal.

Thus, he typed in a question: Stop it with the main and side characters. So what now, brothers, I am bent. Will you still bring this pair of husband and wife to the overseas trip?

Yu: I’m just playing with you, I’ll take the chance to tell them of the news that you’re partnering with our company.

Zhao X: I’m just playing with you, I hope that my mom doesn’t mind me finding an older sister since you’re gay.

Dashing Fattie: I’m just playing with you, who asked you to be the first to call me a handsome fattie, I’m oddly touched.

Zhao X: But stop calling yourselves ‘husband and wife’ already, it’s not like you can receive the certificate, saying as if you two had already married.

The last tiny bit of worry left Fu Zhi Zhou completely and he even had the heart to joke around: Not getting the certificate is so convenient, it shows that once confessed, it’s a lifetime promise.

Zhao X: Fuck!

Dashing Fattie: Orh……

Yu: Tsk, how romantic.

Fu Zhi Zhou stopped bothering about the noise that group of people made in the chat, packed up his things and went to work at his laboratory. Not counting his Little Gramps in, this was his first step in coming out of the closet openly. Fu Zhi Zhou’s mood was exceptionally good the entire day.

As nightfall came, he drove the car to pick up Qiao Luo from school. Saturday was Senior’s wedding day and he was going to attend it with Qiao Luo. Halfway through the journey, he remembered that he didn’t prepare red packets so he made a turn and went to the supermarket to get it.

It had been some time since Qiao Luo had snacks. As they passed the snack section, he eyed the section covetously, and started calculating with Fu Zhi Zhou, “I want to eat chips, one kiss. I want to eat duck wings, two kisses. I want to eat a lollipop, three kisses…….”

Shelves of goods were alongside them and no one walked past them at the moment. Fu Zhi Zhou stopped the trolley and reached up to the higher shelves to get a bottle of mineral water. In doing so, he tightly sealed Qiao Luo in front of him. Before he retracted his hand, he speedily landed a kiss on Qiao Luo’s lips, saying, “Shut up.”

Qiao Luo became a good boy again. He obediently stretched his hand into the space below the handle of the trolley where Fu Zhi Zhou’s hand was. Inside it were a few boxes of low fat milk and several varieties of fruits that had considerably low sugar levels.

There was a promotional event on Friday. Queues were miles long. Qiao Luo put everything in the cart onto the conveyor belt, and used the divider to push the items forward bit by bit. Just as he reached the cashier counter, he paused suddenly.

Next to the cashier would always have a display of some gums, chocolates and…… safety gloves.

Qiao Luo silently took a few glances at it, then turned his head to look at Fu Zhi Zhou. 

Fu Zhi Zhou was currently replying to some messages as the 3 people in the group chat were exploding the app. They were currently researching on the places to play at so Fu Zhi Zhou gave a perfunctory reply: You guys settle the location, listen to my decision on the time. The one in my family is still studying, and must follow his schedule.

The 3 others in the group wanted to beat him up. Fu Zhi Zhou then gave another 2 lines of reply before looking up to check on Qiao Luo. Just then, he happened to catch Qiao Luo’s hand grasping onto something as he took back his hand from the shelves, before proceeding to stuff it into their pile of items without a word, hiding it.

Fu Zhi Zhou: ……

This rascal obviously needed to be straightened up.

Shi Si: Dashing Fattie, the man who left his single status first; Zhao Zi, the man who dated an older sister; Yu Zi Heng, the man who dated a foriegn lover; Fu Zhi Zhou…… the man who loved another man.

T/N: unedited! awaiting our beloved musk <3 anyways, double update because i forgot about last last week’s update oops

written in english