CH 35

Name:Withdrawal Author:
The attitude of Fu Zhi Zhou’s friends on this trip gave Qiao Luo a huge sense of security. But when the end of summer vacation was around the corner, he still felt extremely uneasy as he sat in front of his parents.

Uneasy about the acceptance of his confessed feelings, uneasy about lying to his parents.

Hence, that helplessness wasn’t faked. He boldly said that he liked Fu Zhi Zhou. When he saw his parents’ strict expression, the palms of his hands were already coated in a layer of perspiration. 

Father Qiao pressed pause on the recorded television programme’s playback, saying, “Luo Luo, thank you for sharing your troubles with me and your mom. You are 18 years old, a grown man. To want to progress with your love and to be positive and curious about it is a very natural occurrence. Your mom and I won’t forcibly deny you nor be your obstacle in front of the person you like. But you said that you like Zhi Zhou, do you know what this means?”

Even before Father Qiao asked, Qiao Luo had never once thought of what this meant.

The moment he realized he liked Fu Zhi Zhou, the first reaction he had was to tell him, never once pausing to think of the consequences.

But then Fu Zhi Zhou stole his confession and they got together.

No hindrance, no hiccups. Grandpa Fu gave him a jade pendant and Fu Zhi Zhou’s friends didn’t display any oddity or repulsion when Fu Zhi Zhou held his hands.

Qiao Luo’s relationship was so smooth, so successful that he didn’t even reflect deeply.

Yet when Father Qiao asked this question, he was able to answer it extremely naturally.

Qiao Luo, “This means that I’m dating early, means that I’m homosexual. But I still really really like him, it’s as if I’m poisoned. I like him super duper a lot, not the kind where kids play house.”

Mother Qiao asked, “Very serious?”

Qiao Luo nodded with solemnity. “Extremely serious.”

Father and Mother Qiao shared a look. Atlas, Father Qiao spoke to Qiao Luo, “Luo Luo, dad isn’t able to give you proper advice temporarily, so let’s talk again tomorrow, okay?”

Back when Father and Mother Qiao were studying in the arts school, or when they were performing overseas, they had seen same-sex love. They were able to maintain mutual respect towards others’ romance, but when it truly happened to their own child, they were still at a loss.

They had to guide Qiao Luo on how to face his feelings appropriately, and they had to be Qiao Luo’s backing during the times of relationship failure. Even more, they had to be responsible parents, to give him stable and mature advice.

The two almost lost the entire night’s sleep. They discussed a lot and searched for a lot of information. It was only when the sun rose that they gathered their thoughts. It was Father Qiao who was in charge of talking to Qiao Luo regarding this topic.

They hoped for Qiao Luo to understand that ‘like’ and ‘love’ were a very simple, pure and mysterious feeling. However, there had to be responsibility and morality supporting it behind. Furthermore, what made them uneasy was not the fact that Qiao Luo liked a male, but that this path was filled with thorns and hardship. A relationship couldn’t be sustained merely on a moment’s impulse.

Yet, when this discussion was only underway in its middle, it was halted to a stop. This was because there was a loud blaring ring of an ambulance sounding outside their house.

If they could hear the sound so clearly, it was evident that the ambulance was nearby. Mother Qiao knocked on the door of the study, “Let’s hurry over, could something have happened to Uncle Fu?”

The ambulance stopped outside Fu Zhi Zhou’s house.

When the Qiao family ran over, the paramedics were in the midst of giving emergency CPR to Old Man Fu.

Qiao Luo was frightened and forgot that he was still only acting to be crushing on Fu Zhi Zhou in front of his parents. He ran over and grabbed Fu Zhi Zhou’s hand, “Zhou Zhou gege, don’t be anxious.”

No matter how stable Fu Zhi Zhou was, he was no older than 22. His little gramps, with whom he had mutual dependency, had suddenly collapsed. He was already considered very calm when he dialed 120 steadily. As Qiao Luo’s hand came over, Fu Zhi Zhou instinctively pulled Qiao Luo into his arms, absorbing the warmth from Qiao Luo’s palm and the fragmented sense of security.

At such a time, linking hands and hugging weren’t considered overboard. Father Qiao went up and patted Fu Zhi Zhou’s shoulder, “Zhi Zhou, don’t panic.”

Old Man Fu had fainted after receiving a shock. The paramedics had already been told of the situation on the phone and Fu Zhi Zhou had also carried out some emergency procedures.

Fortunately, Old Man Fu had been saved, and the group let out a sigh of relief. 

Father Qiao and Fu Zhi Zhou followed the ambulance to send Old Man Fu to the hospital. Qiao Luo was so restless and anxious that it was naked to the visible eye that he was nearly about to cry. Mother Qiao had no other choice but to drive them over to the hospital.

At Old Man Fu’s age, he would have some problems in his body come rain or shine, so after getting rescued, he still had to go through check ups.

Grandpa Fu, who had just gained consciousness, was in a very terrible state of mind. He sat on the wheelchair with tears swirling in his yellowed eyes, very numb and lifeless. Fu Zhi Zhou was tasked to move him to the check up section.

Going through the hospital check ups, needing to queue for the paperwork and accompanying Old Man Fu, Fu Zhi Zhou was thankful that Father Qiao followed. He settled the paperwork for the procedure, running two circles for Fu Zhi Zhou.

By the time Father Qiao returned, Old Man Fu was already lying down, sleeping on his hospital bed.

Mother Qiao hurried over with Qiao Luo, but they could only sit on the benches outside as there was a limit to the number of visitors.

Mother Qiao spotted Father Qiao coming and asked him in a quiet voice, “How’s Uncle Fu?”

Father Qiao frowned, “Doesn’t seem too good.”

He eyed Qiao Luo, who was trying to squeeze in to eavesdrop, “Luo Luo, go buy some warm drinks for your Zhou Zhou gege.”

Qiao Luo was very willing to take on this task. He took his phone and left to buy a drink. At the same time, he sneakily sent Fu Zhi Zhou a message— I’m coming to accompany you, don’t be sad.

When he was anxious, his mouth would run. He added in with his heart still uneasy— Grandpa Fu will be alright.

Fu Zhi Zhou’s phone didn’t leave his hand, so the reply came swiftly— Qiao’er, come accompany me.

Qiao Luo read the message and made a dash for it. He randomly bought a green bean drink and ran over. Fu Zhi Zhou was already out of the ward and was seated on the bench. His both hands were clasped together, elbows digging into his thighs, pressing onto the medical records and the big pile of documents from the paperwork receipts. His face was buried into his hands, very obviously in a poor state.

Qiao Luo nearly dived straight for Fu Zhi Zhou’s bosom and stepped on his brake at the last minute. He looked at his parents, pointed at himself, then pointed at Fu Zhi Zhou with a face of plea.

Father and Mother Qiao’s actions weren’t to intervene with Qiao Luo’s relationship, but in hopes that Qiao Luo would practice a sensible approach and not let it affect his studies. Besides, Fu Zhi Zhou needed someone to accompany him, so Mother Qiao nodded silently and mouthed, “Go on.”

Qiao Luo quickly passed Fu Zhi Zhou the drink and helped him hold the stack of papers, “Drink something, I’ve added sugar, maybe it’ll help to make you feel better.”

Fu Zhi Zhou squeezed an extremely unsightly smile and comforted, “Okay, I’m alright, don’t worry.”

Qiao Luo was never a strong person. His eyes went red first and spoke with heartache, “Do you want to cry first, your smile is so ugly.”

Fu Zhi Zhou didn’t want to cry, he only wanted to hug Qiao Luo. But his parents were here and he didn’t dare act on it. He could only resort to rubbing Qiao Luo’s fluffy hair, silently sipping on the warm drink Qiao Luo bought.

Father Qiao sat on the other side of Fu Zhi Zhou and asked, “Zhi Zhou, what happened?”

He didn’t have any intentions on probing into others’ secrets, so he followed up with a very gentlemanly action, “If you need me or Luo Luo’s mom, just say the word, don’t carry it all on your own.”

Fu Zhi Zhou took another two mouthfuls of the drink and looked at the tightly sealed ward door. His voice was very light as he spoke, “A very important person to Grandpa has… passed away.”

T/N: ;; here’s some tissues for yall…