Chapter 532 There’s No Need For You To Thank Me

Name:Wizard World Irregular Author:
Chapter 532 There’s No Need For You To Thank Me

When Ethan opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a beautiful lady, looking down at him with a smile on her face.

It took him a while to realize that the lady was none other than the Water Fairy Queen, who had forcefully broken his transformation, and in turn, dealt serious injuries to his body.

But instead of being afraid of her, Ethan felt attracted to her—but not in a romantic sort of way.

This attraction was like seeing a family member that he hadn’t seen for a very long time, making him feel warm and happy inside.

Ethan immediately thought that he might be under a Charm Spell because Fairies were capable of doing that.

However, after remembering that he was immune to such spells, he immediately tossed this idea to the side.

Suddenly, he felt it.

A strong connection between him and the beautiful lady with long blue hair and blue eyes, just like him.

Due to his strong mental powers, he was able to immediately notice the changes inside his body.

His magic circuits, which had shown signs of healing in the past, were now littered with cracks, and some of them were even peeling in some places.

But underneath those cracks, a new Magic Circuit was forming, which was more robust and doubled the flow of magic power inside his body.

These sudden changes had overwhelmed Ethan’s current magic structure, increasing the leakage of magic reserves from his Magic Circuits.

But for some reason, Ethan wasn’t feeling down. In fact, he was feeling very excited because he could tell that his Magic Circuit was starting to evolve.

It felt similar to how a larva had transformed into a pupa and would soon become a butterfly, flying in the sky.

“Hello. Are you feeling better?” Celestia asked softly, not wanting to scare the handsome young man in her embrace. “Does it hurt anywhere?”

“I don’t feel hurt anywhere,” Ethan replied. “In fact, I feel as if I have just taken a refreshing bath.”

“That’s good to know,” Celestia said while caressing Ethan’s face. “What’s your name?”

Although she already knew Ethan’s name, she would like to hear it from his own lips.

“Ethan,” Ethan answered. “Ethan Gremory.”

“Nice to meet you, Ethan. My name is Celestia.” Celestia smiled. “I’m sorry for hurting you earlier. I didn’t recognize you right away because you were in a fish form.”

Ethan blinked once then twice before a chuckle escaped his lips.

For some reason, he couldn’t bring himself to get angry at the Fairy Queen for what had happened earlier.

Being hugged like this reminded him of the time when he was still a two-year-old boy, sitting on his Grandma Agnes’ lap, as she read him a story beside the fireplace. Folloow current novÊls on nov3lb((in).(com)

“Of course,” Queen Celestia smiled, making the water chains that bound Lyall disappear.

At that moment, Ethan’s gaze landed on another person who was still trapped inside a Water Sphere.

“Do you know him?” Queen Celestia asked. “If you know him, I can free him too.”

Ethan pondered for a while before nodding his head.

A moment later, the Water Sphere broke apart, making Vladimir fall over the surface of the lake and start coughing.

“T-Thank you!” Vladimir said. “I promise I will not forget this! I’ll pay you back once we return to Eastshire!”

Although he was weakened from blood loss, he believed that as long as he would be able to leave the Legacy Domain, he would recover after a month or two.

In truth, Vladimir wanted nothing more than to share everything he had seen with the Patriarch of the Asta Family, hoping that his contribution would allow him to become the next heir without the need to continue the Heir Wars.

He also planned to blackmail Ethan and make him betray Nicole so that he could keep his secret.

“There’s no need for you to thank me,” Ethan replied. “In fact, I should be the one thanking you, Vladimir.”

“Thank me? For what?”

“For your life.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Instead of answering his question, Ethan only smiled.

It was then when Vladimir felt a clawed hand rest on his shoulder, making his body subconsciously shudder.

He then turned his head around to look at the Vile Monster that had appeared behind him without any warning.

A scream escaped Vladimir’s lips as the Ancient Wendigo’s jaws descended on his head.

The scream stopped abruptly, replaced by the sound of cracking bones as Dainslef feasted on his body.

Ethan watched with a calm expression on his face as his servant enjoyed his meal.

But the calmness on his face disappeared the moment he felt Lyall hug him from behind and sneakily grope his lower half from under his robe, even going as far as giving it a light squeeze.

In that brief period of time, Ethan considered feeding the crazy girl behind him to his Ancient Wendigo.

But knowing that Lily would be sad if that happened, he held himself back and pried her mischievous hand away, giving her a stern gaze.

Lyall, however, wasn’t fazed and even used that opportunity to give the young man a quick peck on the lips, making the Water Fairy Queen almost blow her away with the Water Ball that had already formed in her hand.