Chapter 537 They’re Not Our Enemies. At Least, For Now

Name:Wizard World Irregular Author:
Chapter 537 They’re Not Our Enemies. At Least, For Now

After Ethan’s Clone left the clearing, the leaders of the different races that had come to challenge the Domain held a short meeting, discussing how they would proceed.

What happened inside the dungeon, and what happened after that was a very sensitive topic, so all of them calmly discussed it, and agreed on certain things.

The Elves and Fairies stated that they would abide by Celestia’s orders to seal the clearing to prevent anyone from entering it.

The Beastkins, led by Seff, didn’t make any comments. Although several members of their young generation died, this was not a big deal for them.

They were a race who had always believed in the survival of the fittest. Since those youngsters died, it only meant that they were not strong enough to survive.

The morale of the Dwarves, on the other hand, was at an all-time low. Not only did they lose a quarter of their excellent Seeds, but they also made an enemy of the Water Fairy Queen.

The previous Dwarven King had indeed knelt and begged for Queen Celestia to spare them.

If their current King were to hear that Degel had antagonized the Water Fairy Queen, who knew what might happen to him.

This is also true for the Dwarves of the young generation who had attacked the Water Fairies, the Queen's subjects. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

“If I were you, Dwarves, I would make sure to escort Ethan to Northshire and treat him as an envoy of Queen Celestia,” the Wood Fairy commented. “Who knows? If you treat him well enough, he might speak a good word for you guys and let bygones be bygones.”

Hearing her words, Degel and the other Dwarves felt as if they had been thrown an olive branch, so all of them decided to give Ethan the best hospitality that the Dwarves could offer.

As for the Humans, Lord Edmond was feeling depressed because there were many geniuses who had fallen inside the Legacy Domain.

Vladimir Asta was a Magistratus in training. However, seeing that he didn’t appear after Queen Celestia lifted the seal in her Domain, he knew that it only meant one thing.

He had already died.

Also, another Prodigy whom they wanted to nurture was Constantine. Having the Legacy that controlled gravity was a truly incredible power.

After fifteen minutes, they arrived at a cave hidden in a valley in Westshire.

Seff confidently entered the cave, followed by Conall and Lyall.

When they neared its end, the three Beastkins frowned when they saw what was happening in front of them.

Lying on the ground was Constantine, who was writhing in pain.

However, that wasn’t the thing that concerned them.

Seated beside him was an Ancient Wendigo, who was happily eating the teenage boy’s severed leg as if it was a drumstick.

They also noticed a small golden egg that had been placed on top of Constantine’s chest, which glowed faintly in the darkness.

After seeing this scene, Seff shifted his gaze to the young man, who was leaning on the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

Several Fairies were hovering beside him, and all of them had taken a fighting stance, ready to cast spells to attack the three Beastkins who had entered the cave uninvited.

“At ease, everyone,” Ethan said as he looked at Lily’s Father with a calm expression on his face. “They’re not our enemies. At least, for now.”

“For now?” Seff arched an eyebrow because he found Ethan’s words amusing. “Does that mean that we’ll become enemies in the future?”

“That’s not up to me, Father,” Ethan replied. He didn’t hesitate to call Seff Father, since he planned to marry Lily in the future. “The one who'll decide if the two of us will become enemies is you.”

“I see. That makes sense.” Seff nodded. “Indeed, we are not enemies. For now.”

Lyall, who wanted to hug Ethan, took a step forward, but all the Fairies summoned Water Balls in front of them.

Their Queen had specifically told them that if Lyall came close to Ethan, they were to attack her regardless if she was an ally or not.