Chapter 585 A Date To Remember [Part 1]

Name:Wizard World Irregular Author:
Chapter 585 A Date To Remember [Part 1]

After a three-hour ride on the train, Ethan and Lyall finally arrived at the Train Station called Orlando.

From there, they rode a horse-drawn carriage that could sit up to sixteen people, which were specifically placed near the station for those who wanted the popular attraction called Disknee World.

It was the largest theme park within the country, and Ethan had always wanted to visit it.

Lyall, who seemed to be fine with trying out new things, simply chatted with Ethan as the carriage moved towards their destination.

However, since both of them were both eye-catching, the passengers couldn’t help but sneak stares at them from time to time. VIsit n0(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

The two were used to this already, so they didn’t pay too much attention to the people that were staring at them.

Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at their destination.

“What is this place?” Lyall asked after seeing a massive castle in the distance. “Are we going to visit the King of this country?”

“No,” Ethan replied with a faint smile on his face. “Everything you see here is just for entertainment purposes. There are no Kings or Queens in that castle.”

“Then why would they build it in the first place?”

“Like I said, for entertainment purposes.”

Ethan noticed that some of the people around them were looking at Lyall as if she was a country bumpkin, so he held her hand and headed towards the gate.

As someone who was a genuine country bumpkin, Ethan didn’t like the way people were looking at the young lady beside him.

So, after paying their tickets the two of them entered the Gate, and began to walk alongside the others, who planned to have an enjoyable day.

“Lyall, whatever happens, don’t try to break things, okay?” Ethan said. “Even the monsters, and ghosts in that haunted house are only people, so don’t attack them.”

The young lady’s body stiffened after hearing the word ghosts, which made Ethan wonder what was happening to her.

“H-Hahaha. Don’t worry,” Lyall said. “I won’t break, or attack anything. Especially not ghosts.”

Luna and Lilian weren't able to stop themselves from screaming as the “Log” they were riding reached the top of a steep climb and suddenly rushed downwards, only to be met with water that sprayed up the sides of their log.

Chloe didn’t scream, but she had to admit that she was close to doing so because she was riding at the very front of the Log.

Lily and Emma, on the other hand, didn’t react too much because they were used to jumping from great heights, and landing in a body of water.

They were even trained to fall from the great height of waterfalls when they were younger, so they weren’t fazed by the ride at all.

However, they did enjoy seeing everyone else’s reaction, which was very amusing to them.

“L-Let’s ride something less thrilling next time,” Luna said as she patted her chest.

“Then let’s go to the Bump Cars,” Chloe proposed. “Ethan and Lyall are heading to the Toaster Coaster, so we can ride that for the time being.”

Everyone agreed and, just like Lyall, all of them enjoyed the experience of riding the Bump Cars for the first time.

But, while the girls were enjoying the Bump Cars, Lyall was laughing out loud as the Toaster Coaster zoomed across the tracks, moving at great speeds.

As someone who could move faster than it for a short period of time, she found the twist and turns of the ride quite amusing.

A few minutes later, they left the Toaster Coaster with smiles on their faces.

“Where do we go next?” Lyall, who was starting to enjoy the theme park, asked.

“I was thinking we should go and try that Maze of Mirrors,” Ethan answered. “They said that it is very easy to get lost in it because it is not like any ordinary maze.”

“Sounds like a challenge,” Lyall smirked. “Let’s give it a shot.”

The young lady then grabbed Ethan’s hand and pulled him towards the attraction in the distance.

She was feeling a little regret that Lily wasn’t with her to enjoy the attractions of the theme park.

What she didn’t know was that her sister was also in the same place as her, and having fun with her friends, just as much as Lyall was having fun with Ethan.