Chapter 626 Ethan’s Little Sister [Part 1]

Name:Wizard World Irregular Author:
Chapter 626 Ethan’s Little Sister [Part 1]

Torches lit up the castle that night as music played within its main hall.

Ethan and Wallace sat in the seats of honor on an elevated platform, alongside Emma and the Heads of the Four Protector Clans.

The Elves were skillfully playing their instruments as the performers displayed their skills in order to entertain their Young Lord, who had finally returned home after many years.

Each table was filled with delicious food. Everyone made merry and toasted for Ethan’s good health and happiness.

When the performance ended, Ethan applauded the entertainers, making them feel that their hard work was worth it.

A few minutes later, the Elves once again plucked the strings of their instruments as the dancing officially began.

Ethan stood up and asked Emma if she wanted to dance with him.

His Promised One was dressed beautifully for the occasion. The ladies sighed in envy, wishing that they were in her shoes.

The two of them then danced, and everyone watched their graceful movements.

The majority of the adults were trying to get a good read of their Young Master, wanting to check if he had grown up as a gentleman during the years that he was away from Caer Wydion.

They were quite happy that Ethan was a very respectful and down-to-earth person who made them feel that they didn’t need to be too formal when talking to him.

“You dance well,” Ethan commented as he and Emma danced in the center of the event hall.

“I learned from a young age,” Emma replied. “All the candidates to become your Promised One learned how to dance so that they wouldn’t bring you down on occasions like this.”

The two danced for a few more minutes before the song finally came to an end.

Cheers and a round of applause descended on the two of them as they bowed to each other as a sign of respect.

Suddenly, the sound of a bell reverberated in the surroundings, making everyone glance at the grand staircase that led down into the Event Hall.

There, a beautiful young girl, wearing a black dress, slowly descended the stairs while holding a white elephant plushie in her hands.

Her handmaidens, who were wearing ceremonial clothes, trailed behind her.

The young girl’s Head Maid raised her voice and declared her Master’s name for Ethan to hear.

“Lady Joanne Valentin has arrived to join the party,” the Head Maid declared.

The Heads of the Protector Clans didn’t say anything and simply stood from their seats, bowing their heads respectfully.

All the people in the room, with the exception of Ethan, Wallace, and Emma, bowed their heads respectfully to the cute girl, who had made her presence known.

When Ethan was only a meter away from Joanne, her handmaidens tensed as they readied themselves to create a human wall to protect their lady from her brother’s wrath.

But to everyone’s surprise, Ethan crouched down until his eye level was the same as Joanne’s.

The young man then smiled and asked Joanne a question that she didn’t expect she would hear from the person in front of her.

“Are you really my sister?” Ethan inquired. “I’d be really happy if you are. I’ve always wanted to have a sibling because I grew up as an only child. Can you call me Brother? Just once is enough, please?”

The smile on Joanne’s face disappeared, replaced with a scowl.

The mere thought of calling the person in front of her Brother made her skin crawl.

So, instead of answering Ethan’s question and calling him Brother, Joanne held the elephant plushie in her hand tightly before uttering three words.

“Trample him, Earhart!”

As soon as she said those words, she released the elephant plushie in her hand and flew several meters back.

Her Handmaidens, who had already seen this scene in the past, also retreated quickly.

Earhart then grew into a three-meter-tall Elephant, which raised its foot to stomp the young man as ordered by its Master.

Enzo and Thorric were about to dash in Ethan’s direction in order to save him when the two of them felt a hand rest on their shoulders, holding them in place.

“He’s going to be fine,” Wallace said calmly. “Just watch.”

As soon as he finished saying those words, a loud explosion erupted in the hall as the White Elephant stomped its foot down.

But, to everyone’s surprise, Ethan was still standing in the same spot, while the White Elephant’s body was pinned on the ground by an invisible force that prevented it from standing up.

A moment later, an eerie chuckle reverberated in the surroundings, and the figure of the Ancient Wendigo turned visible.

The vile creature was sitting on the White Elephant’s head, preventing it from standing up with his Gravity Magic.

Its malevolent gaze landed on the little girl, whose face had become completely ashen due to how scary the monster looked.

The Ancient Wendigo once again chuckled, but its laughter was cut short when Ethan gave it a chopping strike on the head, making it stop laughing.

“Don’t bully or scare my sister, okay?” Ethan said in a disapproving tone. “If you do, I’ll feed you to the fish.”

Dainsleif blinked once then twice before nodding his head in understanding.

Since his Master had forbidden him to scare or bully the cute girl, he decided to turn invisible so that no one would be able to see the amused smile on his monstrous face because he found this situation quite amusing.

(E/N: Dainsleif chuckles eerily despite himself.)