Chapter 680 Volume 4: I Raised Her That Way

Name:Wizard World Irregular Author:
Chapter 680 Volume 4: I Raised Her That Way

“We came here a week ago because we were told that you and Joanne would appear here,” Wallace said. “The Patriarchs of the Protector Clans received a letter from their Lord and told us to come here to pick the two of you up.”

Ethan frowned because he didn’t expect that the moment they arrived in the present, Wallace, Enzo, Fortuna, Emma, and Lilith would be there to meet them.

“If you were sent here, then whoever that Lord is knew that Joanne and I were sent to the past in the Lands of Alastor,” Ethan commented. “Also, I believe that he is also the one responsible for dragging my sister into the River of Okeanos.”

Wallace nodded because he also thought that way.

“But, it seems that having your sister sent to the past with you was a good opportunity to close the distance between the two of you,” Wallace said as he glanced at Joanne, who was currently talking to Fortuna and Enzo about her adventure.

“Yes,” Ethan replied softly. “This trip has been a memorable experience for me.”

“More memorable than the previous time?” Wallace asked out of curiosity.

“Both experiences have taught me a lot of things,” Ethan answered. “It also allowed me to meet people, whom I thought I would never meet again.”

Wallace noticed that the young man’s voice had a tinge of sadness in it, so he decided to wait for him to open up, instead of asking him questions about what had happened in the past.

“By the way, since you’ve been here for a week, did you learn anything about Princess Ramona?” Ethan inquired.

“Are you talking about the Saintess that founded the Order of the Tidebringer?” Wallace arched an eyebrow. “Well, we did know a few things about her. According to the written history, she was the best friend of the Tidebringer’s sister, Lady Joanne.”

The handsome man glanced at Ethan’s sister with a smile because he couldn’t forget the surprised expressions on Enzo’s, Fortuna’s, Emma’s, and Lilith’s faces after seeing a giant statue of their Young Miss in a far away kingdom.

“But, the greatest surprise was seeing the framed picture of you being worshiped by believers.” Wallace chuckled. “Please, don’t tell your grandma about this. I’m sure she will think that I am lying, and ask me to bring her to the Magdar Kingdom to verify it.”

Ethan nodded because the mere thought of his grandmother visiting the temple and saying, “That’s my Grandson right there!” was enough to make him feel extremely embarrassed.

A few minutes later, Ethan decided to take the initiative to tell his father everything that had happened on the island.

How he met Illumina, whose rainbow scale was used to make his wand, and the battle against the Avatar of the Progenitor of Pestilence, Erass.

Wallace’s expression became solemn when Ethan started to narrate all that had happened in that particular battle.

He and Ethan were not aware that Joanne, Emma, Lilith, Fortuna, and Enzo had come to where they were talking to listen to the young man’s story.

“You’re lucky that you survived such a battle,” Wallace commented after Ethan finished his story. “Not everyone can live through such an ordeal to tell their tale about battling a Progenitor, even if it was just their avatar.”

Ethan nodded. “Back then, I really thought that I was a goner. Erass's strength was at an entirely new level compared to the people that I have faced in the past. Father, if not for your lessons, I might have died when Erass took me inside his Domain.”

Wallace smiled faintly, and gave Ethan a brief nod.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you this since earlier, but are you feeling some kind of power washing over your body right now?” Wallace inquired. “A power that is different from magic?”

Ethan nodded, which made his adoptive father look at him with a solemn gaze.

“What you are feeling right now is something that only Deities are supposed to possess,” Wallace stated. “That is the power of Fate. It is something that every race in the world directs to a handful of individuals.

“For example, the Fairies. They only worship three people.

“The Fairy King, Oberon.

It just proved how much she loved the Princess, who was also her very first best friend.

“Brother, make sure to ask Illumina about Ramona, okay?” Joanne pleaded. “I want to hear everything. So make sure to tell her not to leave out any important information.”

“Understood.” Ethan nodded. “We’ll ask her together.”

“Un!” Joanne also nodded.

If her best friend had lived a happy and fulfilling life, she would definitely be happy as well.

But, the way she disappeared after becoming eighteen years old made her feel anxious about the fate of her friend.


The Wishing Tree located in the Temple of the Tidebringer...

The small paper scroll that contained Joanne’s wish, slowly untied itself and fell from the tree.

It then landed on the palm of a teenage girl, who slowly opened it to read what was written there.

A moment later, a faint smile appeared on the teenage girl’s face before she walked the path back to the temple.

The members of the Order of the Tidebringer, whom she passed along the way, all bowed their heads in respect and admiration towards her.

“It seems that the Saintess is happy today,” one of the believers said. “She’s smiling.”

“Indeed.” another believer nodded. “Seeing her smile like that is extremely rare. I’m sure that something good happened.”

While the believers were chatting with each other, the teenage girl arrived at her personal quarters within the temple.

She then gazed up at the five-meter-tall picture frame, where three people were hugging each other, with smiles on their faces.

The teenage girl once again read Joanne’s letter and smiled.

“I wish that our paths will cross once again.”

The teenage girl then pressed the scroll to her chest, and closed her eyes.

“Soon,” the teenage girl said softly. “I will meet the two of you soon.”

From within her shadow, dozens of Shadow Rats emerged, and bowed their heads, waiting for her order.

Just like their Master, they were also very excited to meet the young man, who had changed their fates for the better.


A/N: I hope that all of you enjoyed the chapter for today. Also, I want to make an announcement. After careful consideration, I decided to release one chapter until the end of this month to fully recover.

Starting next month, we will return to having two chapter updates. Thanks everyone for your kind understanding.

Last, but not the least, look forward to the Academy Arc next month! Kekeke!

I’ll see you all in the next chapters!