When Xia ruoshu suddenly regains consciousness and opens his eyes, he finds himself lying in a dilapidated warehouse with boxes lying around. Xia ruoshu tries to stand up and feels his hands and feet tied.

This is, kidnapping?

There are still some parts of her body that ache faintly. It seems that when the kidnapper brought her, she was not gentle at all.

Xia ruoshu's mouth was tightly blocked, and she couldn't make a sound at all. Looking at the sky outside or at night, it seems that she hasn't been in a coma for long.

She thought of the fragrance that she smelled before she fell asleep. It should be some kind of overpowering drug to make people drowsy. She was so defensive that she fell into the gutter.

It's autumn. It's still cool in the autumn night. Xia ruoshu kneels on the ground and shivers. Her nose can smell some beer, straw and urine.

Xia ruoshu felt a shiver all over his body, and the feeling of sand grinding came from his legs. But when he thought of the smell of urine Sao, Xia ruoshu felt like vomiting.

The room was quiet. Xia ruoshu struggled hard, but still fell to the ground. The group of people were very cautious and tied tightly with ropes. They could hardly move.

She looked around to see if there was anything she could help herself with. Her backpack had been taken away by them. The only mobile phone that could contact the outside world was also in it.

I don't know the purpose of this group of people. Although Xia ruoshu is very worried and afraid, she still looks at it carefully and makes a tour. There is a high window and a door above the warehouse. Only these two things can let him escape.

It is impossible to walk through the door. They will send someone to guard the door. The window can be tried. But the window is too high. Xia ruoshu is not sure whether he can climb up or not, and he is not sure whether he can escape from the outside.

Unfortunately, these people seem to be very professional, there is no gap to escape, and the weather is getting colder and colder, and the temperature in the suburbs is generally lower than that in the city center.

Xia ruoshu gently rubbed his hand, trying to find a way to break free, to see when you can find a chance to escape.

After holding on for half an hour, Xia ruoshu almost felt the pain of his wrist, which was probably worn out.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and there were bursts of ha ha ha.

Several strong men came in. Xia ruoshu quickly closed her eyes, but her heart beat faster and faster. Her ears seemed to be able to hear the sound of her own heartbeat.

"Open your eyes and don't pretend to be asleep." A big man did not know when to go to Xia ruoshu's side, a kick to Xia ruoshu's legs.

A burst of intense pain let Xia ruoshu cry out. It's really painful The man used a lot of strength, Xia ruoshu almost felt that his leg was going to be kicked off by this man.

"You son of a bitch! Do you know what it is to cherish the fragrance and cherish the jade? No wonder there is no daughter-in-law at this age. " Another strong man said gruffly to this he Laoliu.

The tone is not a criticism, more like a kind of friend's ridicule

Xia ruoshu's face sank and it was over. She thought in her heart that they didn't care about her at all. Generally, extortion kidnappers would pay more attention to the safety of the hostages, because they wanted money, and there was also a kind of robbery, but this group of men was not interested in her at all.

Then it is the last one, and the most dangerous one, that is, to take his own life. Xia ruoshu feels a cold sweat behind him.

So now, they didn't kill her, haven't they got instructions from the family? Xia ruoshu almost did not dare to think about it. The more she thought about it, the more scared she felt

Feng Yuhuan Xia ruoshu silently recites the name of Feng Yuhuan in his heart. Will he come to save himself?

Every time she died, Feng Yuhuan would appear beside her.

But today?

Xia ruoshu laughs bitterly. During the cold war with Feng Yuhuan, she often works overtime. Feng Yuhuan goes out to socialize and comes back full of wine every day

So even if she didn't come home on time, he wouldn't care.

Xia ruoshu, calm down, now you can only rely on yourself, you can not always rely on others to save you, calm down!

He Laoliu, who was ridiculed, said with a smile: "what daughter-in-law do you want? As long as you can make me happy, you are all daughters in law! "

That group of big men also laughed because of he Laoliu's words.

Xia ruoshu sat on the ground and couldn't understand this kind of very low-level joke. How can people think this kind of thing is funny.

In Xia ruoshu abdominal Fei, he Laoliu lifted Xia ruoshu's chin and said: "it was too dark to see clearly just now. Now look at it like this, this woman still has some beauty."

Men's hands also with the smell of tobacco, there are some unknown smell, Xia ruoshu was almost smoked to death by this smell.But he Laoliu's hand is like a pair of tongs to clamp Xia ruoshu's chin tightly.

He Laoliu saw Xia ruoshu's unhappiness, but he no longer laughed and said: "this girl is still energetic. She used to cry all the time. She was so tired of crying. When she worked, she would cry. That's what makes her strong!"

He Laoliu is almost speaking to Xia ruoshu's face. Xia ruoshu can almost smell the smell of he Laoliu's mouth, and he wants to break away from it.

One man said, "if you like it, why don't you have a good time? This woman is useless after all

He Laoliu ha ha ha ha's laughter said: "compared to the woman, I like the money more, this family's money didn't come, but I dare not."

The man gently "bah" said: "today you are quite on the road."

He Laoliu let go of Xia ruoshu's face. Xia ruoshu could feel his jaw was aching faintly, and his bones would crack.

Taking two breaths gently, Xia ruoshu saw that the several people were sitting opposite her. The warehouse light was not on, but only a few candles were lit, which made people dizzy.

Xia ruoshu is thinking about who wants to kidnap himself and name his own life. However, it seems that his life is not as simple as his life. Maybe he intends to torture him?

Think of here, Xia ruoshu whole body trembles for a moment, who is so vicious in the end.

Xia ruoshu thinks about people who have had conflicts with themselves.

Shirley? Xia ruoshu's first thought is this woman, because Xie Lili has money in her family, and she has lost face in front of herself and so many media, which is not impossible. It's really possible for a character like Cheryl to do these things.

Guo Lin is in prison.

Diao Yan should have just come home from the prison room. She has not had time to react.

Zhong Ting She has been divorced, she and Du Zichuan have no barriers between themselves, it is estimated that they are happy.

So, who else?

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