Xia ruoshu held his arm and said, "is it wrong to blame others?"

Feng Yuhuan comforted Xia ruoshu and said, "yes, it's all my fault, OK? Don't be angry. Can I apologize to you? "

Xia ruoshu snorted and said, "it's almost the same!"

Feng Yuhuan said: "with these things, plus the power of the Gao family, it's really a good chance. Heaven won't let us lose the lawsuit!"

Zhou Yan said with a smile: "of course, after all, you have suffered so much for Xia Qingguo. The so-called good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil, but that's it."

Xia ruoshu's eyes with hope, this case is finally settled.

A few days later, Xia ruoshu attended the second trial as a witness, and Tang Ying insisted on going.

Xia ruoshu asked in a wheelchair, "do you really want to go?"

There is worry in her eyes, because in her opinion, Tang Ying also has a lot of fog. For example, why does she appear in Xia Qingguo's side when her mother is dead, and why no one knows that she was once Jiang Yu's wife.

Xia ruoshu thinks that this involves a lot of secrets, and these secrets, good or bad, will be revealed today.

Tang Ying's eyebrows were a little melancholy, but she nodded and said, "well. I want to go together. Today is an end, an end to saying goodbye to the past. "

Although there are doubts in the heart, but Tang Ying so insist, Xia ruoshu although the heart is worried, but still follow her.

Zhou Yan pushes Xia ruoshu to the witness seat.

The trial finally started. When Xia Qingguo was pressed up, his expression was very relaxed, but seeing Tang Ying was also there, his eyes were a little stiff, obviously not so relaxed.

The relationship between the two is very delicate. Xia Qingguo should be in love with Tang Ying. Xia ruoshu can feel the strange atmosphere between them. Xia ruoshu thinks that he can probably know what happened between them today.

Gradually, the judge began to sort out the case and asked, "how old were you at the time of the case?"

Xia ruoshu began to gradually recall: "probably less than ten years old."

"What is the situation?" Asked the judge.

"I only remember that it rained heavily that day. My father asked me to take these documents and go first, but I hid them. If I wanted to look back, I saw this man killing my father in the crack of the door..." Xia ruoshu recalled the scene before.

"Later, he lost his memory because of fever and was adopted by Xia Qingguo." Xia ruoshu's speech is very clear.

The judge nodded and asked Xia Qingguo, "is there anything the defendant wants to refute?"

Xia Qingguo's lawyer said: "we have doubts. Miss Xia said that she was still young or even less than ten years old at that time. But as a child at this time, she would have confusion of memory, especially confused her dreams or TV movies. Besides, there was no other evidence or witness except miss Xia. I think the other party's evidence is obviously insufficient."

A very good lawyer, the judge also nodded his agreement.

Xia ruoshu also did not express very angry about this, after all, those things have passed for so long, always want to leave some buffer room.

"Then you can believe what I say." Tang Ying suddenly spoke.

"Are you?"

Tang Ying stood up and said, "I am Jiang Yu's wife."

A word let the whole court boil up, Xia Qingguo seems to know something in general, gently closed his eyes.

"You say you are Jiang Yu's wife?" The judge compared the photos, Tang Ying and the photos are not the same, the photo of Tang Ying, with a little baby fat, looks very lovely and beautiful, but now Tang Ying looks very cool and gorgeous.

"Didn't Jiang Yu's wife die long ago? How can you be Jiang Yu's wife? " The judge asked incredulously.

Tang Ying is not in a hurry, slowly said: "you can test my DNA and fingerprints." Tang Ying's expression was too magnanimous, and the judge immediately believed Tang Ying's words.

"Then you should explain to us why you heard of your death that year? Why is it called Tang Ying now, Jiang na? " The judge asked solemnly that the case was more complicated than they thought.

Tang Ying gave a wry smile and said, "that year, my husband and Xia Qingguo went out to sea together In case of shipwreck, I didn't die. Everything was caused by Xia Qingguo. We all fell into the sea when the cabin flooded. But it was saved by Xia Qingguo's men in time. "

"But when I woke up, I even changed my face I've been locked up in an unknown place, and I've tried my best to escape here But I didn't succeed... " Tang Ying's voice was faint, but Xia ruoshu heard a lot of helplessness from these voices.

Jiang Na looks at her strange self in the mirror without expression. Is such a cold and gorgeous expression and face really her own? Who am I? Or Jiang na?The door was opened and Xia Qingguo came in. Jiang Na didn't say anything. She didn't know what to say with this man.

"I'm back." Xia Qingguo said something about himself.

Jiang Na regards him as air.

Xia Qingguo is not a bit discouraged, or keep talking with Jiang Na, talk about today's news, and outside interesting things, like a family.

"When will you let me go?" Jiang Na asked, she did not want to stay with Xia Qingguo at all, she felt that breathing the same sky with Xia Qingguo would make her breathless.

Xia Qingguo seemed to have not heard of it. He still chuckled and gave Jiang Na a chopsticks dish, but he never mentioned leaving

Looking at Xia Qingguo's smile, Jiang Na felt that she was crawling over by a snake, and her goose bumps were all up and down.

She opened Xia Qingguo's hand and said, "Xia Qingguo, what do you want to do?"

Xia Qingguo was not angry. He looked at Xia ruoshu with a helpless smile, just like seeing a disobedient child.

However, Jiang Na really hated his appearance of light clouds and light breeze. She was very angry, but every time, she was made haggard by his appearance.

"I'm going!" Said Jiang Na.

Xia Qingguo changed the topic: "I heard you read two books today."

Jiang Na is really fed up with the present life, she swept all the things on the table to the ground and said, "I let you let me go! I'm fed up with life here. What's the use of locking me up here

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