Book 6: Chapter 27

Book 6: Chapter 27


We repeatedly clash over and over again, destroying one planet after another. All the way until the dragon finally begins to turn away and flee. As if it’s frightened of me.

A sight that has me grinning at it while returning to my lycan form again. Placing my hands in my jacket pockets.

I turn into blood before reappearing right in front of the fleeing dragon, proving to be far too fast for the weakened creature to get away. Then, when it swings a wing straight at me, I create a bunch of blood metal around its wing, sealing it for a moment.

It repeats the process again with its other wing. But that doesn’t stop it from glaring at me, making me grin for a moment.

Only for my grin to be wiped away when it opens its mouth and a large orb of what looks like blood mixed with black flames build up.

The fuck? Can it use hellflames too?!

This might-

My thoughts are interrupted when a strange Universal Notification appears in my vision.

Warning! This is a Universal notification for all those within the System!

The user, Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron, is in a fight to defend the universe against a dragon made out of the reality devouring Red Plague!

All those of Tartarus and Earth shall bear witness to her might!

I don’t get to think on the strange notification much though, since the Red Plague Dragon is still charging up its breath attack.

So I go ahead and raise a single hand upwards, floating a bit away from the dragon in the process. And mere moments, Red Plague begins to shoot out of the palm of my hand to join with blood that is currently appearing from nothing in the space above me.

Then the blood all mixes to form a massive sphere that is only growing larger and larger with every second. A sphere that has a red glow similar to a blood moon as seen on Earth or Tartarus.

At this point, my interest in this battle is quickly beginning to fade. Along with my grin. All the way to a rather apathetic stare at the dragon. Possibly a little arrogant as well.

But I don’t care. I just stare at the thing and the growing orb of Red Plague and hellflames in front of its mouth as the large Red Plague blood moon above my head continues growing. All the way till it reaches the size of a damned sun.

What’s going on?

Wait, the Dragon Core! I’m pretty sure I devoured it on accident with my Red Plague blood moon beam attack thingy.

Then something even strange begins to occur within my body. It’s almost as if every heart within my body – with me having about almost a dozen hearts right now – is converging towards the forming sphere. And it hurts like hell.

But I’ve grown used to pain, even if I have Pain Diffusion – which I can’t use right now for some reason – so all I do is let out a grunt as I reach for my chest. And at the same time, I realize a bright crimson light is shining from my chest. One originating in the form of a circle.

My eyes narrow as I see myself in pain on every screen nearby.

Meanwhile a chant echoes from the people down below.

“Wolf of the Blood Moon!” “Wolf of the Blood Moon!” “Wolf of the Blood Moon!”

And amidst their chanting, another notification appears in my vision.

Warning! This is a Universal notification for all those within the System!

The user, Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron, The Red Plague, Apex Predator, Bane of Corruption, Dragon Slayer, and Ruler of Blood is now ascending into Class VI.

Making her the first being within the mortal universe to do so.

Watch as history writes itself.

As the Wolf of the Blood Moon is born.

Sovereign over the blood moon.

Sovereign over blood itself.

And protector of the mortal universe.

Then the pain in my body flares louder, making me let out a scream.