Book 6: Chapter 31

Book 6: Chapter 31


Nearly an entire hour passes as I sit here trying to figure out how to make them stop kneeling. But I eventually figure it out. All it requires me to do to release them is to release some sort of feeling in my eyes that I didn’t even realize was there. Some sort of tense feeling in my eyes. Like I’m flexing them similar to how one would flex a muscle. But it’s just instinctive and I didn’t even realize I was doing it.

Some of the Knights and Demon Lords weren’t particularly happy by the time they were freed though. And Black eventually came back after I freed them.

He wasn’t happy either.

I wonder why?

Tar snorts in amusement.

Gramps, on the other hand, looks both proud and slightly sad. Like his pride is hurt a little.

Probably because he was frozen just like the others despite him no doubt being used to being far stronger than anything else he’s seen.

“How does it feel to be out of the System?” Gramps asks, getting right to the point.

I blink at him before Mother adds, “Everyone got a universal notification telling us about how the ‘Wolf of the Blood Moon was expelled from the System for reaching Class VI.’”

It sent out a universal notification for that? Unexpected.

Sending one out for the ‘reaching Class VI’ thing was expected, but not my being expelled from the System.

Anyways, I glance down at my fist before answering, “It’s weird.” I raise my head again. “I can’t use any of my skills. Except for The Red Plague and Ruler of Blood.”

The others go silent at that. Only for Mother to frown and say, “Guess you’ll be visiting him?”

I nod my head with a frown of my own.

“Don’t have much choice in the matter,” I respond before glancing at the others.

Everyone except Mother, Father, Gramps, and Alexander are just examining me though. Likely curious about the difference between a Class V and a Class VI being.

I don’t particularly mind though. Since I’d like to know what the difference is as well.

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Then I slowly try to control myself better here where the shockwaves won’t damage anything important.

Which proves to be rather difficult. So much so that it takes me entire hours to even start decreasing how destructive my movements are.

Eventually Tar returns and points something out to me only to leave again.

He points out that the reason I’m struggling with this is likely due to not being in the System anymore.

After all, the System usually adjusts your body for you. But since I ascended to Class VI without the System...

It won’t do that for me.

I have to adjust to the power on my own.

Which is a pain.

I frown before sighing and continuing my attempts to adjust to my new strength. And after spending several more hours on it, I decide that seeing my full strength might help me a little.

If it doesn’t though it would at least be cool to see.

Doesn’t hurt after all.

So I lower myself down to the planet beneath me – one covered in red sand – before glancing at my fist and pulling it back.

Then I punch the planet.

Cracking it in half in seconds.

I blink in surprise before explosions and all sorts of other reactions begin flooding out from within the planet. Particularly from the core which is now exploding outwards.

But despite all of this, I just continue floating here, unmoved by everything.

Well then.

Guess I need to find a new planet to test on.