Book 6: Chapter 36

Book 6: Chapter 36


After our little discussion, Gramps leaves to go back to Tartarus. Albeit only after he gives me a short and very careful hug, seeing as I’d rather not break his spine on accident. Not that it’d kill him or anything.

On the other hand, the Knights return to governing Earth, having taken over all control from the government during the Void Invasion.

I glance at Isaac, who is looking at me with glee before letting out a sigh.

His first lesson is a rather simple one. And it takes into account the lives of the people on Earth, so there’s that. Even if I’m certain he doesn’t really care about them.

I ignore him while floating myself up higher and higher into the air until I’m outside of the atmosphere itself. Then I let out a pent-up breath despite being in space and close my eyes.

Right. Remember what the psycho said.

“Close your eyes and imagine your will turning into pure magic. After that, direct it to do what you want it to do.”

I try to imagine what he told me to do. Imagining my very will leaving my body and forming magic.

Nothing happens.

Yeah, guess I should’ve expected that.

I open my eyes again with a frown.

Controlling the blood of everything around me feels instinctive. I can just sense it as if it’s a part of my body.

But creating blood, manifesting blood, and altering blood? Those are different things altogether.

And that’s not even considering null magic, which I haven’t even scratched the surface of just yet.

According to the prophecy, from what Tar and Isaac said, I’ll need full control over bother my blood and null magic to face off against the Voided Overlord.

I’m not entirely sure if I can really trust that though, since things have strayed from the prophecy. Meaning it’s not a guarantee that I’ll win against the Voided Overlord regardless of what happens. There’s no prediction having learned that it happens.

Nothing at all in that regard.

The reality of our universe is just too fractured now for that.

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Then I mutter to myself, “Huh.” My voice no longer needing air to speak.

I glance down at Earth before hearing through my god-like senses the people down below all talking about the massive moon of blood that appeared above the world. With many of them just talking about how it’s – for the lack of a better phrase – ‘just the princess doing Scarlet things.’

My eyebrow twitches at that in irritation, meanwhile I swear I hear a certain tanuki chuckling in the back of my head. Despite him not being nearby right now.

That’s just rude.

I try to let out a puff of air, only for nothing to happen since I’m in space. Then I just cross my arms and thinking about the blood in the moon vanishing. And it does. In the blink of an eye in fact.

Hmm. So Isaac wasn’t just spouting fanatical gibberish. He was actually speaking the truth.

Although I doubt it’s the exact same for him, since he’s only Class IV. And if using magic naturally without a System was this easy, there would be a lot more people using it around the universe.

That said...

I try to focus on my own body and will myself to do what Crimson Overdrive did.

But nothing happens. looks like I can’t just make a wish and it’ll happen. I need to know exactly what I’m doing for it to happen.

Or, at least, that’s my guess.

And I don’t know what a lot of my skills did exactly.

Out of curiosity, I raise my hand rather slowly before willing for a demon to appear in front of me. Simply imagining how the demon would look. Imagining every detail about it.

And something certainly appears. Something that at least looks like the demon I imagined.

At first.

Until it bursts like a bubble full of blood and splatters everywhere as the blood floats in space, leaving me grimacing.

Guess that’s more evidence towards the ‘need to know exactly what I’m doing’ theory.

I frown before focusing on the world itself.

Right. Time to do what I came up here to do.