"I'll ask the guard about something important again!" Lu Zhanda strode down in his car.

When Mo Qing hurriedly followed the past.

"Hello, I'm here to do some research. I'd like to ask, did a girl come over this morning?" Lu Zhan took out his certificate directly.

The guard was a little confused. It was estimated that it was the first time that he met the investigation in Yingjia, and nodded subconsciously.

"Where are the girls?"

"We connected with my uncle. He said he couldn't see her and left." The guard was busy.

Or no clue, when Mo Qing quickly asked, "after someone came to ask you what?"

"There are a lot of them, young master and miss, and the second young master of the Ji family. They all ask who is coming!" The guard nodded and answered honestly.

"No one goes out?"


Two people look at each other and go away. Lu Zhan leans by the car and analyzes, "Si she is what we asked him to ask. Then it may be the hands of Ying Shaochen or Ying Ni Jin. Let's wait and see! Let's see if the person who took Mo Yin will reply

"Shall I try to lead Giuseppe away? I'd like to see what reaction should Shaochen and yingni Jin do! " When Mo Qing eyebrows frown, otherwise they can only passively dry and so on!

When Mo Qing two people sit in the car, in Ying's door did not wait for long, the groom has driven to pick up the bride.

Waiting for the bridegroom's car to enter, Lu Zhan starts the car and blocks the road directly.

Dazzling red sports car, let the co pilot Ji Si Ze Wei Leng, immediately face a cold, what does she come to?

"Jisze! Come out to me, you shrinking turtle When Mo Qing gets out of the car and leans on the side of the car, the roaring way with anger on his face.

"Shi Mo Qing! What are you crazy about? " Jisze got off the bus with disgust on his face. He didn't see him for more than a month. How could he hate this woman more and more!

"I'm crazy? Didn't you go abroad? What are you doing back here? What's the news about your fuckin 'marriage? Is it great to get pregnant before marriage? " When Mo Qing's fury fell down.

One side of the people who receive the kiss are slightly Leng, which one is singing? Can't Mo Qing like him at this time? Isn't she a little girl?

"What's wrong with you? What does it matter to you that I get married? " Jisze for the first time feel inexplicable looking at her, every time is his own initiative to choke her.

"I'm nervous? If you didn't run back to get married, Moyin would go back to Kyoto with you? " When Mo Qingleng laughs toward him, "don't tell me, you don't know Mo Yin is playing truant to find you, if you don't see me, I'll ask you who you are? I can't get through to her up to now! "

"What do you mean? Did I listen to you and refuse her? " Jisi zewei Leng, some do not understand her meaning, when Mo Yin because he married lovelorn, but also he to comfort?

"When she came to see you, she was refused to meet and left for the bar. When we looked for her, we only found her mobile phone there. The bartender said she was taken away!" Lu Zhan gets out of the car and explains, remembering one thing. He pats his head in frustration. How can he forget to watch the bar monitor.

"Jisze! You're going to find Moyin for me When Mo Qing looks like a rogue and stands in front of him. His slender body actually makes jisze feel oppressive. The aura is too big!

"Today I am married!" Jisi Ze face a cold and cautious announcement, this time Mo Qing is to make trouble, maybe her sister is OK, just want to deliberately destroy his wedding, although he has only brother and sister love for Ni Jin, but people have their own children, he must be responsible!

"Is it your marriage or my sister's life that matters? Go and find someone with me When Mo Qing some rascal a grab his arm to pull to the car.

Jisze was anxious, just wanted to struggle, who wanted to stab his elbow, he was unable to struggle, can only helplessly be crammed into the car.

Lu Zhan has no choice but to get on the bus. This is robbing people! Daughter in law!

Everything happened so quickly that all the people who accepted the marriage were dumbfounded. When the reaction came over, jisize had been robbed, and the people who received the marriage were in a mess. Didn't they rob the bride? How did it become a bridegroom? Someone quickly called to the guard, "hurry up! The bridegroom has been robbed

It was a matter of a few minutes after the response of Yingjia, and when Mo Qing two people had already fled, there was no shadow.

"Pa!" Should be too angry in the hands of the old woman teacup smashed on the ground, face iron green, "when foam clear! You are so bold

"Grandma! Time foam Qing is too much! Isn't that a disgrace to me? " Should Ni Jin gas eyes red, dark hate, when foam clear! We're all tied up!

Before giving gifts, the dead woman deliberately asked housekeeper Fu to send a lot of tonics to come over and say that she would protect the baby. This is not a real rumor. Now she is arrogant to rob the bridegroom. Shi Moqing, you forced me!

"Shaochen!" The old lady's chest heaved and her voice was low, "please send someone to look for it! Let the housekeeper comfort the guests

Should Shaochen nod to leave, should Ni Jin's sleeve a shake, get up to go out.

"Ni Jin! What are you going for? " See granddaughter leave, should old lady anxious shout.

"I want someone to go to shimoqing!" Ying Ni Jin drove out of the door, but out of the gate, it was in the opposite direction of Lu's processing room.In the distance, a black car slowly keep up with, suddenly has changed the car road Zhan two people!

"Shi Mo Qing! What on earth do you want? " Jisze was lying in the back seat and couldn't move. He asked anxiously. The two of them took him away and changed the car. Now he can't tell what they want and why they have to wait at the door?

"Help! I suspect it was Ni Jin who took them away! " When Mo Qing sat on the co pilot, with a computer on his lap, "how much is Ni Jin's phone number?"

"I don't remember!" Ji Si Ze skims the beginning, she also just doubts, how can be ni Jin, that wench just mischievous point.

"I don't remember! Then I can search for my mobile phone! " When Mo Qing turned his head, his eyes fell on Jisi Ze. He was wearing a white suit today. His suit jacket had no pocket, which was obviously in his pants.

Jisize was frightened by the malicious eyes of Mo Qing, and quickly turned his head and called out, "Lu Zhan! Do you care about her? Let her do it to a man? "

"What are you worried about? Isn't there still me? " Lu Zhan does not return to the head, gently pick up the corner of the mouth, do not care when Mo Qing said to search the body.

"You Jisi Ze gas face a white, want to beat people, but the whole body is weak, when see foam Qing smile Ying Ying Ying looking at him, his heart thump for a moment, quickly reported a series of telephone numbers.

When Mo Qing finally satisfied to turn around, Ji Si Ze has not relaxed, heard Lu Zhan to take a sentence, "you are stupid! It's time to take out his mobile phone. Maybe Mo Yin only remembers this guy's phone number! "

Lu Zhan said it's good. In today's society, who doesn't have a mobile phone. Many things can be remembered by mobile phones. No one will remember their phone number. Of course, the one who loves is the exception. For example, he only remembers Mo Qing's mobile phone number, not to mention her birthday. In the household register, Mo Qing said that it was a fake, and her real birthday was at the end of December.

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