Chapter 52 [Bonus Chapter] Mrs Tang’s Online Hobbies

Name:Wooing my Bodyguard Wife Author:
"Wife, you're still awake? I told you not to wait for me." Officer Tang scolded in concern when he saw that the lights in his dining room were still on past midnight. His son was already fast asleep, because he had to go to school the next day.

Meanwhile, his wife was still staring at her laptop with bleary eyes, trying to stay awake. A quick look on her screen showed that she was once again on the same gossip site.

"Are you arguing with Sun Jingwei anti-fans again?" Officer Tang asked in dismay. "Didn't you say you needed beauty sleep? Why are you missing sleep for him?"

"Oh you're back! This is late, even for you," His wife chided gently, choosing to ignore his incredulous questions about her online habits. After ten years of marriage, he should know when to just accept her hobbies.

Upon closer look, she saw the utter exhaustion on his face and immediately got up to give him a comforting hug. Officer Tang slumped into her arms, burying his face in her neck.

"Shanshan, today was a very busy night." He said into the fabric of her nightdress.

"Ah-jiu, did something terrible happen?" She asked in concern. "Do you want some hot tea to drink? You can tell me more about it."

"Yes please." Officer Tang said. "You're not going to believe what I'm going to tell you."

"Try me," she said. "It can't be more ridiculous than people online claiming that Sun Jingwei knocked up a woman and then tried to get her killed to keep the secret."

"What on earth?" Officer Tang exclaimed. "How do people come up with this crap?"

"Exactly! Husband, you understand me perfectly - of course I couldn't let them just say this nonsense on the internet."

"Shanshan, this is the internet. This is where nonsense is born." Officer Tang said, yawning. "Why bother?"

"Of course I should bother! They are blatantly spreading untruths to justify their hatred of him." Shanshan said, shaking her head. "How could I let that go?"

"Yes, that I do," Officer Tang said tiredly. His wife seemed to think that Sun Jingwei was just a lost child trying to find his way through life, despite being a 25 year old man with nearly every privilege life had handed to him on a silver platter.

(He was a lot less sympathetic, but anyone would be after being forced to see his sheepish smile after yet another cock-up in the middle of the night.)

Come to think of it, maybe that was why Sun Jingwei was such a mess back then. Too much of a good thing would screw up anyone and Sun Jingwei was too handsome, too bold, with too little self-preservation and common sense.

And then most importantly: he was too rich to suffer any real consequences, which meant that he usually didn't experience how bad things could get, until they did.

"But I don't think you'll need to defend him online for much longer," he continued. Shanshan looked at him in surprise.

"What do you mean? Is his family finally taking some legal action against those rumours?"

"Not exactly. Remember that rumour about him having a wife?" Officer Tang asked cautiously. His wife was going to be so excited.

"OH MY GOD. So it's true!" She clapped in amazement to herself, delighted at this news.

"Yes - " then he remembers what Miss Li Xue Ning told him, that she was, in no uncertain terms, Sun Jingwei's wife. "Well not really his wife," He hastily amended. "And don't call her his wife, she wouldn't like that at all."

"So he has a fiancee! You've met her today? What is she like?" Shanshan eagerly asked.

"I think … she is a normal woman," Officer Tang said, ignoring the first part of his wife's reply. A fiancee wasn't a wife, so Miss Li shouldn't mind.

"I would expect so?" His wife rolled her eyes at him. "Did you expect him to marry an alien? Actually, if there were aliens, they would go for him, wouldn't they? He's that handsome after all."

"Wife, your husband is still here, right in front of you." Officer Tang said dryly. Now it was his turn to roll his eyes at his wife, who could wax poetic about Sun Jingwei's face. There was a reason why they would only meet each other over his dead body!

His wife was a big enough fan only after meeting him once. If they met more often, Officer Tang might wake up to seeing Sun Jingwei's poster hanging above their marital bed, and that would inspire any man to murder.

"Yes I know, I can see him," Shanshan said. "In his human, non-alien, glory. Apparently just like Jingwei's future wife."

"You know what I mean," Officer Tang said, half-amused and half-exasperated at his wife's words. She clearly longed to vex him, but then again, he knew that and still married her. So it was technically his own fault. He drank more tea and continued.

"Remember that woman I told you about yesterday night - the one that thwarted Sun Jingwei's drugging attempt? She's the one." Officer Tang said. One usually shouldn't be talking about cases with their spouses, but seeing that that incident wasn't his case, it was fine.

Also his wife had nearly gone into a panic at the news and shook him for information, so of course it was his husbandly duty to assuage her stress.

Shanshan's mouth fell open as he told her that.

"Oh really? This is just like a Korean drama!" His wife seemed even more delighted at the information he revealed, clapping her hands in excitement. "So the rumours of them meeting at the bar were true! And it's a rescue romance! If she's like a heroine, then she should be tall, like a supermodel. Is she?"

"She's not tall," Officer Tang said. "In fact, Sun Jingwei is over 20cm taller than her."

"Height difference!" His wife exclaimed. He did not get the appeal, but nodded anyway. Happy wife, happy life.

"Anyway, she looks like a normal woman." Officer Tang said, being obtuse on purpose, just to see his wife pout.

"Such incredible skill when it comes to describing people's faces! It's a wonder any suspects can get arrested."

"That's what CCTVs are for," he said blandly. "And why would I be taking note of a random woman's face? I'm only looking at my wife."

"Flatterer." Shanshan said, but she was blushing delightedly at his words. "But don't think you're off the hook! Give me details! Were they on a date today? Do you have a picture?"

"No." His wife sighed.

"Fine, I'll stalk her online."

"Wife, please. What happened to respecting people's privacy? That woman is an ordinary person like us that hates the limelight! She's not a rich heiress or some supermodel or actress." Officer Tang said.

"When you put it that way, I shall not pry too much." His wife said, but Officer Tang watched with a deadpan expression, sipping his tea as she still searched for 'Sun Jingwei's date' in the search engine. She would not stop until her curiosity was sated.

He was sure that she wouldn't find anything though. The Sun family was notorious in keeping their searches clean - if his wife did find something, it would be taken down in two hours.

"Is this her?" His wife pointed at the screen.

Officer Tang spat out his tea.

"How did you find this!" He asked. It was an image of the two of them embracing in the toilet, Sun Jingwei half-spinning her around.

"Magic!" She said proudly. "But no, husband, it's actually really easy. First you type in the search bar -"

"I know how to search for things!" He protested hotly. First Sun Jingwei comments on not using his phone for note taking, now his wife mocks him for not knowing technology. Another reason why they must never meet!

"Right, keep telling yourself that." She said, smiling cheekily at him. "Anyway, it wasn't hard, the pictures are everywhere now! I think it'll hit the hot news by tomorrow if they don't take it down. Do you want to text Sun Jingwei about it?"

"NO." Officer Tang said firmly. "I am a police officer, not their PR team."

He thought about Miss Li, and then felt slightly guilty for not helping. He squashed it down. It wasn't his job - if Sun Jingwei cared about her as much as he claimed, then he should be the one making sure her name was kept out of the press and online.

Sun Jingwei should be the one taking responsibility for his own relationship and for her well-being. If not, that man has no right to date her! Officer Tang wasn't going to help him with his relationship!

"Well, at least her name isn't out yet, even if her face is." Shanshan mused. "Of course, once more people get interested I'm sure they'll find out who she is eventually. Remember the woman in Sun Jingwei's sex video? They dug her out in less than a week!"

"How could I forget." He replied dryly. That woman in question was sitting in their holding cell right now. He was going to interview her tomorrow morning. He sighed, feeling exhaustion sink into his bones. If only he didn't have to do the interview tomorrow!

But Sun Tianwei wanted the case to be concluded as quickly as possible, which meant Officer Tang was in-charge for now. Sun Tianwei didn't want to waste time with the handover.

"Husband, go and shower and sleep." Shanshan smiled warmly at him, shoving him to their bathroom. "You worked hard today."

"Then what about you? Are you going to sleep soon? Don't tell me you're going to stay up late arguing with more netizens." He asked cautiously.

"I won't!" Shanshan said, with a fervent glint in her eye. Officer Tang clearly didn't believe her, but still went to shower. He wanted to sleep.

Meanwhile, Shanshan began drafting her article.

It's not 'arguing with netizens' if she's writing an online post about Sun Jingwei loving this mysterious fiancee of his, who was just a normal girl who rescued him from ruin. It was peak romance!