Chapter 64 Morning Wood

Name:Wooing my Bodyguard Wife Author:
"That's bullshit," Xue Ning denied immediately.

"Come on, don't tell me you don't remember what happened last night?" Jingwei asked, a hand idly stroking her back, while the other rubs circles around her hip bone, trying to calm her down.

She glared at him. He smiled back. Infuriating.

They were still cuddled together. Her face slowly reddened as she realised this, but Sun Jingwei seemed perfectly at ease with this development!

"Oi, where are you touching?" Xue Ning growled. Jingwei hastily lifted his hands away, looking apologetic, and Xue Ning found herself strangely missing his hands on her body.

She hurriedly sat up and freed herself from the hold. "And what do you mean by what happened last night - nothing happened last night!" Xue Ning exclaimed.

"True," Jingwei also sat up, stretching his arms over his head. Xue Ning refused to stare at the shift in his arm and chest muscles as he cracked his joints. "Other than you clinging to me like an octopus and refusing to let me go throughout the night, nothing happened."

"You lie," she shook her head. "That definitely did not happen."

"Cross my heart, everything I said was the absolute truth," Jingwei held up his hand to swear. "If you don't believe me, you can ask Lady Yu. I carried you back after you conked out half-way through the movie to your room and you refused to let me go!"

Xue Ning stared at him in horrified embarrassment. Come to think of it, she did remember bits and pieces of the movie, and how comfortable the couch was. She must have fallen asleep then.

"Oh god." She dropped her head in her hands. "Did I really?"

"Yeah, but that's not the most important thing!" Jingwei said. Xue Ning was just about to fear the worst, but then he continued. "We'll need to rewatch the movie later, you missed all the good parts!"

"Eh?" Xue Ning can't believe this was what he's focused on, but then again, she didn't want to think about anything else either, especially not his boner that was still. Right. There.

"Can you… take care of that first," she said, pointing in the general direction of his crotch, averting her eyes.

"Oh right," Jingwei said, face flushing slightly as he realised the state he was in. In the past, if he ever woke up with a woman, usually they would offer to settle that particular problem for him, but things were different now. "Er… I usually do it in bed so would you -"

"Gross! I'm leaving now!" Xue Ning screamed as she sprung up, but not before flinging a pillow straight at his smug face, her own face a burning red. Jingwei just laughed uproariously at her flustered face, catching the pillow easily.

The entire scene felt so frighteningly domestic, Jingwei didn't know what to do with himself other than joke about it, because if he turned serious, Xue Ning might just turn tail and run, and then what would he be left with?

Better to joke, so that she'd think it wasn't a big deal.

Meanwhile, Xue Ning narrowed her eyes at his behaviour. Something was off about him, but she couldn't figure out what.

Just as she was going to ask, there was a loud knock at the door.

p "Young Master Sun, Miss Li, are the both of you decent?" Lady Yu's voice asked from outside the room.

"I'm fine," Xue Ning replied.

"Yeah! Same here!" Jingwei yelled, holding a pillow to cover his crotch. Xue Ning made a mental note to never use that pillow again, assuming she had the chance to even stay a second time and not be heartlessly kicked out by Jingwe's father.

Lady Yu entered the room, barely managing to stop herself from breaking into childish giggles at the amusing sight. Young Master Sun clearly had some problems, judging from the pillow placement and the way Miss Li's face was glowing red, and how she was deliberately refusing to look at him.

They were both still fully clothed, but Lady Yu hoped that they had become closer after they spent a night in each other's arms.

"Good morning to the both of you," Lady Yu smiles politely, "I've come to invite the both of you down for breakfast, the Old Master is already up."

"Really?" Xue Ning asked, "Oh shit - I mean, then give me 5 minutes to wash up and come down for breakfast. Is he waiting for us before he begins eating?"

"The Old Master has already begun with his meal, but I would still urge you to make haste, because he has something to discuss with the both of you afterwards."

"Got it," Xue Ning nodded hurriedly, running to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. Jingwei followed suit, grabbing one of the spare toothbrushes in the bathroom. Lady Yu shook her head; this boy had a full set of his own toiletries back in his own room - why did he need to squeeze with Miss Li?

Judging by the death glare Xue Ning gave him, she had the same thought.

"What are you doing here?" Xue Ning asked through a mouthful of foam. "Go to your own toilet!"

"This is technically my toilet too!" He argued. "This whole house is mine!"

"Isn't this house your father's?" She spits into the basin, half-glaring at him while rinsing her mouth.

"And I am my father's son, so it's my house too!" He replied. Xue Ning rolled her eyes. Fine, guess she'll be sharing the toilet with this childish man. She elbowed him out of the way so she could rinse her face - oh wow, even the facial foam was an expensive brand.

While she bent over the sink to wash her face, Jingwei got an eyeful of Xue Ning's delightful ass in his boxer shorts. Any other time, his boner would have made a reappearance, but the thought of having breakfast with his father kept it at bay.

If he and Xue Ning were married, it would be a whole different story. They'd be able to wake up together, have fantastic sleepy morning sex, wash up together, eat breakfast together, live the rest of their lives together.

Hopefully his father would agree. Wouldn't it be great?