Chapter 101 More Practice?

Name:Wooing my Bodyguard Wife Author:
"I was more upset over the fact someone got to kiss you and did such a bad job at it, that you thought that it was your fault!"

Jingwei declared fervently.

Xue Ning's mouth fell open as she stared at him. How did his mind reach this conclusion?

"You shouldn't be upset at yourself - you should be angry at him!" Jingwei said, eyes lighting up with an idea. "In fact, give me his name now, I'll search him up on Weibo and leave anonymous hate comments on his profile page."

"You know that cyberbullying is wrong," she said through an exasperated laugh. Sun Jingwei was a thoroughly ridiculous man, threatening to leave her old crush hate comments over one bad kiss when he was still hard from their kiss.

She flushed when her eyes inadvertently drifted to his package. How was he still… she wanted to ask, but at the same time, she was afraid of the answer.

After all, her not-ex never had this reaction when she kissed him. The look that crossed his face was something more of a cross between shock and disgust.

"What's with that sad look on your face?" Jingwei asked, immediately coming over to flick her forehead. Meanwhile, Xue Ning watched his boner. How was it still up?

"If it's because of that terrible first kisser, don't worry. I'll make sure he never steps foot in this city again." He promised.

"That's overkill." She pointed out, half-amused at the thought of Junhui getting turned away at check-points, or getting escorted off the plane. "Do you think you're a king exiling people?"

If this was Jingwei's revenge for one bad kiss from Xue Ning's not-ex, Xue Ning wasn't going to tell him about the rest of it. He might just have Junhui assassinated.

Looking back on her school days, Junhui wasn't an all-that-great first crush, as far as first crushes went. What's more, he definitely had terrible taste, for he willingly dated and eventually married one of the most beautiful, yet bitchiest bullies Xue Ning ever met, but that didn't mean she wanted him dead.

After all, he married Zhang Shunxi willingly. In her mind, that was a fate worse than death!

"What are they going to do? Arrest me for it? I'd like to see them try!" Jingwei laughed. The very idea was incredulous to him. He reached for his phone. "So what's his name?"

She scoffed, but she couldn't stop the corners of her lips from rising. Her mood was strangely improving thanks to Jingwei. "I'm not telling you. And can you take care of your problem?" She gestured to his boner. "It's very distracting."

"Oh? Is it? I hadn't noticed" Jingwei said, in the tone of someone who knew precisely how distracting it was. Despite her best efforts, Xue Ning hadn't managed to keep her eyes off it for more than a few seconds since their conversation.

"But you know, taking care of this should be your responsibility." Jingwei pointed out cheerfully with a mischievous smile. His face was handsome with joy, but his words made her want to scream.

"After all, it was your kiss that did this!"

She flung the seat cushion at his face. He caught it and laughed.

"Don't blame me for your horniness - there's no way my kissing was that good to make you hard." Xue Ning said, rolling her eyes, willing herself not to blush at his words. "I never kissed anyone for real before you."

It was probably morally wrong for Jingwei to be so pleased when he heard that Xue Ning never actually had a real kiss before him. But that was fine, he was never going to be a candidate for sainthood anyway with his hedonistic past.

So he relished in the thought of being her first real kiss.

"Good," he replied smugly, leaning over her, already angling for a second kiss. "As my wife, you're only allowed to kiss me from now on."

No one else better be kissing her. He wanted all her kisses, past, present and future.

"And what if I don't listen?" Xue Ning asked, just to annoy him. "After all, our marriage is fake -"

Jingwei suddenly pulled her legs, causing her to squeak.

Xue Ning startled as she was forced to lie down on the sofa. It was exactly how he wanted her, her beautiful face staring up at him in confusion as he settled between her thighs.

The smile he gave her as he gazed down was predatory with intent. Desire lit up her nerves, and heat pooled in her gut. The juncture between her legs was beginning to tingle.

"What are you planning, you pervert?" Xue Ning asked breathlessly. She had a pretty good idea from the way he was eyeing her though. She should have pushed him away, but a larger part of her wanted to see where this train would lead to.

"Seeing that you believe that you're bad at kissing, there's only one thing I can suggest." Jingwei said with mock concern.


"More practice," Jingwei smirked. "What do you say?"

Xue Ning thought it over. She had one kiss with him, and it was overwhelming. But if she got kissed more often by him, she would get used to it and he wouldn't be able to tease her for being flustered anymore!

"You make some valid points, so I'll agree -"

Jingwei, once again, having gotten permission, leaned down and cut off her words with another searing kiss. Now with the change in positions, Xue Ning realised it was even better because she didn't have to worry about her knees weakening halfway, causing her to fall.

Instead, Jingwei continued to kiss her as she enjoyed the feel of his body over hers, until her toes curled in satisfaction. She let out a strangled moan as his lips began to trail down her neck, leaving wet kisses with the slightest scrape of his teeth.

"Good?" Jingwei murmured as he stared down at her, eyes dark with want. She nodded and pulled him down to continue, her hands tugging at his hair.

Just as they were going to continue making out like horny teenagers, the shrill ringing of his mobile phone interrupted them!