Chapter 109 Facing The Crowd

Name:Wooing my Bodyguard Wife Author:
Together, they stepped out into the madhouse. Just as they predicted, the moment the press got wind of their presence, they immediately pounced on them like feral dogs on a piece of steak.

"Mr Sun! What do you have to say about the underground racing incidents?

"Mr Sun, is it true that you and your friends have killed a man on the road?"

"Mr Sun, please clarify the bribery and corruption claims!"

If not for the iron fence keeping them out, Xue Ning had no doubt they would be completely mobbed by them, with cameras and microphones shoved into their faces. Just thinking about it made her frown, but she tried to keep an impassive face as she walked behind Jingwei, watching his surroundings.

She should have worn sunglasses. Those camera flashes were blinding her, but Jingwei seemed unaffected.

He held his hands out, asking for silence, and the press eventually reluctantly quietened down just so that they could hear what he said.

"Members of the press, while I understand your need for news, I would ask for your consideration to kindly refrain from disturbing my neighbours." Jingwei said, his voice calm and even, yet he managed to project his voice loud enough for everyone to hear.

If Xue Ning had not seen his nervousness back in the lift, she would have believed that Sun Jingwei was completely at ease with being in front of so many cameras, talking to reporters like they were old friends.

"I know you guys have stories to write and KPIs to hit," Here there were some tittering laughs from the reporters, and Jingwei responded with a rueful grin.

"And I understand that perfectly. I'll be addressing all your questions regarding this particular news at a press conference on 3rd September, 12 noon."

Reporters clamoured over one another to yell their questions, clearly not getting the hint to leave the premises.

"Mr Sun, will you be going to court?"

"Mr Sun, what does your father think about this?"

"Mr Sun, who is that woman standing next to you?"

"Is she your wife?"

Xue Ning blinked. She didn't expect to be addressed, but of course reporters would notice a woman standing next to Jingwei. She wondered how Jingwei would answer the question.

"All these questions will be answered at the press conference. Once again, kindly vacate the premises so that my neighbours can enter their homes." Jingwei repeated, this time with more warning in his voice, no longer smiling at them.

The crowd made some movement, but they didn't leave, as though by doing so they could wait for Sun Jingwei to give them what they wanted. Jingwei levied them a stern glare, crossing his arms in silence.

"Fuck you Sun Jingwei!" Someone yelled angrily. "You're a criminal! Go to hell!"

Jingwei blinked in surprise, while Xue Ning tensed, prepared for trouble. Heads in the crowd turned as they tried to find out the source of the voice.

No matter how Xue Ning tried, she couldn't pinpoint the source of the voice, for it was hidden within the crowd of reporters. Instead, she spotted something worse - eggs flying through the air!

She immediately grabbed Jingwei to pull him back. Thankfully, she reacted in time, for the eggs landed on the floor (and one on his shoe) instead of his forehead. Bright yellow yolk oozed out, and Jingwei gingerly pulled his foot away from that mess.

The crowd screamed in panic, yet they shoved at each other to get a closer look - no one wanted to miss the chance of taking a photo of seeing Sun Jingwei possibly getting egged in public. The camera flashes doubled in intensity.

She gnashed her teeth. Eggs were precious food and they shouldn't be flung at people!

Alright, technically no one should be flinging anything at people, but if they did, eggs were not a good option.

"Thanks Xue Ning," Jingwei smiled at her, but she ignored him in favour of looking warily at the crowd. "I don't think there's any more -"

Before Jingwei could finish talking, more eggs flew through the air, like homing missiles.

"Come on, get inside!" She demanded, pushing Jingwei into the lift lobby. Jingwei wanted to yell at the people responsible for egging him, but Xue Ning gave him a look that promised that she would be flinging eggs at him if he didn't get out of the way, so he followed her lead.

"Well, that went well." Jingwei said, a bit too cheerfully for someone who nearly got turned into an omelette.

"That could have gone better." Xue Ning frowned. "Can't believe I didn't see who were the wastrels flinging the eggs! Those bastards!"

"Good thing you were there to watch my back." Jingwei replied, smiling at her adoringly. "It would have been embarrassing otherwise."

She coughed. "It's my job." One that she incidentally wasn't getting paid for, still. "Is Shengli coming over soon?" A quick glance outside showed that the press still wasn't leaving.

Perhaps they were hoping Jingwei would make a repeat appearance so that they could watch him get egged again. Vultures.

"He said he would come over as soon as possible." Jingwei replied. "Don't worry."


They waited for half an hour before Shengli showed up, with his sad interns and security guards in tow. The threat of legal action had done what Jingwei's firm request couldn't, and the press reluctantly scattered.

Jingwei had a feeling some of them were still lurking nearby in the bushes nearby, but at least his neighbours could enter their homes again.

"Are both of you crazy? Or just braindead?" Shengli asked the moment they were all safe in Jingwei's apartment. "I know he is, but I thought better of you!" Shengli exclaimed to Xue Ning. "You're supposed to keep him in check, not go along with his harebrained schemes!"

"Hey don't insult Xue Ning!" Jingwei replied. Shengli rolled his eyes. "I'm not - I'm insulting you!"

"Don't insult him," Xue Ning said warningly.

"Both of you are disgustingly protective," Shengli said, ignoring their flustered faces. "But I don't care - I want to know, is it so difficult for the both of you to just wait in this cushy apartment?" Shengli demanded.

"Why would you go and confront them? Now you created an even bigger mess!"

"How so?"

Shengli growled.

"You decided to throw yourself to the vultures ahead of time? PR is going to have your heads for this! And so will I - why did you only give me three days for a press conference?! Do you even know how much you need to prepare?"

"I'm guessing a lot?" Jingwei replied sheepishly.

Shengli replied ominously.

"Oh, you have no idea."