Chapter 226 Get On Your Knees

Name:Wooing my Bodyguard Wife Author:
Mayor Poh was speechless; his mouth was moving soundlessly like fish out of water as Jingwei summarised his numerous flaws.

"I was going to demand a kneeling apology from your wife, but now I've changed my mind." He paused for a moment, relishing in the look of faint hope in Mrs Poh's eyes before he dashed it completely with his next statement.

"The both of you should get down on your knees and ask the Li family for forgiveness!"

Jingwei then caught the eye of Xue Ning's mom and hastily added. "Of course, that's if you want them to? Do you want them to kowtow on the floor too?"

"No need to kowtow… for now. I'll decide later." Yue Niang replied, smiling generously as she flung Poh Jin Lian on the floor as though she was a garbage bag she was flinging into the chute after a long day. She stretched her arms; that was a good work out!

Meanwhile, Poh Jin Lian let out a pained shriek as her body hit the floor. 40 year old bodies were fragile and weren't meant to be treated so harshly!

Jingwei stared judgmentally at Mayor Poh. "You didn't even catch your wife? For shame."

"I - I…"

"Get on your knees," Jingwei ordered darkly. "Both of you. Aren't you forgetting something?"

Xue Ning knew that technically, Jingwei's words were to punish this asshole couple for purposely making life difficult for her parents (and her), but knowing that did not stop the sudden leak of arousal that flowed at this display of dominance. She squeezed her thighs subtly together to alleviate the aching want, half-horrified at her body's reaction to this side of Jingwei.

Her cheeks felt hotter than usual, especially when her eyes traced the muscles of his back. When he ordered them to get on their knees, Xue Ning found her own knees weakening too, which was terrible.

She mentally slapped herself for her loss in composure. In public no less! What kind of pervert was she becoming?

While Xue Ning was grappling with suddenly being turned on by Jingwei's domineering behaviour, the poor Poh couple had the complete opposite reaction to Sun Jingwei's words. They looked into his eyes, hoping that it was all a joke, but Sun Jingwei was deadly serious.

Horror slowly dawned in their eyes, as they realised the situation they found themselves in. Mayor Poh swallowed, but all his saliva had dried up in fear. His wife wasn't doing much better, her eyes darting quickly, as though hoping to find an escape route.

"Come on, we don't have all day!" Yue Niang barked out irritably. "I still have to fix up my restaurant, something that would have been done if you bothered to help out. But no, you wanted to insult my family and now here we are, wasting more time!"

"How about we just throw them in prison then?" Jingwei asked.

"No! Please don't! We'll apologise, won't we, Laogong?" Poh Jin Lian wailed, immediately getting on her knees. She stumbled, and grabbed onto her husband to steady herself, but that despicable man shook her off without a single glance, and she could only cower in front of Jingwei alone, her eyes filled with tears.

Xue Ning somehow felt pity for her! She was a terrible person, but her husband was also a piece of shit.

Maybe this was her plan all along, but then Xue Ning remembered how her family had to endure her countless provocations and the effects of her rumours for years, and felt most of the pity evaporate.

Swallowing his pride, Mayor Poh reluctantly got on his knees too, but not before shooting his wife a furious look. How dare she look so pitiful when she was the one that caused this mess to happen? He had never been this humiliated in his entire life!

Now he was on his knees in public, begging for Sun Jingwei's mercy so he could save his own skin.

"To think I would live to see the day. Just for this, I'll make you a bowl of noodles later!" Yue Niang mused, giving Jingwei a cheerful look. Her opinion of him had much improved, now that he wasn't a potential love interest for her daughter.

Sun Jingwei had a strong sense of justice and he did not tolerate bullying. From what she saw, Jingwei was also a man that placed much importance on husbands treating their wives well.

All these things that would help her daughter if she remained friends with him.

Of course. They had to be friends only!

"Thanks," Jingwei replied cheerfully. Helping people get revenge on their tormentors did make him feel hungry. "Now do you want to do the honours?"

"Of course," Yue Niang said cheerfully, her smile turning wicked. "Let's begin shall we? From the moment the both of you entered this town. We have a lot of ground to cover so let's hurry up!"

The couple cowered in fear in front of her, spewing out countless apologies from their shivering lips, while Yue Niang looked imperiously over them, like a queen staring down at her unworthy subjects.

She cut them off with a raised hand and a derisive smile.

"That's not good enough, do you even know why you need to apologise? Tell me - tell everyone about how you tried to ruin me and my family!"

"I… I… " Poh Jin Lian realised that it wasn't as though she didn't know what to apologise for, she didn't know which one to say first!

"I'm…sorry for… taking out my husband's unfaithful behaviour on you and your family," she began, bowing her head. "It was… wrong of me…"


"And… for purposely spreading rumours about you seducing married men…damaging your reputation…"


"And…trying to purposely sabotage your restaurant by spreading bad rumours about it…"

"Bad rumours like?" Yue Niang prompted.

"Like… like saying your noodles were poor quality, claiming they caused food poisoning…"

"See I knew it! You were the ones that caused our restaurant to be shut down once every year for bullshit 'health inspections'!"