Chapter 236 Stick It Up Your -

Name:Wooing my Bodyguard Wife Author:
"Good job kitten," Jingwei's breath rustled a few of the loose tendrils of Xue Ning's hair at the side of her face. Xue Ning held her breath, pressing her lips together, trying not to moan at his words, or at the feeling of his weight pressing more strongly against her hips, rocking with the sway of the kneading.

It was all too easy to think that this was how Jingwei's hips would move if - when he fucked her open.

They continued to work in heavy, expectant silence, and Xue Ning was all too aware of how Jingwei was still hard underneath his pants, despite the two of them being still completely clothed.

"How do you know when it's done?"

"The dough turns stiff." Jingwei said with a knowing smirk, pressing his hips closer.

"That's… that sounds about right," Xue Ning said breathlessly, pushing back against his cock. "It certainly feels harder…What do I do?"

"You let it rise," Jingwei murmured, teasing the shell of her ear. Xue Ning squirmed away from the ticklish sensation on that sensitive part of hers - or she tried to, but Jingwei had her caged firmly against the counter and so she could only endure, letting out helpless little pants that continued to snap Jingwei's self-control thread by thread.

"How do you know if it has risen enough? When is it ready?"

Jingwei grinned, low and slow. "Easy, kitten, you just have to stick two fingers inside it to check." And he proceeded to demonstrate how to do that with his longer, thicker fingers, prodding the dough expertly while giving her a filthy smirk.

Xue Ning swallowed as the tingle between her legs grew stronger, especially when Jingwei crooked his fingers just so. Her body clearly remembered how pleasurable that felt!

"You!" Xue Ning whined, flustered at her own body's reaction and at Jingwei's answering smirk. She smacked him with her free hand. "You're joking right? You're making this shit up to tease me!"

"No I'm not!" Jingwei protested, laughing as he kissed her again. Xue Ning was too cute. "This is really how you're supposed to make good dough. But teasing you is just the bonus."

"This is sexual harassment, you are terrible," Xue Ning said sulkily, not meaning a single word for she leaned back against his chest.

"Yes, I'm the worst," Jingwei said agreeably.

"No you're not, stop insulting yourself," Xue Ning retorted, smacking him again. Jingwei could only blink in confusion.

"Didn't you just insult me?"

"I can insult you, but you're not allowed to insult yourself, dumbass," Xue Ning said, pinching his cheek. There was now a streak of flour on the side of his face, but it only made him look more handsome. Would wonders never cease?

"Yes dear, whatever you say," Jingwei replied indulgently.

"So is the dough ready?" Xue Ning continued to ask. "Like the actual dough."

"Xue Ning, I was talking about the actual dough all this time!" Jingwei exclaimed, pretending to be shocked, but there was the tell-tale sign of mischief in his eyes. "....Don't tell me…you thought I was - "

"Shut it and just make the noodles before my parents get hungry enough to storm inside here and kill us both," Xue Ning ordered, with another smack at his muscular arm. She also squeezed it, just because she could.

"Yes dear," Jingwei repeated obediently, kissing her again. He reluctantly pulled away from her and put the dough into another bowl, covering it with a clean towel to let it rest.

"Huh? You're just leaving it there?" Xue Ning asked suspiciously. What was he up to now?

"It needs to rest for at least 20 minutes!" Jingwei said. "I'll go and boil water first."

"Alright." Xue Ning said, still watching over him carefully just in case he accidentally caused the kitchen to explode. But in that time, Jingwei moved expertly in her kitchen. He washed and set the pot of water boiling, and then began to lay out everything he needed.

He was doing this a lot better than she did!

"Hey Xue Ning, do you know where the rolling pin is?"

"The what?"

"You know the thing used to roll the dough."

"I know what it is!" Xue Ning protested, embarrassed. "I'll go and look for it."

She didn't recall her parents using one to actually roll the dough. She remembered her Mom threatening to whack her brother with it if he didn't stop bringing bugs home, but that was a decade ago at least!

Xue Ning rummaged through the cupboards and drawers, hoping that her parents still kept it. The kitchen was now not a familiar environment to her, after years of absence.

Meanwhile Jingwei could have helped, but he found it more amusing to watch Xue Ning scuttle around the kitchen, digging through the cabinets.

Also, Xue Ning had a very sexy ass when she bent over. He longed to massage it the same way he massaged the dough, but alas, food awaits.

"Found it! This stupid thing, who hides it all the way in the corner?" Xue Ning grumbled, finally standing up. To her surprise, Jingwei only let out a sad little whine.


"Nothing," Jingwei said. The show was over too soon. What a pity! Then Xue Ning stood up and arched her back to stretch it after it had been hunched over looking for the damned rolling pin. Such an act inadvertently pushed her breasts forward, and Jingwei mentally salivated at the sight.

Okay. It wasn't just mentally salivating, but at least he had the presence of mine to swallow before drool could emerge from his mouth as though he lost all finer motor functions. He didn't want to look like such a loser in front of Xue Ning!

"Do I want to know?" Meanwhile Xue Ning narrowed her eyes, glaring suspiciously at his smug smiling face. She brandished the rolling pin in his face. "Here, take this. Why do you need this for? You're not making pizza."

"Maybe I just wanted to see you bent over," Jingwei said cheekily, and he had to duck away to avoid being smacked by Xue Ning holding that said rolling pin, face red with indignation. "Ow don't hurt me! I'm delicate!"

"Delicate my foot! I should stick this up your - "