Chapter 245 Checking In The Motel

Name:Wooing my Bodyguard Wife Author:
Finally they parted, panting slightly in exertion. Jingwei welcomed the burn in his muscles from holding Xue Ning up, this was the best work out he could think of, second to actually having sex with Xue Ning.

He gazed up at her reverently, taking in her faintly awestruck expression, her eyes bright with affection.

"You can put me down now," Xue Ning murmured, a bit too breathlessly for her own liking. "Your arms must be tired."

"I want to carry you forever though," Jingwei said, surprisingly honest. "I can do it."

"Don't talk nonsense and put me down," Xue Ning replied, embarrassed at his cheesy words. She quickly turned to the window; thankfully it was empty - her father must have gone inside to spare his eyes from the sight of his daughter climbing her boyfriend like a tree!

"Fine, fine, but can I get one more kiss?" Jingwei asked beseechingly, pretending to look sad as though they weren't frantically making out just seconds ago.

"One more kiss, since you asked so nicely." Xue Ning said, bending down to peck Jingwei on the lips, only to let out a squeak in surprise as Jingwei took the chance to plunder her mouth again. He purposely faked letting go so that Xue Ning would panic, fearing a fall, just so that he could get her to cling to him tighter as his lips travelled downwards.

"Y-you… bastard…" Xue Ning let out a weak moan. "Not here! My parents are a house away!"

"Oops, sorry," Jingwei said regrettably. He got carried away again! He reluctantly put her down, but his arms were still wrapped around her waist. "Do you think I can just sleep outside your house like this? I could pitch a tent!"

He sounded so pathetic and so serious that Xue Ning had to pinch both his cheeks.

"Don't be ridiculous," Xue Ning scolded. "Are you going to make Ming Guang and Wei Yan sleep outside too? Just go to the motel and get a room! It's only a few hours!"

Jingwei sulked, his metaphorical tail was no longer wagging.

"Okay," He said, resigned to the end of the evening. "I'll miss you. Will you miss me too?"

"It's a few hours," Xue Ning said, half-amused as she gazed up at him.

"So? That's not an answer to my question. Will you miss me too?" Jingwei repeated and Xue Ning wanted to bite him with love and irritation. Why was this man so clingy!

"Yes I will! Now go and rest!" She pointed to the road. "Goodbye!"

"Farewell my love, the light of my life," Jingwei said theatrically, a hand on his chest. "Every day will be as stormy as this one until I return to your side."

Xue Ning rolled her eyes. "It's nighttime, and the weather is perfectly lovely. Go."

"How cruel," Jingwei lamented, but his lips curled into a fond smile, his eyes still filled with love. "I'll see you in the morning!"

"Bye!" Xue Ning waved as Jingwei was reluctantly dragged away by Ming Guang who couldn't stand this nonsense for a minute longer. She addressed Wei Yan and Ming Guang. "Look after him for me!"

"Yes Madam," they both chorused, Wei Yan waving goodbye too. Jingwei kept turning back every few steps to take another glance at her, and she had to glare at him to chase him away, but it made her feel so guilty!

Then she remembered that actually, she wasn't meeting him in the morning like he expected. Jingwei was meeting her father instead! Xue Ning would of course still be sleeping in, hopefully till noon, while he suffered.


It was too late to tell him now. If she told Jingwei that she wasn't going to be awake and he was going to spend one-on-one time with her father in the wee hours of early dawn, he might just cry and spend the night on her front porch.

It would be for the best to keep him in the dark!


Meanwhile, the trio of men made their way to the motel that was right in the centre of the tiny town. Jingwei looked at the sign in trepidation; the motel was called Motel 31, but then the 'M' wasn't even lit up!

That didn't bode well.

They then walked into the motel lobby with Wei Yan and Ming Guang flanking Jingwei. Jingwei's eyes wandered around the lobby, slight distaste crossing his face. The place smelled of cigarette smoke and cheap perfume - it was as though he was back in a club in Shanghai! The floor was just simple tiles, and the lights were dim - not because it was mood lighting, but because the place was too cheap to buy better quality lights.

There was also a slight sticky feeling on the bottom of his shoes as he walked in. He didn't want to think too much about it!

'It's just for a few hours,' he convinced himself. 'I'll be fine.'

Thankfully, the lobby was deserted, save for a receptionist that was blatantly smoking at the reception counter. He found the source of the strong smoke smell! Was this even allowed?

He frowned as they walked towards her. This was so unprofessional; her blouse was unbuttoned far enough that anyone who wanted an eyeful of her chest simply needed to look down, so he purposely averted his eyes.

He wasn't going to ogle at any chest that didn't belong to Xue Ning!

Meanwhile, the receptionist nearly choked on her cigarette at the sight of three handsome men approaching her counter! Was this her lucky day or what? It could have been a dream, but there was no way she could have dreamt up such handsome men - especially the one in the middle!

He was an absolute dreamboat, and she definitely wouldn't mind showing him a good night or ten.

She hurriedly put out a cigarette and put on her best smile.

"Hi! How may I help you? I've never seen you before."

"We're visitors," Jingwei said politely, inching away from her overly friendly smile. "Can we have a room?"

"Of course! Three rooms with double beds, since all of you look pretty…big?" The receptionist asked, fluttering her eyelashes as she ogled at their muscles. Oh, to invite herself into their beds!

"No," Jingwei hurriedly replied, frowning. "One room with one double bed for all three of us."

"Huh?" The receptionist's mouth fell open in shock. Did… were all three men gay? And involved with each other?